VF4FT Sarah Master Guide
In EVO, Sarah had a set of highly effective floater moves such as the dragon cannon and serpent smash cannon. She was a character with high damage and easy combos as long as you are pretty good at hit checking each hit. In FT, the properties of her moves remain largely unchanged, but the damage potential has been decreased overall. Instead, she gained a lot more variations in her flamingo stance, and many of her useful moves have been revamped. Being able to control her new flamingo stance is the key to Sarah in FT.
Change Moves(top)
A1 Crescent Heel(top)
The motion and property remains unchanged from EVO, you can combo from this move after it hits as before. You can now, however, cancel in the middle of the animation as a feint or go into flamingo to confuse your opponent.
A2 Spin Edge Kick(top)
This execution of this move is rather slow but it has a very long reach. Similar to VF4, you can use this move against an approaching opponent as a defensive tool at mid distance. Even though the recovery on guard is large, if it is guarded as a long distance, it is very hard for the opponent to counter attack.
B1 Spinning Scarecrow(top)
Full circular high attack that goes into flamingo. On hit, you can follow it with from flamingo; on counter hit, you can follow with from flamingo. Furthermore, if this move is guarded, Sarah is at minor advantage, so you can continue to attack.
B2 Spin Kick(top)
Full circular mid attack. Since the move is slow, you should try to only use it when the opponent is tech rolling. On guard, the move is elbow counterable, but since you can use this move to train the opponent to stand and guard after risking, it is very useful.
New Moves and Key Changes(top)
: The third hit is a full circular special high, the fourth hit gives advantage on block. Even if you delay the last hit to the highest extent, it is still a true combo.
: Standing punch followed by her new knee. The knee is basically the same except if you do it after the punch, on guard it is -5 instead of -3.
or : on LC or above, and on mC and above will float.
: Elbow counterable on guard, and the reach has been shortened, otherwise, the float remains mostly the same.
: Second hit on guard leaves Sarah at -2, but you can go into step afterwards.
: High kick after the elbow, if you input the immediately after normal hit, it is a true combo and gives Sarah advantage. It goes into flamingo or you can input to step.
: The second hit seems to have been slowed down but you can go into step afterwards.
: This move does not crumple on LC, you now need MC or above to combo.
: The animation has been changed from EVO but otherwise the same move as before.
: The first hit on guard is now throw counterable, the combos remains the same as EVO.
(back turned) : Full circular high that gives advantage on normal hit. It goes into flamingo or to step with .
(flamingo) : High mid series that.s similar to in EVO. It causes stagger when hitting a crouching opponent.
(flamingo) (on hit)(on hit): on the second low kick of the series, you can input on hit two more time for a four hit string. The timing is very difficult, and it.s not possible to execute this series by pressing repeatedly.
(flamingo) : The motion and properties are the same as the last hit of . Two high kick series that goes back to flamingo after the second kick.
(flamingo) : Special movement that makes Sarah to step, from which you can execute moves from the step stance.
(step) : Second hit is special high, when executed quickly, it is a true combo.
(step) : Mid high mid series. When executed quickly, the first two high combos, the third hit causes a vital area crumple on counter hit. You can also cancel the first hit or the third hit to go into flamingo.
(step) : High special high series. The first hit gives advantage on guard, you should mainly only use the first hit.
(step) : Full circular low sweep that goes back to flamingo.
(step) (on hit) (on hit) : Same as (flamingo) .
(step) : Low punch sabaki same as the one in flamingo, goes into flamingo afterwards.
Other Notes:
- (flamingo) or can now be canceled, it goes back to flamingo when that happens.
Execution Frames for Key Moves(top)
or 14
(B1) 19
(flamingo) 10
(flamingo) 12
(flamingo) 14
(flamingo) 16
(flamingo) 18
Counter Table(top)
-11 (Can only hit standing opponent)
-12 (Can only hit standing opponent)
-13 (Can only hit standing opponent)
-15 (Can only hit standing opponent)
Source: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned Master Guide
Posted by Srider on 10/12/2004 Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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