VF4FT Pai Orange Book Combo Maniacs
General Launchers(top)
counter hit or
or Bokutai
Off her main juggle starter, against light weight in either stance 9 will give the most damage. For middle weights, use 1 when in open stance and 2 when in closed stance as the basics. Actually, even in closed stance 1 will connect fairly easily against mid-weights less than Kage. 3 will connect on light and middle weights except Lion, and does about the same damage as 1 and 2, so when you can't confirm your foot stance or when you want to go for okizeme in closed stance, use this. Use 4 against heavy weights. From
, the basics are to use 1 in closed stance and 2 in open stance against light weights. 1 will land on vanessa easily irrespetive of foot stance. Against Kage, Goh, Brad and (Lei in closed stance) go for combo 4. Against Jacky and (Akira and Lau in closed stance) combo 6. For open stance up to Akira size, use 7, and 8 for other cases.
Used mainly as a countering move,combos are easier to connect if in open stance. 1 works on Pai, 4 on light weights and Goh and 5 for Kage and Brad. Use 8 on the other characters, but 6 is relatively easy to connect on jacky. In closed stance, 7 will work on light weights except Aoi, and 8 will work on the rest of the characters.
WS P+K or BT 7K(top)
WSheavy counter hit or BT
10. BT
11. BT
When BTconnects or WS
connects on heavy counter, you can go for backturned combos. 11 is the combo that works on all characters. For 10, it's the combo you use when you float them slightly higher and against light and mid weights in open stance. It does slightly more damage than 11.
Stomach Crumple(top)
(full charge) or
counter hit
You can go for various combos from a stomach crumple. After(fully charged) you can go for 12 on all characters for best damage. From
go for 13 on characters up to wolf. Delay the
slightly after the stomach crumple to get all the hits. 15 depends on refloating the opponent, so you have to delay the
slightly. 14 works on all opponents.
Afterthe opponent can tech-roll, but the timing is tough so you can go for a combo. 15 (?) is the high damage combo, and connects in closed stance, but sometimes the
will whiff depending on hit conditions. 16 works regardless of foot stance.
17 is a slam combo. It won't work against some middle weight characters in open stance so be careful. Also, against Lion in closed stance the above combo won't work at all, so use 18.can be techrolled, but you can try to combo with it.
20. BT
21. BT
22. BT
23. BT
20 works from closed stance against all characters. But, sometimes depending on distance it won't connect. 21 connects from either stance. 22 works from open stance. The damage is less that 21, but there is less risk if they tech-roll. 23 is for open stance on Aoi.
27. Bokutai
After the foot crumple of, 24 is the basic combo to go for. 25 and 26 don't work unless you wait a little and the timing is quite difficult. 25 is easier to connect in closed stance. 27 is a combo you can go for in open stance, for when you shift into bokutai. This one too needs a little bit of delay for it to hit. The timing is a little strict.
Source: Orange Mook
Text: Yanaga
Translation: Noodalls
Posted by noodalls on 31/01/2005
Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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