Gonna take a long time to unlearn 46P, P 46P+K, P, 6P being the default. If you do the 1fk on both 1P+K and 3P does it still works on everyone...
How you finding the changes so far then @Combolammas ? I'm starting to like neutral tsukami actually being an option
Honestly I don't get it either, seems like a wasted slot. 8/2K+G is faster and does more damage.
You hitting online then?
I completely forgot that... guess it's time to update everything then!
Is it likely that these could be changed in the full release? Don't want to update the input pages until we know these are for sure.
Here's the bracket:
Offline VF5FS event held by Robin Cornwall. Here's the vod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_a0_6jQxTyM [IMG]
Offline Single Elim VF5FS tournament held in Portsmouth, South England.
Global Showdown is an invitational VF tournament, with players from EU, NA and Japan. The event will be held in Liverpool on December 9th/10th....
Separate names with a comma.