I've been playing VF since I was 9, when it just came out and when I was getting into fighting games. VF has been one of my favorite games becasue...
I got KAGE to CHAMPION! It took a long time, but I got him there. 578wins and only 100 losses, but I know it will change later. Now to work on my...
Im almost there, with Kage. He's a hero and I keep having guardians facing me, puttin my rank in demotion matches. I should half way there since I...
Interesting. What about Brad. Is his name Mask the Hurt? Just wondering because I his name is Mask du HT.
You do win items when u win SeeSAW game and mirror match. There's is no item that you can't get. Check the FAQ for items that can get.
Jeffery 1p(Warrior) Afro hair eye patch Red Tatoo Pants: Red Gloves: Yellow
I had some hard time with some of the Champion AI players. Chibita is one that I can't stand. The cheapest champ on the game. And Kurita is...
Or maybe it was [6_]+[K] then [3][P]+[K]+[G]. I can do that on EVO.
There's one Goh combo that is quite damaging. [6][6][K] (on counter) then [3_][P]+[K]+[G]. That's combo is over 50% damage. U got to do it on counter
Since 03, all my characters got a lot of wins and losses Here's my status of all my Fighters: Goh: Gouku 217/56 79% win ratio, 8th dan Sarah:...
Re: training with all characters to Champion rank? My Kage(Tsu-nami) and Lau(Juggernaut) are at Slayer. Wolf and Aoi and Pai are at Hunter. Brad...
MY Best player is KAGE! Nickname:Tsu-nami Wins:368 Loss:87 Win Ratio:80% My Kage can't beat all others!
The final arcade is hard. The AI Champs are not that tough. I beaten those players, so key pharse: THINK BEFORE U LEAP!
Separate names with a comma.