Hi Po, I know I've been away a while (some personal stuff) but I see you're still harping on about audiences wanting a more realistic maybe even...
They're not going to take a risk on an IP that may not make them revenue. 10 million downloads is great but let's face it the game was free with...
UFC has seen a decline in quality and sales over the years, for instance UFC Undisputed 2010 sold around 2.49 million but Undisputed 3 over sold...
How is it trying to be something it's not? A few changes to hit spark colours is hardly going to destroy the franchise. Quasi is a pretty loose...
I swear you post this stuff to purposely get a rise out of me, anyway on to the post. [ATTACH] This question had been around for quite a long...
You alluded to me having a physical or mental disability and used that as your reason for my apparent inability to understand you. You don't ever...
Really? You're going to resort to name calling? If you have nothing further to add to the discussion then simply leave it as it is. Calling me...
This point you're making here pretty much invalidates all your other points and it's the very point I used in my previous post. Making a move or...
We're not talking about fighting system, we're talking about the control scheme. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the CHOICE of using...
May I ask what's wrong with a simplified control scheme? How does that affect me as a player? It's one thing being able to pull off a move, it's...
Oh this is bloody awesome! [ATTACH]
It was fake, there was no one by that name working at Koei and eventhubs did an article with their own research debunking it.
Well here's a radical idea for you, don't buy it. You know why they do these things? Because people buy them, always and I mean always vote with...
Just pointing out that you'd made your point around 8 separate times in this post so I'm just quoting one section. Po answer me this, how many...
Because companies know that a guest character from a popular franchise is going to create more hype and more sales for their game than a new...
Separate names with a comma.