Viewing only articles categorized with "Community".
We're finally ready to announce VF Global Showdown, an international tournament taking place during Q4 2022. The tournament will feature a top 8 from EU, NA and Japan. Those who qualify will be going to an offline final which will take place in Scotland at the end of 2022. Read on for all the rules for qualifying alongside clarifying any questions people have about the event.
The game title of "Virtua Fighter 5 Ultimate Showdown" has just been rated by the Game Rating and Administration Committee of Korea for the PS4 platform, and, interestingly, the rating lists "Virtua Fighter esports" as the original title. With recent news of the PS3 store shutting down, and no current, stand-alone way to play VF5FS on a PlayStation 4 or 5 console, could this be SEGA's move to kill two birds with one stone? Officially bring the latest title in some kind of updated "ultimate" form into the esports scene, and playable on a modern console?
The Salty Runback, a term familiar and oft-used within the FGC, describes a rematch request by the loser in a hotly-contested set. The winner usually accepts on good faith terms, indulging the loser's chance for redemption with a quiet confidence that it's all in vain. In the Japanese #VirtuaFighter scene, a similar concept exists by the name of the Sendai Rule.
Sega has once again taken to the internet to survey its fanbase, and once again Virtua Fighter is featured in the responses. While it's not explicit what this survey is being used for, it's possible that they'll use this for direction to decide which series to focus on for things like ports or promotions. Read on for the link to the survey and more details on what's inside.
Legendary Virtua Fighter Player, @Homestay Akira, took to the hot seat to answer fan questions about, well, anything and everything! Questions were solicited by his wife, @Tetsuko_Yamada, via Twitter and included questions such as how they first met, what his favourite subjects were in school as well as a slather of VF-related questions such as the difference between PSN and XBL for online play, thoughts on the esports announcement, all-time favourite version of VF, what would he change in VF5FS, and much more!
THINK! A brilliantly written article by Jin (@jin_hm) for Virtua Fighter players of all skills, backgrounds and experience levels. Packed with many tips and words of wisdom that are applicable to other fighting games as well. Check it out!
The Hit Confirm, with Casey and Coach, Episode 20 features VFDC's @Tricky to discuss the Virtua Fighter community as well as the renewed energy and interest in the game.
Announced at TGS2020 as part of SEGA's 60th Anniversary is a new project titled "Virtua Fighter x esports". Little is known at this stage, but details on the project will be revealed in a future update. What do you think it could be?
Yet another Virtua Fighter crossover, this time with mobile game Fist of the North Star Legends ReVive.
Check out the new trailer from Sega that reveals Akira Yuki battling with Kenshiro of the legendary Fist of the North Star Franchise and get more details by hitting the link to the full article!
Check out the new trailer from Sega that reveals Akira Yuki battling with Kenshiro of the legendary Fist of the North Star Franchise and get more details by hitting the link to the full article!
Fifty one Sake brewers from around Japan will come together at the Tokyo Sake Festival 2020, held on August 11th to 16th. Part of this year's festival is a 'Game Legends Sake Series', which features collaboration between various video game series.
In addition to a Virtua Fighter branded Sake, Yu Suzuki will be in attendance, and there's even a Virtua Fighter tournament taking place! For more details, hit the jump and read on!
In addition to a Virtua Fighter branded Sake, Yu Suzuki will be in attendance, and there's even a Virtua Fighter tournament taking place! For more details, hit the jump and read on!
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