
Viewing only articles categorized with "Editorial".

A Famitsu interview (December 20,2024) of Riichiro Yamada, producer of NEW VIRTUA FIGHTER, and Masayoshi Yokoyama, Director of RGG. The interview goes into details leading to NEW VIRTUA FIGHTER Project and their ambition for the new game.
"Today marks the third anniversary of VF5US! Countless foes, ready to battle!!" - VF Official on X/Twitter
With 2023 coming to an end, Japanese gaming news sites, 4Gamer and Famitsu, gives game creators an opportunity to comment on a variety of things, including what their aspirations are for the next year.
According to Chizai Watch--a site that tracks patents, designs, and trademarks applications from the Japan Patent Office--SEGA applied for the trademark VF3tb online.NET on November 14, 2023. As for what service or goods the logo is intended for: home use; video game console; mobile; computer; are some of the terms listed.
It has been thirty years since the worldwide release of Virtua Fighter. When did you started your journey with VF? Have a memorable story with the game or the community? Let us celebrate the 30 years of Virtua FIghter reminiscing the good times and hoping for more good memories to come! Everyday, VFDC will also be giving away VF5US DLCs or VF5US game+DLC bundles. Check out the thread for more details.
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GamerBraves' W. Amirul Adlan interviews Seiji Aoki, producer of Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown. This is possibly the first English interview of Aoki relating to VF5US and the series. Check out the full interview at GamerBraves website - Interview Link
Hey guys, it's Jed. I'm really happy with how much the VF community has grown recently and so I figured it's a good time to write up a VFDC post about it in case anyone here doesn't already know what it is that we do. The VF discord is a general server for ALL VF GAMES.
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New year, new expectations. 2023 is the 30th anniversary of the Virtua Fighter series. What is everyone's wishes and expectations for 2023? Here are some of the shared messages from the official VF twitter account and also a message from Seiji Aoki on his expecations/goals for 2023 (famitsu article). Happy New Year everyone, and happy VFing.
This interview of Harada and Aoki took place in June 2022, published in September 2022. Lots of interesting comments were made in the interview. Here are some notes taken from the article. As always, some meaning or context may have been lost in translation or interpreted incorrectly. Please check out the original article on 4Gamer (Japanese, writer Shinichi Yamoto, photos Ohsu Akira).
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This video from @Khanage contains information about every single release of Virtua Fighter 5 in chronological order. From the first location test in 2006 to the most recent release - Ultimate Showdown in 2022, nothing is left uncovered!
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