VF4FT Goh Orange Book Combo Maniacs
Original Text: Astro
Translation: Noodalls
4. (B1 or B2)
From combo 1 is the biggest damage. It connects up to Lau in the middle weights in open stance. On counter hit you can take away the and it will connect on bigs. The total damage off a normal hit is 63, which being very high, means you want to connect this every time you get a chance. Combo 2 is for open stance, and connects on all characters, even on a normal hit. The last hit is a slam hit, so if the opponent fails to tech you get a free down attack.
Combo 4 and 5 also work on all characters irrespective of footstance. Specially combo 4 ends with a slam, so if the opponent fails to tech you can go for a ground throw. With combo 3, if the combo is done in closed stance, you can go from there into okizeme smoothly.
4P (A2)(top)
From (A2), when in closed stance a follow up will connect except on Jacky and Lau. Combo 6 works on light weights, and 7 connects on others. In open stance, it's difficult to connect a on Aoi. Against her, you can repeat the (A2). For some reason, against Jeffrey in either foot stance will refloat him very high, so you can go for a .
Stomach Crumple(top)
or or
11. (A1)
The basic combo after a stomach crumple is 9. If you delay the slightly it will refloat, then you can do the next move asap. If you do manage to refloat them you can look to add damage with combo 11. For people who aren't good at refloating, 10 is the safest option. 8 is the biggest damage you can go for against heavyweights. The timing is difficult, so you can go for easy damage instead with combo 9.
(on minor counter or above)
On minor counter or above, the slams the opponent down, 13 and 14 are the safe options. Both give poor overall damage, but connect on all characters in either stance. Against heavy weights you need to delay the a little. 15 works on Aoi and Pai only, but can be evaded with tight techrolling. When in open stance, go for combo 12. For light weights to akira, after the dash a little bit forward for the .
After the hits on counter hit, the advantage frames have been lessened, so combo with 16. Sometimes it won't connect when you're in closed stance after the hit, so go for the guaranteed damage.
The new move causes vital point stun on counter hit, so you can go for another . If you were slow in determining the type of hit, you can use instead. You can do the same thing after his BT catch throw.
66P+G (B1)(top)
21. (A1 or A2)
After his (B1) you can connect 19 on all characters, no matter the weight class. Different from this, 20 and 21 are character limited combos, connecting on Sarah, Brad, Lei, Lion. One point, after the (B1) you dash slightly slightly forward before connecting the . If you do a from there it will refloat, so do it immediately. On the other hand, combo 21 is a slam combo, so if you're able to include the ground throw, you can connect with big damage. The difficulty increases, but if after the you can input the as to expend one frame, you can connect on Pai, Vanessa and Shun.
Posted by noodalls on 01/02/2005
Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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