VF5FS Jacky Strategy

Feb 19, 2021
VF5FS Jacky Strategy

  • Introduction(top)


    vs. Standing Recovery

    -10: Throw

    -12: The classic [P][K] does 32 dmg and leaves Jacky at +4. [P][P] is an alternative, it does less damage than PK (22 dmg) and leaves Jacky at -2 but it has a mid follow-up.
    Jacky's [P][P][6][P][K] string is guaranteed on Taka on any hit, it's the most damaging punishment on him (57 dmg). 6PK doesn't knockdown Taka, on hit it leaves Jacky at -2 instead. [P][P][6][P][P] does a bit less damage than PP6PK but it has a mid follow-up.

    -14: [3][P][P][P] does 53 dmg and knockdowns the opponent. [7][K] does 62 dmg but it doesn't give Jacky the opportunity to apply pressure on an oppoenent who TRs.
    When opponent's back is near the wall [6][P][+][K] > Throw becomes a valid alternative. That's simply because of the damage Jacky gets from 46P+K (Wall Hit) > 66K or 7K when opponent's back is near the wall. So, after 6P+K the opponent has to face a situation where he gets 95 or 115 dmg for escaping back or 80 dmg for escaping forward.
    [6][P][+][K] > [P][P][6][P][K] is the most damaging punishment against Taka (75 dmg). Again, you can use PP6PP instead of PP6PK.

    -15: When opponent's back is near the wall, if you can buffer 66 and make [6][6][K] 15 frames, you can use it at +15 to cause a Wall Splat. When you're not perpendicular to the wall but slightly parallel to it with your back facing it, [3][K][+][G] replaces 66K to cause a Wall Splat.

    -16: [P][+][K][P]. When opponent's back is near the wall use only P+K so that you can continue with a Wall Combo, it does more damage and the normal ones wouldn't work anyway.

    -17: [6][K]

    -19: As already mentioned in the Move Analysis [1][P] can cause a Wall Side Stun, use 1P when it's going to cause Wall Side Stun. Same for 1K+G but only when Jacky's back is facing the wall.
    From this advantage [4][P][+][K] becames avalilable, it's actually the best punishment against Sommersaults due to the range it covers.

    vs. Crouching Recovery

    -14: [6][P][K] does 39 dmg and knockdowns the opponent (again, not Taka) which allows Jacky to pressure an opponent who TRs. [7][K] is again the most damaging punishment (62 dmg) but it doesn't allow Jacky to apply pressure if the opponent TRs.

    -15: [6][6][K], same as vs. Standing Recovery.

    -16, -17, -19: Same as vs. Standing Recovery.


    Jacky's BnB Nitaku game is throw or [2_][3][P] as this is the safest launcher Jacky has. But that only if your opponent plays the Reverse Nitaku with two option: LazyTE or abare.

    If your opponent uses the K~G cancel when in Nitaku he won't be thrown and will avoid getting CH by 2_3P, the most rewarding attack to use in this scenario are [3][P][+][K][P][+][G] or [4][K][+][G] as they give you good damage even if it's just a NH. [4][K][+][G] also works vs. Punch Parries/Reversals.
    Some characters have Punch Reversals, Jacky's CH launcher for that defensive tool is [6][K][+][G].

    [1][P] can't be interrupted by 2P from +7, it's a safe option to hit someone who's using LazyTE defensive tools against mids (Reversals or Parries). [1][K][+][G] is similar to 1P. It can't be interrupted by 2P from the same frame situation, beats the same option 1P beats and also gives Jacky a knockdown if the opponent evades. It's very unsafe if blocked and leaves Jacky at -4 on NH so that's not an Anti Yutori tool.

    Side Turned(top)

    Jacky's particular options to get on the opponent's side are just a few. Like the rest of the cast escaping a throw or using an Offensive Move puts you on the opponent's side, Jacky's additional options are those:

    - [4][4][K] leaves Jacky Back Turned with a Side Turned Opponent. Jacky's advantage after this move is +5/+8 respectively on NH/CH.
    - [K][+][G] leaves Jacky at +9 on CH, +6 on NH.

    An important rule regarding the Side Turned game is that your moves will be blocked from a ST opponent or not ST depending from the advantage you had when you performed the move.
    For example at +5 you can you move up to 17f of execution if you want them to be blocked on the side, 16f move at +4, 18f at +6 on so on.

    Let's see some of the moves that gain important Side Turned properties:

    - [4][P][2][P] is a Anti Yutori on the side as if the first part gets blocked the second one will be guaranteed. The second part on hit leaves Jacky at +4.
    - [3][K] causes a Side Crumple on CH and is Fuzzy safe if guarded. It also leaves Jacky at an advantage of +11 if it hits a crouching opponent, from that advantage Jacky's 6P (and the follow-ups of your choice) becames guaranteed.
    - [6][P] on CH or on Crouching NH guarantees 2K+GK or 2K+GKK depending on the distance between Jacky and the opponent.
    - [4][4][K] on CH will leave Jacky at +11. Depending if the move puts the opponent Back Turned or not, [P][P][P] or [P] and a follow-up of your choice.
    - [4][6][K][+][G] is a full circular mid that becames safe if blocked from a ST opponent.

    It's different when Jacky gets a ST opponent with [4][4][K] because this will leave Jacky BT. Jacky's BT moves gain some important properties as well:

    - Back Turned [K] guarantees Slide Shuffle [P] or Slide Shuffle [P][+][K].
    - Back Turned [P][+][K] blocked from a ST opponents leaves Jacky at +1.
    - Back Turned [2][P] leaves Jacky at +3 on NH, +6 on CH.
    Note: those two latest options are available only if Jacky [4][4][K] CH's.

    Regarding punishments the only attacks that Jacky adds to his arsenal are:

    - [P][P][P] which is a Natural Combo on any hit. Jacky can also chose other follow-ups after the first two hits, if the third hit of [P][P][4][P][K] gets blocked by a ST opponent then the last kick will be unduckable leaving Jacky with an advantage of +9.
    - [6][P][P][2][K] where the last part becomes unblockable (still duckable by characters who have moves that jump over lows at the 1st frame of execution) and leaves Jacky the characters in a neutral frame situation.


    These are the main notes to keep in mind regarding combos in open stages:
    Use [1][P][+][K][P][P] instead of [1][P][+][K][P][K] when near the end of the Ring. The first one has way more carry than the second one.
    Use [6_][P][P][P] after Low Bounds if you're close to the end of the Ring, it's the ender that covers more distance.
    [6_][P][P][P] can also be used to get a Ring Out in Half Fences stages.

    Wakeup Strategies(top)


    Jacky's strongest tool to punish Rising Attacks after a Side Roll is Slide Shuffle [P][+][K][P], Slide Shuffle [K] or [2][K][K] if opponent's back is near the wall.
    That's because the stance Slide Shuffle makes Jacky sliding away. So, after the Rising Attack is avoided Jacky can punish it with a move of his choice from the stance.
    Slide Shuffle > attack isn't the only thing Jacky can do when do opponent is recovering from a grounded position. Jacky can simply use the stance and then come closer again to his opponent with Slide Shuffle [3][3].



    Depending on the knockdown Jacky has a great arsenal of good moves he can use as Meaties. Here will be written the honorable mentions of the most popular knockdowns.
    To be sure something is Meaty it's required to test it against specific characters after specific situations.


    - After [1][P][K] there's [P][+][K][+][G] [P] Meaty on most characters. This mid launcher can be blocked by a ST'ed opponent after [1][P][K]'s knockdown; [P][+][K][+][G] [P] leaves Jacky at +2 instead of the usual -3 when normally blocked.
    - An alternative to the above mid Meaty is [1][P][K] > Offensive Move > [1][P] (11P to kill one frame against most lightweight characters). Again, this attack placed Meaty after this knockdown can hit to the side leaving Jacky at +2/+3 instead of the usual -1.
    - On most character it's possible getting [2][P][+][K] and [4][K][+][G] Meaty by timing them with a simple Offensive Move after [6][P][K]. The first one will leave Jacky at advantage even if blocked while the second one will become -5 (fuzzyable) instead of the usual Nitaku if blocked.


    - After [6][P][K] on lightweights and midweights Jacky has Jump (descending) [P] Meaty. It leaves Jacky at Nitaku as usual but from after jumping Jacky also has a low launcher.
    - Against midweights it's possible to get an Option Select between Jacky's sidekick and a down attack.
    It's timed as: [6][P][K] > [6_][K][G] > [3][K] on midweights and [6][P][K] > [P] > [3][K] on mid-heavy and heavyweights. The sidekick can hit on the 17th frame on mid-heavy/heavyweights, depending in which frame they teched, making the sidekick fuzzyable.
    - [1][P] can be placed Meaty by timing it this way: [6][P][K] > [P] > [1][P]. Even on hit, it will leave Jacky at the usual disadvantage of -1.
    - On most character it's possible getting [2][P][+][K] and [4][K][+][G] Meaty by timing them with a simple Offensive Move after [6][P][K]. The first one will leave Jacky at advantage even if blocked while the second one will become -5 (fuzzyable) instead of the usual Nitaku if blocked.

    [4][6][K][+][G] on CH (Jacky will have less advantage if it doesn't CH > different Meaties):

    - Already known Meaties work after [4][6][K][+][G]; those are Jump (descending) [P] which works on lightweights and [P][+][K][+][G] [P] on mid-to-heavyweights. The second one can hit to the side for an advantage of +2/+3.
    - [1][P] will hit Meaty if timed with a standing [P] on lightweights. Time it with Offensive Move on the rest of the cast.

    A different way to use the advantage that [6][P][K], [1][P][K] and [4][6][K][+][G] gives you is by going Back Turned with [4][4][P].
    After a whiffed [4][4][P] the mix-up is simple: BT [P][+][K] hits mid and covers Jacky's stomach while BT [2][P] hits low and covers Jacky's back, BT [2][K] is also a viable option if the opponent doesn't evade when put in this mix-up.


    - [8]/[2][6][6][K], [8]/[2][6][6][P] can be placed Meaties but they aren't really reliable after this knockdown due to how easy it is to delay the tech after the Low Sweep.
    - An alternative to use the advantage Jacky's sweep gives him on a downed opponent is doing an Offensive Move. After the Offensive Move Jacky will have enough advantage to get his CH launchers against abare, you can develop your offense on that fact after your opponent will understand it.
    - Another way to use this advantage is Jacky's [4][P] string (follow-ups included). The first move will whiff while its follow-ups are a good basis to develop your offense since [4][P] has a full-circular ex_high, an half-cirular low and another linear ex_high follow-up that's a combo starter on CH.

    Side Slide Shuffle [P][P] after a Low Bound:

    - Jacky can follow this knockdown at the end of combos with several options; one of those is the simple Offensive Move > [3][K] which is the known Option Select to hit downed opponent and teching one at the same time. This works up to mid-heavyweights included (still not on everyone, i.e. doesn't work on Jacky). Other 16f moves instead of the sidekick can be placed Meaties after the Offensive Move.
    - [1][P][+][K][P] (after Side Slide Shuffle [P][P] to opponent's stomach) is another good option. The first part hits the opponent on the ground if he doesn't tech while the second one hits Meaty, on hit it'll guarantee the last hit of Dragon Combination's string for a combo. It works really good on heavyweights but is inconsitent on the rest of the cast, especially on superlight and lightweights.
    - [P][P][6][P] is another Meaty. Doesn't work on every character, mid and mid-heavyweights are the characters on whom it works. It's possible throwing after the first two hits on whiff.

    In general you have to give your opponent a reason not to stay on the ground. Depending on the knockdown there's different moves you can use to do additional damage if opponent doesn't Tech.

    Ukemizeme Pressure(top)

    A different way (other than or as an extention of meaties) to use the advantage that [6][P][K], [1][P][K] and [4][6][K][+][G] and other big knockdowns give is by using either of these options:

    [4][4][P] BT mix-up - BT [P][+][K] hits mid and covers Jacky's stomach while BT [2][P] hits low and covers Jacky's back, BT [2][K] is also a viable option if the opponent doesn't evade when put in this mix-up.

    Slide Shuffle [3][3] pressure - This stance gives you powerful option if the opponent doesn't block as Slide Shuffle [3][3][P] is a NH launcher, -5 on block and Slide Shuffle [3][3][K][+][G] is a special high that knockdowns and leaves Jacky +6 on block. As all of this stance's options are linear you can just cancel out of the stance pressing [G] and use a throw against evade.

    JUMP! - Jump (descending ) [P] is a mid, linear launcher and Jump (descending) [K] is a low, half-circular launcher. Add empty Jump into [6_][K][G] to cover the opposite side of the low launcher.

    Ring Position(top)

    Wall Pressure(top)

    Here are some moves that gain important properties when the characters are perpendicular to the wall:

    [6][6][K] - This causes a Wall Slump or a Wall Splat depending on the distance to the wall. Check the Combo List to see how to follow-up Wall Slump's and Wall Splat's.

    [6][P] and [4][K] - These basic elbows will cause a Stagger on CH.
    After the [6][P] Jacky can use [6][P][+][K] and [6][6][K] depending on how fast the opponent is at struggling.
    The first one is preferable against players who recover from Staggers really fast. Bil Jee on hit leaves Jacky at +12, you can follow it with a guaranteed [P] (and follow-ups) or throw. The throw isn't guaranteed of course but Jacky's [4][6][P][+][G] cause a Wall Hit from which he can combo with [7][K], [6][6][K] or [4][K] (only one of those). The Sommersault one will give Jacky a total of 136 points of damage. While connecting [6][4][P][+][G] will lead to a total of 101 points of damage.
    [6][6][K] is still really fast at 16f/15f depending if you buffered it or not. It causes a Wall Splat if it follow-ups a Wall Stagger.
    [4][K]'s Wall Stagger is harder to break. Only 1 frame to struggle from a perfectly buffered [6][6][K] which is actually guaranteed from the right (farthest) distance when [4][K] hit.

    [4][P] - This covers Jacky's back and causes a Wall Stagger on CH and on RecoveryCH. It can be hit-checked in [4][P][P] or followed by [6][6][K], both guaranteed combo starters. Refer to the Combo List for the first starter's combos.

    [1][K][+][G] - Jacky's Low Sweep becomes a powerful anti-Yutori. That's because the Wall Hit caused by the Low Sweep will leave Jacky at +8/+2 depending on how close Jacky was to the wall; +8 from the furthest distance the Wall Hit happens, +2 from the closest position the characters can have to the wall. Also, the Low Sweep has stronger anti-evade properties as well due to the fact that, if close enough, [1][K][+][G] on CH will result in a Wall Splat.

    [1][P] - Just like the Low Sweep, [1][P] (Wall Hit) gives Jacky advantage on NH. The differences between the Low Sweep are:

    Pros - [1][P] is safe if blocked and will always give Jacky the same, big advantage after the Wall Hit: +8.
    [1][P] causes a Wall Stagger but there's nothing guaranteed to follow it.

    Cons - Lack of anti-evade properties and a smaller distance to the wall required for [1][P] to actually cause a Wall Hit.

    [K][+][G][K] - Usually the first full-circular high guarantees the follow-up if blocked in Closed but near the wall it guarantees it in both stances. The second hit will cause a Wall Slump.

    Other moves will gain important properties when perpendicular but at a longer distance from the wall:

    [6][P][K] can be followed by [4][K][+][G] for a Wall Combo if it hits at the right distance. Same for [P][+][K], on CH it will be possible to follow it with [4][K][+][G] for the same wall combo. As already mentioned [4][P][P] gives Jacky a combo opportunity when near the wall, it works from long range (i.e. two lengths to the wall max), [6][6][K][+][G] and Slide Shuffle [K] hitting from a long distance will cause a Wall Stagger that will guarantee [6][6][K].

    Here is a list of moves that will cause Wall Side Stun and Wall Splats from the "parallel" to the wall angle where parallel means up to 45°:

    [1][K][+][G] - When Jacky's back is facing the wall it's pretty easy to get a Wall Side Stun with his Low Sweep. This starter combos are in the Combo List. The concept is that when Jacky gets the Stun and his facing the wall with his back he'll be able to follow it with Bil Jee > [3][K][+][G] (Wall Splat) > Combo.

    [1][P][+][K] - This can cause a Wall Side Stun in every circumstances (Closed/Open, stomach/back facing the wall) but a certain degree is required:the line that the characters create has got to be at about 45°. It won't work when the characters are exactly parallel to the wall.
    The Stun from this move guarantees [4][P][+][K] (19f) or faster launchers.

    [1][P] - This is more efficient if Jacky's back is facing the wall so the follow-up would be Bil Jee - [3][K][+][G]. It can work when Jacky's stomach is facing the wall but it's harder if the opponent isn't facing the wall with his stomach as well. A follow-up after [1][P] (Side Wall Stun with Jacky's stomach facing the wall) is [4][P][K] which will cause a Wall Splat.

    [1][K] - This works if Jacky is facing the Wall with is stomach or back without problems. It can be followed by [4][P][+][K] or faster launchers.

    [4][6][K][+][G] - This 17f full-circular will cause a Wall Splat on CH or NH (not crouching NH) when Jacky's back is facing the wall.

    [4][P][2][P] - Another one that works when Jacky's back is facing the wall, the second hit will cause a Wall Side Stun that Jacky can follow with Bill Jee > [3][K][+][G].

    [4][P][K] - Half-circular high with an full-circular ex_high follow-up. [4][P][K] is a Natural Combo on NH and CH, the second hit causes a Wall Splat if Jacky was facing the wall with his stomach before performing the first one. It's kinda possible hit-checking it into the follow-up on CH but Jacky will basically have to guess if stopping or continuing.
    [4][P] changes the stance so stopping is potentially as scary as doing the follow-up.

    [1][P][+][K][P] - Just like the single [1][P][+][K] one, the mid-mid requires the same angle but it works from a longer distance as Jacky gets and push the opponent closer to the wall while performing the string.

    [6][P][P][2][K] - This will work when Jacky's back is facing the wall, combos in the VFDC's list.

    [6][P][P][K] - The last hit has a wide wall stun radius. It changes Jacky's foot position so Bil Jee > [3][K][+][G] works after this one as well.

    Ring Out(top)

    Other than preferring some enders over others to push the opponent further or directly out of the Ring (as already mentioned in the "Combos" section above) Jacky doesn't have much to actually push the opponent away/Ring him out.

    [6][6][K][+][G] or Slide Shuffle [K] - Even if slow those moves are the strongest for the purpose as they push the opponent away even if blocked. These moves have pushback on block.

    [6][P][K] - The simple [6][P]'s follow-up covers a good range. Not too good but it's a fast move to put your opponent in a bad position.

    [6][6][K] - This is a move that actually pushes the opponents far, but only on hit. If guarded Jacky will be at Nitaku disadvantage.

    Some of Jacky's strings are another way to get your opponent closer to a bad position in the Ring. Jacky's throws can be used to change the position on the Ring; all of his forward throws push the opponent forward. In addition to that, his [4][P][+][G] is a back throw that pushes the opponent in the same direction as his forward throws.
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