VF3 Akira Instant Death Combo

Jul 11, 2022
VF3 Akira Instant Death Combo
  • Jeff-Maru
    Anti-Chicken Gaming Page:
                                                   AKIRA INSTANT DEATH COMBO
       No bullsh*t and no fish-tale. One of our ACPC members has discovered
       an instant death Akira combo!!! At first, we were skeptical...I mean,
       instant death??? It had better not be a TT attack --> run into the
       subway trick...but it wasn't. This is an authentic instant death
       combo, though the requirements are rather stringent. Rather than
       posting this combo up blindly, the ACPC took it upon themselves to
       thoroughly test out this combo for themselves to see if it
       worked...and it did, though admittedly only sometimes.
       Here is the original letter submitted by Alex Yeh, one of our newer
       ACPC members:
       "Hi, my name is Alex Yeh. I am an Akira player in Taiwan.... I think
       you may like this Akira's "wall" combo..... This combo can take away
       all the life, not kidding, ALL THE LIFE...... Here is the combo:
       reverse bodycheck (b, d/f+P+G), single standing palm (b,f+P), DLC.....
       Akira has to stand between wall and the opponent with a specific angle
       so that after reverse bodycheck, the opponent is right beside
       Akira.... If you make this combo come out, you will see the opponent
       is like to be stuck on the wall and hit by full DLC with max
       damage...... It's a really cool combo...... try, you will find
       out...... Alex"
       Thus, the combo is initiated by Akira's reverse bodycheck (b,d/f+P+G).
       Akira should initiate the reverse bodycheck when he is between the
       wall and the enemy at a roughly 45 degree angle so that Akira will end
       up directly behind the opponent's back with the opponent facing the
       wall. The standing palm (b,f+P) should be executed immediately
       (because the opponent is stuck between the wall and Akira, he cannot
       run away), and if done right, the opponent should kinda smack against
       the wall producing a quasi-float supported by the wall. At this point,
       DLC immediately and each hit should produce a similar effect, where
       the opponent bounces against the wall in slow motion and does not fall
       to the ground. Done right, all hits should hit at maximum damage.
       After the DLC, if the opponent is still alive, a ground punch
       afterwards (d/f+P) will usually connect afterwards. This combo will
       not work all the time, and sometimes doesn't take off all life.
       Obviously, nobody can do this combo perfectly so if you delay a hit by
       even a fraction (especially the crucial standing palm), the the combo
       will not hit at full power. Nevertheless, this is a damn powerful and
       cool combo and is guaranteed to take off at least 80% damage. It's by
       far the strongest combo in the game, and definitely one of the most
       difficult to execute due to the requirements of the combo. This combo
       in a Gamest Mook (probably in Act 3! ^^) would undoubtedly score five
       For all of you who still can't believe that a simple five hits can
       destroy the whole health bar, I humbly submit the following
        Reverse Bodycheck = b,d/f+P+G --> 40 damage points
        Standing Palm = b,f+P --> 20-65 damage points
        1st hit of DLC = d/f+K+G --> 19 damage points
        2nd hit of DLC = f+P --> 20 damage points
        3rd hit of DLC = b,f,f+P+K --> 20-80 damage points
        Ground punch = d/f+P --> 12 damage points
        Standard VS CPU life bar --> 200 points
        Standard VS Human life bar --> 250 points
       Thus, if everything hits at MAXIMUM, then the total damage would
       amount to 224 damage points...more than enough to wipe out the CPU's
       life in a single combo. And against a human, the almost guaranteed
       ground punch will add on another 12 damage points resulting in 236
       damage points total...which is really, practically an instant death
       Gamers, you heard it here first, the ACPC Gaming Page. No doubt
       shortly after the posting of this combo here on this website this info
       will rapidly proliferate to every nook and cranny on the Net. Some
       people will claim this combo as their own. But true gamers know
       better. This combo is an ACPC combo!!! And hence, if you use this
       combo or post it up elsewhere, we would damn appreciate it if you
       could give us the proper credit.
       We are the new generation of Virtua Fighter, and nothing can stop us.
                                       - The Anti-Chicken Players' Committee
       Special kudos goes to Alex Yeh, the founder of this combo. Welcome to
                                              the ACPC Alex. We kick butt!!!
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