Wolf Hawkfield (VF3)

Jul 13, 2022
Wolf Hawkfield (VF3)
  • Wolf Hawkfield
    Country Canada
    Birthday 1966.02.08
    Sex Male
    Blood O
    Hobby Karaoke
    Stature 182 cm
    B/W/H 124/94/99
    Weight 104 kg
    Occupation Woodsman
    Fighting Style Pro Wrestling


    The only reason that Wolf took part in the Second World Tournament was to fight Akira. Unfortunately he was still beaten, although by the smallest of margins. He returned to his reserve and continued to train, with nature as his opponent. A year and some months after the tournament, Wolf had a dream. He dreamt that the world was about to be destroyed, and only one person could save it. When he told the shaman of the settlement about his dream, he was told: "Follow your dream! This is something you cannot ignore!"

    A few days later, an invitation for the Third World Fighting Tournament arrived. Wolf decided to participate. Is there some connection with his dream and the Tournament?

    Command Lists

    1. Version
      Arcade Release
      Console Release
    2. 1997
      1998 (Dreamcast)
    3. VF3

    Guides and FAQs

    1. Title
    2. Wolf Famitsu Notes
      Sitson Lee
    3. Wolf FAQ
      Jan Andrew Bloxham
    4. Wolf FAQ
      Jes Joudrey
    5. Wolf Step 1 Guide
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