VF4FT Aoi Arcadia Issue 52
Original Text: The Gorilla
Translated by: noodalls
Confuse the opponent with the new moves(top)
She has few new moves, but the moves she can use are many, whether or not you can rapidly apply that will quickly affect the wins and losses you get.
Take and apply the new moves and changes in battle(top)
The and which were the mainstays of Aoi's fighting style are basically unchanged. Therefore, the key to VF4FT is how to apply the new moves and strengthened moves.
A move mentioned before, the new looks to be invaluable in punishing. In addition to having elbow execution speed, on hit you can mix up between or throw. So, when you have a chance to counter with an elbow, rather than the (with poor followups) it's recommended that you use this.
The next thing to take note of is the or . It's a new move in VF4FT that has great ability to avoid the opponents attacks, and it's strength in disadvantaged situations is being uncovered. It's a high attack, so it has nothing against low punches or low attacks, but can be used as a means to avoid the opponents throw or mid attack mixup. It gives small disadvantage on guard, and if used as quickly as possible on minor counters, can combo into or . Amongst the changed moves, the previously hard to apply has been strengthened, and it now floats the opponent even on normal hit. You can connect a combo after that, and is really the only move that Aoi has that can do big damage on normal hit. However, it is now much slower to recover on guard, and even on crouching hit the opponent can retaliate with a mid-weight punch.
About the change moves(top)
Choosing or to use is very confusing. The places to use the moves varies widely, but essentially the is used for punishing, whereas the is used mainly in combos. However, because the VF4 execution is 13 frames, it can be used to interrupt the opponents strings, such as to elbow.
Even though it just about wouldn't be an understatement to say the could be used as a pronoun in VF4Evo, it has been slightly weakened. The details of those changes are 1. The initiation has been slowed from 19 to 20 frames and 2. the reach has been reduced marginally. They aren't going to have a huge effect on battle, but it would probably be good to remember it.
Posted by noodalls on 29/08/2004
Edited by Myke on 03/04/2005
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