VF5FS Lei Start Guide
Author: Kame
Years playing Lei-Fei: 11 (note: as of June 2012)
Years as a fighting game cameraman: 2
Lei's Characteristics, Strengths and Weaknesses(top)
"Use your unique stances to bring opponents to their knees!"
Lei has 7 unique stances at his disposal, far more than any other character. With a wide range of attacks from these stances the Lei player can create a variety of offensive and defensive patterns to suit his or her playstyle. A lot of options not open to you from normal stance become available; powerful attacks, attacks to apply continuous pressure and attacks that suit both offensive and defensive playstyles become possible when in stance.
"You'll love Lei's fast-paced game and damaging strikes!"
Lei has attacks for all ranges and there are lots of ways to fight as him but the real thrill is up close, quickly shifting through stances fluidly. Once you understand how he works, you'll be able to utilize his strong attacking power with strikes that do great damage and flurries that overwhelm opponents. Also, making stances a part of your game can help lessen the risk when at disadvantage.
"Expect heavy damage if your attacks are evaded... You will struggle against defensive opponents..."
As I mentioned above, Lei's stances make him unique but in many cases the moves that transition into those stances can be evaded leading to guaranteed damage from a powerful move. The majority of his strongest attacks are mid and high, and on top of that, his best throws end with meaning that you will have a hard time getting damage on defensive opponents and players who are adept at the 'Lazy Throw Escape' technique.
Basic Skills(top)
: Lei's fastest attack starts with a high punch, then 2 mid punches. Stopping at the second will put you into Dokuritsu-shiki stance, and finishing the string will put you into Hai-shiki stance. Even if the third is guarded the opponent can't do much against a follow-up Hai-shiki , enabling you to keep the pressure on.
: Lei's fastest mid. Even if you're at at slight disadvantages the chances of your opponent beating this out are small.
: A mid that can net you big damage on counterhit. Fast and with good reach, this is a move you'll want to use often. On counterhit, go for a combo like the ones below.
(CH), (to Kyo-shiki), (Kyo-shiki)for everyone except Taka
(CH),for Taka
: Slow but safe on guard, also leads to combos on normal hit. An excellent move. If the second counterhits it will cause a crumple like , affording you a combo opportunity.
: A fast mid giving combo opportunities on normal hit. Unsafe on guard as opponents can attempt to throw you.
, , :(to Kyo-shiki), (Kyo-shiki)for everyone except Taka
, ,for Taka
: Slow to execute mid launcher but leads to Lei's most damaging combos. If guarded attacks 15 frames or faster are guaranteed to hit you.
, :(to Kyo-shiki), (Kyo-shiki)for everyone except Taka
, , -for Taka.for Taka
: A half-circular mid covering Lei's back. Fast, so be sure to use it often. : will put you into Kyo-shiki after the first hit. An important note, if you enter Kyo-shiki as soon as possible Lei will be at advantage even if the is guarded so you should use that to keep the pressure on your opponent.
: A full-circular high that transitions into Koko-shiki on hit or guard. If counterhits (Koko-shiki) is guaranteed to hit too so be sure to use this follow-up. If it's guarded and you can read your opponent well go for (Koko-shiki), the sabaki move.
: A throw that you can combo off.
,for everyone
> > : A throw combo. The trick to hitting this is to enter the first 2 parts and then the third as the first and second moves are animating.
: As most of Lei's good throws are unfathomably mapped to , this throw becomes important.
Basic Strategy(top)
When at Small Advantages:
- Delayed throw
Use (1) and (2) when you don't want to opponent to be able to do anything. Even when guarded you can continue to attack so use them to apply more pressure. Use (3) against evaders and abare tactics. If this is guarded you can still opt to continue the offense. Use (4) against standing guard or when opponents evade.
When at Large Advantages:
- Throw
(1) and (2) can lead to big damage off abare-happy opponents. The second hit of is delayable and if it counterhits you can for a high-damage combo. It doesn't track, however. (1) and (2) are also safe on block so make good use of them. (3) works wonders against abare and crouchers but if blocked moves up to throws become guaranteed. The risk-return factor isn't bad so it's still a useful tool in your arsenal. (4) and (5) should mainly be used against opponents that like to evade, and (5) is particularly handy against abare.
Lei's Stance and Transition Flowchart(top)
Note: This chart is based on the one in Kame's original post with attacks into stance added by Modelah.
From from the author(top)
Source: VF5FS Beginner's Blog Post
Author: Kame
Translator: Modelah -
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