VF5FS Wolf Start Guide
This guide comes via a video tutorial, with key points translated by Modelah. It used to have timestamps throughout but the video was removed.
VF basics, controls and movement(top)
VF uses buttons for punch, kick and guard; in combination with directional inputs you can perform different moves.
Whenever you move, remember to dash instead of walking. You can forward dash and back dash, the difference between the two other than the direction you move is that you can cancel a forward dash with . Back dashes can't be cancelled, leaving you vulnerable to attacks. This is also the same for forward crouch dashes and back crouch dashes.
You can evade by tapping or , giving you a chance to avoid your opponent's linear attacks.
Whenever you're unsure, guard. Many beginners seem to drop their guard in VF, being unused to the fact that a button command is necessary to defend. As long as you're holding the guard button, attacks won't hit you. When your opponent guards, throw them.
VF has often been described as a game of rock-scissors-paper between guarding, attacking and throwing. Guard beats attacks, attacks beat throws, and throws beat guarding. Matches revolve around this game of making choices, reading your opponent and making the right choices against them is what VF is all about. VF's rock-scissors-paper has a difference though; frame advantage/disadvantage. For example, you attack and your opponent guards; you are now at frame disadvantage, meaning they can move before you do. So, if both of you try a throw next, their throw will beat yours as they were able to move earlier than you.
There are three attack levels; high, mid and low. When standing, you can guard high and mid attacks, but lows will hit. When crouching, you can guard low attacks and highs will whiff, but mids will hit. Against standing guard you can throw, and some characters have crouch throws for opponents who guard crouching.
Basically, if your attack hits you have frame advantage, if your attacks are guarded you'll be at disadvantage. If the opponent's attack hits you, you'll be at disadvantage and if you guard it you'll be at advantage. If you're at frame advantage, it becomes easier to win VF's rock-scissors-paper game, and harder to win if you're at disadvantage. When playing VF, you should to be at advantage as much as possible.
Wolf's Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses(top)
Until the re-introduction of Taka-Arashi in Final Showdown, Wolf had the best throw game of the entire cast. Being a pro-wrestler, he still has a very strong throw game; for example in FS each player has 220 health points and Wolf's Giant Swing will do 80 points worth of damage, meaning that you can finish off an opponent with 3 successful Giant Swings only. Though Taka now has the strongest throw game, he lacks an upper-class move, and players can be a little more technical in their gameplay with Wolf than Taka. Wolf also has good attacks, and simple combos that do a lot of damage, making him a powerful character indeed.
Wolf lacks strings however, a lot of his best moves are single-strike attacks. When these attacks are evaded or blocked Wolf players can find themselves at large disadvantages. If you can get his attacks or throws to connect, Wolf can destroy opponents very quickly.
Wolf (like every other character) has well over 100 moves, as a beginner don't worry about learning them all. To begin with you really only need about 5, in fact even very advanced players often use around 10. As you gain more experience, slowly add more moves to your repertoire.
Basic Skills(top)
Wolf is a pro-wrestler, so let's look at his throws first.
- Giant Swing. Wolf's signature throw. Practice this input as it's quite hard at first. There are 2 versions of this throw, the fastest input version requires a faster input of course and has 2 things that make it different from the normal version; a change of camera angle and higher damage. The fastest input GS will do 80 points of damage and the normal one will do only 65, the opponent can tech-recover to lessen the damage though.
or - Burning Hammer. This is the most damaging throw in the entire game at 100 damage points. There's a drawback however, it executes in 16 frames instead of the usual 10. This means that the opponent has more time to beat it with an attack.
or - F5. Another powerful throw against standing guard at 75 damage points.
- Low Hammer. Wolf's basic low punch. It's fast and only leaves you with a small disadvantage if evaded or blocked. Gives advantage on hit and puts your opponent in nitaku, so follow up with another or a throw. This applies to all other characters, too.
- Straight Hammer. Wolf's basic high punch attack. and play a large role in setting up your offence as they're one of the easiest ways to put opponents in nitaku; other moves are more powerful but have increased risks. When you have frame advantage this will beat your opponent's attacks most of the time, but being a high it will lose to low attacks. This will give you a small advantage even on guard, so a follow-up won't be interrupted by your opponent's attack. If that is guarded, your turn is over and it will be your turn to defend.
- Arrow Knuckle. A fast 14f mid elbow attack. Gives large advantage on counter hit and a small advantage on guard. Again, following with as it won't be interrupted is a good option.
- Knee Lift. Knocks down on counter hit giving you a combo opportunity.
- Heavy Middle Kick. Knocks down on normal hit, giving you a chance to do a high damage combo. Very slow, so try to time it against your opponent's wake up or throw it out when they try to close the distance between you. Leaves at large disadvantage on guard, but is still safe from punishment.
Other useful moves(top)
- Diamond Cutter. One Wolf's best moves, this is a catch-throw, meaning the opponent can't escape it. Also, if timed correctly and you have enough frame advantage, it will also beat some attacks. (Shining Wizard) also has the same properties. These catch throws don't do a lot of damage and are slow (21f and 25f respectively), and can be crouched under which will leave you wide open for punishment.
- Catch. This doesn't do any damage by itself, but other throws can be performed from it; this is a great move for setting up wall hits and ringouts.
(hit) - Heavy Toe Kick~Stand Neck Clutch. Hit as soon as connects. You won't be able to do the neck clutch if the opponent guards, and you can be throw-punished. If you transition to the neck clutch there are 3 throws available (which can be escaped):
- - DDT
- - Seventh Fall
- - Jackhammer
Low attacks(top)
(Monchan asked about Wolf's low attacks- Modelah)
Wolf only has 2 low attacks, and one of them isn't that great at all. Sega probably wanted Wolf players to focus on throws and other attacks!
- Low Smash. This doesn't do much damage, and leaves you 0 advantage on counter hit and disadvantage on hit. Not a good way to break down your opponent's standing guard.
- Low Drop Kick. If you're having trouble with the input try doing it from a dash with . This will knock down on counter hit, and you can follow up with a down attack like , or . Very punishable when guarded or evaded. Against standing guard this won't do any damage but will put the opponent in a stagger, giving you a nitaku option. If the opponent is unable to struggle out of the stagger, can be used to follow up; it will counter hit them if they try to abare. Use if you think they'll recover and guard.
Basic Combos(top)
Here are some combos that will work on all characters. Damage values in brackets.
Counter Hit
CH, , ,(82) This won't work on Taka.
CH, ,(76)
, , , ,(100)
, , , ,(104)
- A fast launcher.
, dash, ,(74)
, , ,(82)
- A great whiff punisher.
, ,(68)
, ,(65)
, , ,(88)
, , ,(102)
, , , ,(108)
Basically, if you launch your opponent quite often , , is a reliable combo.
Wall Combos(top)
is an easy way to hit your opponent into a wall (wall splat) for a wall combo.
(wall splat), , ,(125)
is a great way to knock opponents into walls for wall staggers, which can be followed by .
(wall stagger), (wall splat), , ,(130)
Experiment to create your own wall combos!
, , ,(129)
, ,(110)
, , (down attack)(84)
, , , ,(143)
, , (wall hit),(105)
Wall throws(top)
Wolf also has throws that can only be used when near a wall.
- Shotgun Chop. Same input command as the Spinebuster.
- Avalanche DDT. When the opponent's back is against a half-wall. This is a very cool move. It doesn't matter if you go on to lose the match, if you hit this you've got style!
Basic Strategy(top)
, - Even if the first is blocked or evaded, cannot be interrupted by an attack. Learning to hitcheck is an important part of VF, but if you can't do that yet use this. When you can hit check, if counter hits your opponent they'll be in nitaku; follow up with or a throw, is recommended as it can't be throw-escaped.
- Again, the opponent will be in nitaku if this counter hits them, so use again or if you think they'll abare; it can't be interrupted. As you're already in a crouch after entering and will execute the attack. This will cause a stagger, and the opponent will be in nitaku once again.
Strategy on walled stages(top)
A quarter of the stages are 'corridor stages' (taco stages), where the distance between walls is very narrow. As mentioned above, a nitaku mixup , or is usually effective but on walled stages you have other options; throws from .
Once you've caught an opponent with (which can't be escaped), (Push) will push the opponent in front of you while (Swing Through) will throw them behind you. These can be escaped so try to avoid your opponent's read.
As part of your nitaku mixup from try:
- , , (wall stagger), (wall splat), , , (101)
- , , (although the opponent is thrown behind you and now you're facing their back, the following combo is written in 1P notation), (wall splat), , , (93)- after the back-throw is guaranteed, making this particularly good on taco stages.
When up against the wall, most opponents will try to break from the Catch, so use the back throw against them.
After the Catch, you can transition to Change with , where your opponent will be in antaku between 3 throw choices. From Change will push the opponent forward and you'll be facing their back, enter (wall splat), , , as above if you think you'll be able to hit them into a wall.
Abare tools(top)
- Abare means to attack when you're at disadvantage, it's risky as you can get counter hit but useful as it can beat throw attempts. When at disadvantage and guarding, you're at risk of being thrown. If you think the opponent will try a throw, you can use , but will yield greater returns. This situation is called reverse-nitaku; although the opponent has frame advantage they have to decide whether to attack or risk being hit by your if they try to throw you.
- Pounding Elbow. Another useful abare tool after you've just been hit by an attack. If the opponent has a habit of throwing or using after a hit, this will beat them.
- This will beat throw attempts and will knock down if it counter hits an attacking opponent. This is good against opponents who try to follow-up with 's.
- R.A.W. Avenger. Great against an opponent's retaliatory . If your or is guarded and you try to abare, you can be hit by your opponent's as it will beat your fastest attacks. You'll be able to guard or evade though, but Wolf has another options available with the R.A.W. Avenger. This will catch any single-limbed high/mid punch or kick attack that doesn't knock down on hit, including half-circular attacks, putting your opponent in santaku between 3 throw choices (which can be escaped). It won't catch lows, full-circular or knee attacks. You can also use this when you've been sideturned. This is most effective against characters with a single elbow attack, characters with strings from will beat R.A.W. This will also handle kicks up to 2 hits. You will take damage by using this however, and if you try this on your last sliver of health you'll get KO'ed.
Wolf doesn't have a lot strings, and must rely on a solid nitaku game to win consistently.
Ready... GO!(top)
- Backdash. This will take you out of range of the opponent's fast attacks like , or knee. If you notice the opponent also tends to backdash away you can dash forward instead and try to throw them. Wolf's high throw damage can often make it worth the risk. also works well against backdashers.
- If the opponent likes to try knee attacks, use this to beat them. If the opponent gets a read on you hey can put the hurt on you really bad so be careful.
There isn't really a wrong choice here, a lot depends on how your opponent moves and what their tendencies are. Watch your opponent's reactions, and adjust your strategies to deal with them.
Random Deadly Move combo(top)
(1P notation)
, , , , , (89)
Wolf must get frame advantage, and that's where his game starts. Guarding moves and landing your attacks are the fastest ways, of course. Use , as it can't be interrupted. When they start guarding that, go for . When you have advantage, put your opponent in nitaku between and . Look for chances to hit the Giant Swing and Burning Hammer throws, too. These can be escaped, though.
After a knockdown, you have a great frame advantage and can apply nitaku even with Wolf's slower moves; against an opponent's tech-recovery and are good choices. If you think they'll recover guarding, use or another throw.
From the Authors(top)
There are many things you can do, but for beginners this post is a good place to start.
Learn some basic combos, and learn to hitcheck for counter hits. Remember to apply pressure when you have advantage, defend when you're at disadvantage. Losing will be painful for a while but don't lose heart!
Just one more thing... and are very powerful moves! Use them well!
Isiii and Monchan
Source: Isiii-Pro's VF5FS beginner's Blog post
Author: Isiii-Pro and Monchan
Translator: Modelah
XenCarta PRO
© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM