- 0-9
- 1-frame delay
- 1P / 2P
- A
- Abare
- Advantageous
- Active Phase
- A.I. or AI
- Attack attribute
- Attack class
- Attack potential
- Attacking a recovering opponent
- Attacking a rising opponent
- B
- Back attack
- Back dash
- Back reversal
- Back side
- Back throw
- Beatdown
- Broken
- Bokutai
- Blackbook
- Bounce
- Bounce combo
- Buffered crouch
- Buffered stand
- Buffering
- C
- Cancel
- Catch
- Catch position
- Catch throw
- Change
- Charge (Charge attack)
- Choukarou
- Closed foot position
- Combo
- Continuous guard
- Continuous hits
- Counter hit
- Counterattack
- Crouching
- Crouching back dash
- Crouching dash
- D
- Damage
- Damage adjustment
- Dan
- Dash
- Defenseless
- Defensive
- Defensive Move (DM)
- Deflecting
- Delay
- Disadvantageous
- Distance
- Dokuritsu Shiki
- Double foot reversal
- Double hand reversal
- Down
- Down attack
- Down throw
- Drink Points (DP)
- Drink Steal
- Drunken Stance
- Ducking
- Duration
- E
- Elbow
- Elbow reversal
- Evade
- Evading Throw Escape (ETE)
- Evading Throw Escape Guard (ETEG)
- Ex High
- Ex Low
- Ex Mid
- Exact recovery
- Execution
- F
- Face down
- Face up
- Facing away
- Failed evade
- Fastest timing
- FC
- Feet toward opponent
- Flamingo
- Floater move
- Follow-up
- Foot position
- Forced choice
- Frame
- From X
- Front side
- Full spinning move
- Fuzzy Guard
- G
- Getting up
- Getting up (back roll)
- Getting up (in place)
- Getting up (side-roll)
- Grabbing motion
- Guarantee
- Guaranteed throw move
- Guard break move
- Guard Stun
- Guarding throw escape
- Gut collapse
- H
- Hai Shiki
- Half spinning move
- Hand Hold
- Handstand
- Head collapse
- Head reversal
- Head toward opponent
- Heavy down attack
- Heavyweight
- High
- High guard
- High throw
- Hit
- Hit check / hit confirm / hit scan
- Hit effect
- Hit stun
- Hit-throw
- I
- Inashi
- In-place recovery
- Stance Interrupt
- Invulnerability
- J
- Jaw collapse
- Jolt
- Jumonji
- Jumping
- Jumping Attacks
- Jumping/Before landing
- Jumping/In midair
- Jumping/While rising
- K
- K reversal
- Knee
- Knee reversal
- Kokei
- Koko Shiki
- Kouten
- Kuzure
- Kyu
- L
- Lying down
- Leg collapse
- Light down attack
- Lightweight
- Linear attack
- Long-range
- Low
- Low guard
- Low throw
- Low throw escape
- M
- Machi
- Medium weight
- Meishouho
- Mid
- Midair combo
- Mid-range
- Moral
- Motion Cut
- Multiple throw escape
- N
- Nehan Shiki
- Neutral
- Nitaku
- Normal hit
- Normal stance
- O
- Offensive
- Offensive Move (OM)
- Offshoot move
- Okizeme
- On opponent's left/right
- One command
- Open foot position
- Opponent behind
- Opponent crouching
- Opponent down
- Opponent facing away
- Opponent's back to wall
- Oushin
- P
- Parrying
- P reversal
- R
- Reach
- Recovering
- Recovering from a fall
- Recovery
- Recovery counter hit
- R.A.W.
- Reversal
- Reversal combo
- Reversal throw escape
- Reverse Nitaku
- Reverse stance
- Rising attack
- Running
- S
- Sabaki
- Santaku
- Series
- Series move
- Setup
- Short-range
- Shoulder reversal
- Side kick
- Side throw
- Side-roll recovery
- Sitting Position
- Slide Shuffle
- Slipping Left
- Slipping Right
- Special high
- Special low
- Special mid
- Special move
- Special stance
- Spinning direction
- SpoD
- Stagger
- Stagger throw
- Standard stance
- Standing
- Starting move
- Stopping
- Striking attack
- Striking throw escape
- Successful evade
- Sway Back
- Sway Step
- T
- Takedown
- Techroll
- Tenchi In'you
- Tentouritsu
- Threat Stance
- Throw
- Throw combo
- Throw counterable
- Throw escape
- Throw guaranteed
- Throw punishable
- Tsukami
- Turning around
- U
- Unblockable move
- Uramawari
- Ukemi
- V
- Vital point collapse
- W
- Walking
- Wall in back
- Wall in front
- Wall move
- Wall throw
- Waza
- Weight
- While rising from a crouch
- Y
- Yin-Yang Stance
- Yomi
- Z
- Zabantetsu
- Zenten
Terminology beginning with a number.
1-frame delay(top)
When using dash , crouching dash , back dash or crouching back dash , if you enter the dash command and then enter an attack command, there will be a delay of one frame even if you buffer the command. This is called 1-frame delay. But by entering the directional button portion of the attack command in the first half of the buffer period (when only directional buttons are recognized), you can avoid this delay, and launch your attack as quickly as possible.
1P / 2P(top)
Indicates which side you start on. Player 1 (1P) starts on the left, and Player 2 (2P) starts on the right. Inputs for moves are always in reference to Player 1, so means to tap "forward" twice.
Terminology beginning with the letter A.
Attacking from a disadvantage. Contrast to 'moral'. From the japanese word abareru, 'to act violently'. Pronounced as "ah-ba-reh".
Describes a situation in which you can move before your opponent can. This usually happens after one character block an attack, or is hit by an attack.
Active Phase(top)
The time during which the opponent can be hit by, guard, or reverse an attack. Also known as the Hit Phase.
A.I. or AI(top)
Artificial Intelligence
Abbreviation for All-Range Movement. By holding down the directional buttons while walking, you can walk in any direction you want.
Attack attribute(top)
Categories that describes the properties of attack, such as high or mid.
Attack class(top)
Every move in the game can be categorised by it's Attack class. Punches, Kicks, Elbows and Knees represent just some of the different classes. The Attack class is the basis on which Reversals, Sabaki, Inashi, etc, work as they will only be successful against a particular class (or classes.)
The VFDC Command Lists displays the class for each attack in the Cls] column, and the Command List Legend has a full description of all the known classes.
Attack potential(top)
Describes the part of the move that can do damage to an opponent if it hits. The opposite of this is damage potential, which is the window where your opponent can take damage.
Attacking a recovering opponent(top)
Timing an attack to hit an opponent as they are recovering from a fall.
Attacking a rising opponent(top)
Timing an attack to hit an opponent as they are getting up after a fall.
Terminology beginning with the letter B.
Back attack(top)
An attack performed while facing away from your opponent.
Back dash(top)
A quick backward movement performed by entering bb. It's useful for quickly backing away from an opponent.
Back reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's attack that uses his or her back, if used with the right timing.
Back side(top)
Usually used to indicate the direction of an evade. The side of the back foot is called the back side.
Back throw(top)
A throw performed while your opponent is facing away from you.
A hit effect seen with moves such as Lau's The opponent is slammed into the ground and cannot recover from the fall, giving you an opportunity to follow up with a down attack. Also, a variety of moves result in beatdowns when used against a floating opponent. It is possible to recover from the fall in this case, but the timing is very difficult to get.
A character or aspect of a fighting game that is so powerful that it prevents fair competition at high levels unless both competitors use that character or aspect. There are no such character/aspects in VF5.
A special move shared by Pai and Lei Fei. Moves listed as 'from Bokutai' in command list must be performed during this motion.
A japanese guide book for VF5 published by Enterbrain. Contained combo lists, among other things, hence "blackbook combo".
Describes the state immediately following a knockdown. Most low attacks, and other striking attacks that start from a low posture can still hit during a bounce.
Bounce combo(top)
A striking attack combo that hits an opponent when they bounce after being knocked down.
Buffered crouch(top)
Moves such as and can normally only be done from a crouching position. But because the crouching dash command can replace the part, you can use it to perform the move from a standing position. For example, can be entered as . This is called a buffered crouch.
Buffered stand(top)
After you perform an attack that leaves you in a crouching position, you can enter the dash (or back dash) command while you are recovering to put yourself in a standing position as soon as you can move again. This is called a buffered stand.
Performing one attack, then entering the command for the next one before the first attack is finished is called buffering. This allows you to perform moves quickly and smoothly.
Terminology beginning with the letter C.
Pressing during certain actions will stop the action. Some striking attacks can also be cancelled.
Wolf's grab. Also refers to the state immediately following the grab, in which Wolf has a grip on his opponent. Moves listed as 'from Catch' in command list must be performed from this position.
Catch position(top)
Abbreviated as CT, A special position for Brad,
Catch throw(top)
(CT) Unlike normal throws, catch throws can grab an opponent who is beginning a striking attack. Catch throws cannot be escaped -- they can however be beat by another throw!
Wolf's move from the Catch position. Also refers to the state immediately following the move, in which Wolf has a grip on his opponent from behind. Moves listed as 'from Change' in command list must be performed from this position.
Charge (Charge attack)(top)
Move that have 'charges' after the command can be charged up by pressing and holding the buttons. The move will be slower to activate, but there are various benefits, such as increased damage, different hit effects and guard breaks. Moves that can be charged are simply called charge moves.
One of Shun's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Choukarou' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Closed foot position(top)
Describes the relative positions of your feet and your opponent's feet. In this case, both characters have the same foot forward so the foot positions are parallel to each other. It's opposite is Open foot position.
A chain of guaranteed hits that you can land after you have rendered your opponent vulnerable (such as hitting them high into the air).
Continuous guard(top)
Describes a situation in which after you guard to block the first strike of series, you have no choice but to continue guarding for the second strike. This occurs when attacks follow each other very quickly.
Continuous hits(top)
Describes a situation in which if the first attack hits, the following attack is also guaranteed to hit.
Counter hit(top)
If a striking attack hits your opponent just as they are beginning an attack of their own, it becomes a counter hit. There is a slight yellow flash to indicate the counter, and the hit does more damage then usual. Many attacks also have different effects when they counter hit, such as crumple, stagger, float, etc..
After you block an opponent's attack, you can respond with an attack of your own. Certain attacks in this situation are guaranteed to hit, including throws, which can only be avoided with throw escapes.
The character controlled by the computer.
Describes a character in a low stance. You can crouch down to avoid high striking attacks and high throws, buy you remain vulnerable to mid or low striking attacks, and low throws.
Crouching back dash(top)
A short backwards dash performed by entering . Because you are crouching as you back up, you can avoid high attacks as you back away.
Crouching dash(top)
A short low dash performed by entering . Because you are crouching during the dash, you can avoid high attacks as you close in.
Terminology beginning with the letter D.
The amount of health depleted when an attack hits. Used to indicate how powerful an attack is.
Damage adjustment(top)
In this game, the amount of damage inflicted by attacks is adjusted depending on the circumstances. The amount of damage added or subtracted is called damage adjustment.
The series of ranks below the titles and above kyu. They run from 1st Dan (lowest) to 10th Dan (highest).
A short quick forward motion performed by entering . It's useful for quickly closing in on an opponent.
Describes a state in which you are not guarding, and there is on input on the directional buttons.
Refers to Defensive Style, one of Vanessa's stances. Commands listed as 'from Defensive Style' must be entered while Vanessa is in this stance.
Defensive Move (DM)(top)
Command: or
Previously known as just an Evade or Dodge in VF4. There are two types of DMs, successful or failed, depending on the action of your opponent. All DMs can be combined with a single type of attack using , which is equivalent to the VF4 style Evade Attacks. You can also turn a DM into an OM by pressing .
In the VFDC Command Lists, DM attacks are listed as: (defensive move)
Describes a move that deflects an opponent's attack, and renders them immobile for a short period of time.
Some attack series allow you to alter the timing of your moves by pausing slightly when you input the commands, to catch your opponent off guard. This can also be done for rising attacks by pressing after you begin to move.
Describes a situation in which your opponent can move before you can. This usually happens after one character blocks an attack, or is hit by an attack.
The amount of space between the two characters.
Dokuritsu Shiki(top)
One of Lei Fei's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Dokuritsu Shiki' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Double foot reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's double foot attack or jumping attack, if used with the right timing.
Double hand reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's double hand attack, if used with the right timing.
Describes a character who has been knocked down to the ground by a striking attack.
Down attack(top)
A follow-up attack that can be performed only when your opponent is down on the ground.
Down throw(top)
A follow-up throw that can be performed only when your opponent is down on the ground. Characters with Down Throws are Aoi, Goh, Wolf and Jeffry.
Drink Points (DP)(top)
Shun Di (and Dural) have the ability to drink during the fight. The total number of Drink Points (DP) is shown on screen below the health bar. The DP counter starts at 0, and the total carries over between rounds but is reset at the start of every match. Drinks may be accumulated in-between rounds, post KO.
With more DP accumulated, moves will do more damage overall, and certain new moves become available.
Drink Steal(top)
Describes moves that can reduce the number of Drink Points that Shun or Dural have. Drinks may be stolen in-between rounds, post KO.
Also known as Sobering or Sober attacks.
Drunken Stance(top)
(DR) Stance - Shun
(DK) Stance - Brad
The length of an entire move, from start to finish.
Terminology beginning with the letter E.
A striking attack using the elbow. This is sometimes used to represent a whole category of mid attacks that have execution speeds similar to Kage's and Lau's attacks.
Elbow reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's elbow attack, if used with the right timing.
Evade by pressing or then quickly letting go and returning to neutral. moves you toward the front of the screen, and moves you toward the back of the screen.
Also known as a Dodge or Sidestep.
Evading Throw Escape (ETE)(top)
An advanced throw escape. By entering an evade command, immediately followed by one or more throw escapes, you can evade a striking attack while being ready for a throw(s) at the same time. This is an effective defensive technique to use against an opponent's Nitaku.
Evading Throw Escape Guard (ETEG)(top)
Similar to the ETE, except you enter and hold Guard before you finally recover. This prevents a throw-miss animation occurring at the end of the evade, and allows you to defend against any followup attacks.
Ex High(top)
See Special High.
Ex Low(top)
See Special Low.
Ex Mid(top)
See Special Mid.
Exact recovery(top)
When getting knocked down by an attack, if you recover from the fall at the exact instant you hit the ground, you can recover more quickly then the standard recovery. Also, with certain throws or reversals, you can use exact recovery to avoid taking damage when falling to the ground.
The time from the entering of the attack command to the point just before it has the potential to do damage.
Terminology beginning with the letter F.
Face down(top)
Describes how a character is lying on the ground after being knocked down -- in this case, face down on the ground.
Face up(top)
Describes how a character is lying on the ground after being knocked down -- in this case, on his or her back, and facing up.
Facing away(top)
Describes a character standing with his or her back turned to the opponent.
Failed evade(top)
An evade that does not meet the conditions for a successful evade turns into a failed evade, which is neither fast nor invulnerable.
Fastest timing(top)
Describes several situations in which you move as quickly as possible--by completing a delayable series with no delays, or by attacking the moment your recovery ends, for example.
From Crouching
Feet toward opponent(top)
Refers to how a character is lying on the ground after being knocked down -- in this case, with the opponent standing near his or her feet.
(FL) Stance - Sarah. Moves listed as 'from Flamingo' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Floater move(top)
A move that knocks your opponent off his feet and high into the air.
Inflicting additional damage on a floating opponent with a combo or on a downed opponent with a down attack.
Foot position(top)
Describes how a character is standing. Specifically, it describes which foot is in front when standing still, as well as the relationship with the opponent's foot position.
Forced choice(top)
In a situation where you can move before your opponent can, you can threaten them with two different potential attacks, such as a mid attack or a high throw. These are difficult to defend against at the same time, and the opponent is forced to choose how to respond. This is one of the fundamentals of attacking in this game.
See Nitaku.
The smallest unit of graphics display. In this game, a frame is displayed for 1/60 of one second, so frames are used as units of time for move executions and recovery.
From X(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed from a certain state, such as crouching, running, evading, back turned or special stances.
Front side(top)
Usually used to indicate the direction of an evade. The side of the leading foot is called the front side.
Full spinning move(top)
A striking attack that cannot be avoided by evading in either direction. Also known as "Full Circular" or just "Circular".
Fuzzy Guard(top)
A technique that allows a player to duck a high throw while standing in time to block a mid attack. In its most basic form performed by holding the button, momentarily holding then returning to neutral. Can be combined with other defensive techniques.
Terminology beginning with the letter G.
Getting up(top)
Getting up off the ground after getting knocked down. Pressing and rapidly will reduce the time it takes for your character to rise. Pressing or anytime during the animation will result in your character doing a rising kick.
Getting up (back roll)(top)
One way of getting up after a knockdown. You can hold and press while you are down to roll away from your opponent while getting up.
Getting up (in place)(top)
One way of getting up after a knockdown. You can press or while you are down to simply stand up. This will also happen (with a longer delay) if you don't enter anything.
Getting up (side-roll)(top)
One way of getting up after a knockdown. You can hold or and press while you are down to roll to the side while getting up.
Grabbing motion(top)
The first part of a throw, in which you attempt to grab your opponent. If this grabbing motion makes contact with your opponent, the actual throwing motion begins.
Indicates a situation in which an attack cannot be blocked or evaded, and therefore is guaranteed to hit.
Guaranteed throw move(top)
A situation in which you are guaranteed to get a throw, usually after blocking a powerful attack. In Quest mode, some quest orders require you to throw your opponent from a guaranteed throw situation. In this case, you must guard to block the guaranteed throw move, then counterattack with a high or low throw.
Guard break move(top)
A move that causes a guarding opponent to stagger. Charging moves, when fully charged, have this effect.
Guard Stun(top)
Period of time after one blocks an incoming attack during which he can not move. Normally your guard stun will end before the attacker is still in recovery.
Guarding throw escape(top)
An advanced throw escape. By entering a throw escape command during the recovery time, then pressing and holding G, you can have both commands active to block a striking attack, or escape a throw. But in most cases, you can only escape throws performed while you are still recovering.
Gut collapse(top)
A hit effect seen when, for example, Jeffry's [] hits. Your opponent hunches over and collapses, and they cannot recover from the fall, so it's a good opportunity for a follow-up attack.
Also known as a Stomach Crumple.
Terminology beginning with the letter H.
Hai Shiki(top)
One of Lei Fei's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Hai Shiki' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Half spinning move(top)
A striking attack that can be avoided by evading in one direction, but not the other. Also known as "Semi-Circular" move.
Hand Hold(top)
The state in which Vanessa is grasping the opponent's wrist (from Defensive). Moves listed as 'from Hand Hold' in command list must be performed from this state.
(HS) Stance - Shun
Notation abbreviation that stands for "Half circle back". Performed with .
Notation abbreviation that stands for "Half circle forward". Performed with .
High crescent -- denotes a type of full circular high kicks.
High Catch Throw - see "catch throw" above.
Head collapse(top)
A hit effect seen when, for example, Akira's hits. Your opponent collapses after they get hit on the head, and they cannot recover from the fall, so it's a good opportunity for a follow-up attack.
Also known as a Head Crumple.
Head reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's head attack, if used with the right timing.
Head toward opponent(top)
Describes how a character is lying on the ground after being knocked down -- in this case, with the opponent standing near his or her head.
Heavy down attack(top)
A down attack performed by entering [p]. They are relatively slow, but do more damage than light down attacks.
A group of characters who are relatively heavy, and thus less vulnerable to midair combos. This includes Wolf and Jeffry.
Describes an attack that can be blocked high and will not hit a crouching opponent -- guarding both high and low will be effective against this kind of attacks.
High guard(top)
Guarding by standing, and pressing . This will allow you to block high and mid attacks, but you will take damage from low attacks.
High throw(top)
A move that can throw a standing opponent. Usually shortened to just Throw.
Refers to an attack that makes contact with an opponent who is not guarding. There are three types of hit, Normal Hit, Counter Hit and Recovery Counter Hit.
Hit check / hit confirm / hit scan(top)
Looking at the type and success of your last attack and using that information to determine your next move. The alternative is to follow up with commands that you may be comfortable with but do not fit the situation. For example, someone who fails to hit check may backdash out of habit after floating his opponent instead of adding damage with a guaranteed combo.
Hit effect(top)
Describes the effect of a successful attack. Examples include knockdown, stagger, and crumple.
Hit stun(top)
Period of time after you are hit during which you can not move.
Certain striking attacks that can chain into a throw when they hit, or are blocked. The resulting throws are called hit-throws.
Terminology beginning with the letter I.
An Inashi is a motion or stance that will parry or deflect an incoming attack of a certain class. Inashi moves typically do little to no damage but result in frame advantage and/or allow for a guaranteed continuation. Similar to Reversal. Contrast with Sabaki.
In-place recovery(top)
A type of recovery. You can enter to quickly recover from a fall in the spot you landed.
Stance Interrupt(top)
To break into an opponent's attack and stop it with an attack of your own.
Describes a state in which you cannot take any damage. The last frames of the rising animation is one such situation.
Terminology beginning with the letter J.
Jaw collapse(top)
A hit effect seen when Goh's and Vanessa's OS WR counter hit. It forces your opponent into a crouching position, and prevents them from moving for a set time.
Also known as Jaw or Chin Crumple.
A type of hit effect, along with knockdown and stagger. Describes the momentary inability to move after being hit by an attack.
Kage's Hagakure-ryu You Jumonji Kamae stance.
Jumping in VF can be performed by pressing , , along with or . Holding the or untill you land results in a regular jump. Otherwise a jumping attack is performed (see below). Jumping is usually employed to quickly retreat from danger, hop over a knocked down opponent, jump over a low attack and show off
Jumping Attacks(top)
In adition to the universal jumping attacks (see below), some characters possess additional attacks that are considered jumping attacks (eg. Sarah's , Lion's etc). Getting hit while performing a jumping attack usually results in a float. Despite being risky, jumping attacks are useful because they do not clash with throws (see clashing).
Jumping/Before landing(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed while jumping, right before landing on the ground.
Jumping/In midair(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed while jumping, at the top of the jump.
Jumping/While rising(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed while jumping, at the very beginning of the jump. Do this by jumping with the directional buttons, and then entering the command at the same time.
Terminology beginning with the letter K.
K reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's kicking attack, if used with the right timing.
A striking attack using the knee. This is sometimes used to represent a whole category of mid attacks that have similar execution speeds to Jeffry's knee attack.
Knee reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's knee attack, if used with the right timing.
Lau's special stance. Moves listed as 'from Kokei' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Koko Shiki(top)
One of Lei Fei's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Koko Shiki' in command list must be performed from this stance.
One of Kage's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Kouten' in command list must be performed during this motion.
Japanese term meaning crumple or collapse. Used to describe a hit effect.
The first series of Ranks. They run from 10th kyu (lowest) to 1st kyu (highest).
Terminology beginning with the letter L.
Lying down(top)
(LD) Stance - Shun
Leg collapse(top)
A hit effect seen when, for example, Akira's counter hits. The legs are hit out from under your opponent, and they cannot recover from the fall, so it's a good opportunity for a follow-up attack.
Also known as Foot Crumple.
Light down attack(top)
A down attack performed by entering or depending on the character. Compared to heavy down attacks, light down attacks are quicker, but do less damage. Also known as Stomp.
A group of characters who are relatively light, and are more vulnerable to midair combos. This includes, from lighter to heavier, Eileen, Aoi, Pai, Vanessa and Sarah.
Linear attack(top)
Describes a striking attack that has no spinning properties. It can be evaded towards either side.
Describes the distance between you and your opponent. In this case, the distance is so far that most attacks cannot reach.
Describes an attack that can only be blocked low -- guarding high will be ineffective against this kind of attacks.
Low Back Fist (Akira)
Low Blue Fist (Pai)
Low guard(top)
Guarding by crouching, and pressing G. This will allow you to block low attacks, but you will still take damage from mid attacks.
Low throw(top)
(LT) A move that can throw a crouching opponent. Characters with low throws are Aoi, El Blaze, Goh, Jeffry, Pai, Vanessa and Wolf.
Low throw escape(top)
(LTE) A command input that would allow you to avoid damage from a low throw that would otherwise be successful.
Terminology beginning with the letter M.
Defensive style of play; turtling. From the japanese word ?? matsu "to wait".
Medium weight(top)
A group of characters with relatively normal weight, and have average vulnerability to midair combos. This includes, from lighter to heavier, El Blaze, Goh, Brad, Kage, Lei Fei, Lion, Shun, Jacky, Lau and Akira. Note that the last three are considered "Heavy middle weights" whereas the first group are considered "Light middle weights".
One of Pai's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Meishouho' in command list must be performed during this motion.
Describes an attack that must be blocked high -- guarding low will be ineffective against this attack.
Midair combo(top)
After an opponent has been hit high into the air, with a striking attack, they are vulnerable until they hit the ground. During this time you can follow up with additional striking attacks for a midair combo. Also known as Float.
Describes the distance between you and your opponent. In this case, the distance is just enough for side kicks or other far-reaching attacks to connect.
Style of play; defending when disadvantaged, attacking when advantaged. Contrast to 'Abare'.
Motion Cut(top)
The Japanese term for the motion. See Fuzzy Guarding.
Multiple throw escape(top)
An advanced throw escape. By entering multiple throw escape commands quickly, you can escape from a variety of throws.
Terminology beginning with the letter N.
Nehan Shiki(top)
One of Lei Fei's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Nehan Shiki' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Describes a state in which there is no directional (joystick) input.
In Japanese it means two-choice. It describes a situation where you have enough advantage (in frames) to force your opponent to choose between defending a mid attack or avoiding a throw. Simply holding Guard to defend the mid will make the opponent vulnerable to the throw; attacking to beat the throw will make the opponent vulnerable to counterhit by the mid. In VF, there is no one simple technique that will successfully defend against both, so forcing a nitaku situation on your opponent is an effective way to attack. In VF5, nitaku is available at +7 frames or better.
See Forced Choice.
Normal hit(top)
Describes a standard hit, resulting from a striking attack on an opponent who is not doing anything. Hits during a failed evade, a dash, or back dash are also normal hits.
Normal stance(top)
The default or starting foot position prior to round start.
In VF4, this is with the right foot forward.
In VF5, this is with the left foot forward.
Also known as the Natural Stance. The opposite is referred to as the Reverse Stance.
Terminology beginning with the letter O.
(OS) Refers to Offensive Style, one of Vanessa's stances. Commands listed as 'from Offensive stance' must be entered while Vanessa is in this stance.
Offensive Move (OM)(top)
(OM) This is the new evading movement introduced in VF5, helpful for exposing your opponent's side to an attack. It is executed by inputting or , returning to neutral, then . Besides having a different animation from Defensive Move (regular or ) it also makes a characteristic sound. After a successful OM pressing or will result into an OM attack. In the VFDC Command Lists, these OM attacks are listed as: (offensive move) and (offensive move).
Offshoot move(top)
Describes a move that follows another one, such as in an attack series or throw combo.
Strategy concerning attacking a rising opponent.
On opponent's left/right(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed when you are facing one of your opponent's sides. Depending on the move, you will need to be on your opponent's left side, right side, or for some moves, on either side.
One command(top)
A command that can be entered in one step (no more then one direction, and only one set of buttons), such as or .
Open foot position(top)
Describes the relative positions of your feet and your opponent's feet. In this case, one character has the right foot forward, and the other has the left foot forward.
Opponent behind(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed while your opponent is behind you.
Opponent crouching(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed when your opponent is crouching.
Opponent down(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed when your opponent has been knocked down.
Opponent facing away(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed when your opponent is turned around, and facing away from you.
Opponent's back to wall(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed when your opponent is standing with his or her back to the wall.
One of Shun's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Oushin' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Terminology beginning with the letter P.
Certain moves, such as Aoi's Tenchi In'you stance, have the ability to parry your opponent's attacks. The moves will vary depending on the opponent's attack.
Also known as Inashi.
P reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's punching attack, if used with the right timing.
Terminology beginning with the letter R.
The distance a move can travel. If you use an attack with a longer reach, you can hit your opponent from further away.
Pressing the directional buttons and other buttons rapidly will shorten the amount of time you cannot move after you have been knocked down, or while you are staggering.
Recovering from a fall(top)
You can recover from a fall by pressing or / and when you land on the ground, to avoid getting downed. The former is called in-place recovery, and the latter is called a side-roll recovery.
The brief period of time after you perform an attack, or after you get hit by an attack, during which you cannot move.
Recovery counter hit(top)
If a striking attack hits your opponent just are they are ending their own attack, it becomes a recovery counter hit. The damage is increased slightly, and some moves have different effects. Keep in mind that if you land a hit at the very end of the recovery period, it will not be counted as a recovery counter hit.
One of Wolf's special moves, with reversal-like properties, executed with . Moves executed from RAW can be entered after he successfully stops an enemy striking attack with .
A move that allows you to catch or deflect your opponent's attack, and counterattack. If your opponent performs a reversible move while your reversal command is active, you will successfully perform a reversal and damage them. Characters with reversals are Akira, Aoi, Brad, Goh, Kage, Pai, Vanessa and Wolf. Similar to Inashi. Contrast with Sabaki.
Reversal combo(top)
A series of moves that can chain after a reversal.
Reversal throw escape(top)
An advanced throw escape. By entering a reversal command immediately followed by a throw escape command, you can have both commands active to reverse your opponent's striking attack or throw.
Reverse Nitaku(top)
A Nitaku (two-choice) applies to the attacker making the opponent choose between defending against two things -- a mid attack or throw -- while they have advantage. However, since throws can be beaten by attacks then the attacker needs to be mindful of the defender also having a two-choice option in the reverse direction. That is, the defender can guard (to defend against the attack) or attack (to beat the throw). This is what is referred to as Reverse Nitaku.
Reverse stance(top)
The opposite to Normal Stance or the default/starting foot position prior to round start.
In VF4, this is with the left foot forward.
In VF5, this is with the right foot forward
Rising attack(top)
After you have been knocked down, you can press or [K ]to attack while getting up. The former is a mid rising attack, and the latter is a low rising attack.
When you are far from your opponent, you can enter to run, it's useful for getting in close quickly.
Terminology beginning with the letter S.
A Sabaki is a regular attack or motion with attack-deflection properties. Contrast with Reversal/Inashi: a Sabaki will always animate regardless of the opponent's action, whereas a Reversal or Inashi will only activate when it connects successfully against an opponent's attack.
In Japanese it means three-choice. It's an extension of Nitaku by adding a third choice of a delayed attack. For opponents that regularly ETE against your Nitaku, a delayed attack will catch them during their failed evade.
Two or more attacks that can be done one after the other. Usually refers to attacks that won't necessarily continue to hit if the first one hits.
Series move(top)
An attack that combines two or more moves, such as Akira's or Jacky's . Depending on the move, the attacks may not necessarily continue to hit if the first strike hits.
Using the effect of one attack to lead into another. See Nitaku.
Describes the distance between you and your opponent. In this case, the opponent is close enough to perform throws, and close striking attacks such as .
Shoulder reversal(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can reverse an opponent's shoulder attack, if used with the right timing.
Side kick(top)
A kicking attack aimed at the opponent's gut. This is sometimes used to represent a whole category of mid attacks that have similar execution speeds to most characters' , that is to say 16 frames.
Side throw(top)
A throw performed when you are facing one of your opponent's sides.
Side-roll recovery(top)
A type of recovery. You can recover from a fall by entering or and , and depending on the direction you entered, you will recover while rolling toward or away from the screen.
Sitting Position(top)
(ST) Stance - Shun.
Slide Shuffle(top)
One of Jacky's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Slide Shuffle' in command list must be performed during this motion. Sometimes referred to as "Step Back". Not to be confused with his other stance, Side Slide Shuffle.
Slipping Left(top)
(SL) - One of Brad's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Slipping Left' in command list must be performed during this motion.
Slipping Right(top)
(SR) - One of Brad's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Slipping Right' in command list must be performed during this motion.
Special high(top)
Most high attacks do not hit crouching opponents, which makes them very vulnerable to being stopped by low attacks. Special high attacks, however, can hit opponents who are performing a low attack, or an attack that begins from a lower position.
Special low(top)
A low attack that can also be blocked with a high guard.
Special mid(top)
A mid attack that can also be blocked from a crouching position, but disrupts the low guard.
Special move(top)
A move that has no attack potential. Most of these special moves allow for movement, or changing stances.
Special stance(top)
A different fighting stance from the normal position. Most of the special stances don't allow you to guard, but do allow you to perform attacks that can only be done from these stances.
Spinning direction(top)
Certain striking attacks cannot be evaded in one or both directions. Half-spinning attacks can be avoided by evading away from the spinning direction, but full spinning attacks cannot be evaded.
Short for "Stun palm of Doom". One of Akira's canned sequences performed with , , or and .
A type of hit effect, along with knockdown and jolt. When your character staggers, a joystick icon will appear on the screen. You can recover from the stagger to shorten the duration of the effect.
Stagger throw(top)
A type of throw that staggers the opponent, instead of throwing them to the ground.
Standard stance(top)
The beginning fighting stance, with no special stances active. Also known as the Normal or Natural stance.
Describes a character standing up, as opposed to crouching. High attacks will connect and High throws will work on standing opponents, but low throws will not.
Starting move(top)
The first move in an attack series or combo.
Aoi's ability to stop in the middle of certain moves by pressing . This is a type of cancel, specific to Aoi.
Striking attack(top)
An attack, such as a punch or a kick that inflicts damage when it hits an opponent. With certain exceptions, guarding can block them.
Striking throw escape(top)
An advanced throw escape. When your opponent has a guaranteed throw, you can buffer a striking attack, immediately followed by a throw escape. This will allow you to avoid a throw if your opponent enters the throw command, or perform a striking attack if they do not.
Successful evade(top)
If you enter the evade command while your opponent is starting a striking attack, and you are not evading into a spinning attack, you will perform a successful evade -- it will be quicker then normal, and you will be invulnerable for a short time.
Sway Back(top)
One of Brad's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Sway Back' in command list must be performed during this motion.
Sway Step(top)
Stance (Pai) same as Meishouho
Terminology beginning with the letter T.
(TK) The state in which Vanessa is atop her opponent, such as after (from Offensive). Moves listed as 'from Takedown' in command list must be performed from this state.
A type of fall recovery. Press or before hitting the ground.
Tenchi In'you(top)
One of Aoi's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Tenchi In'you' in command list must be performed from during this motion. Also called Yin-Yang.
One of Shun's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Tentouritsu' in command list must be performed from this stance.
Short for "Ten-foot Toss". One of Kage's throws where the opponent is thrown high in the air. Can also refer to Akira's close-in ram throw. Infamous for ringing out over (low) fences.
Threat Stance(top)
One of Jeffry's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Threat Stance' in command list must be performed from during this motion.
A type of attack effective against guarding or evading opponents, but not against opponents beginning a striking attack. If the initial grabbing motion hits your opponent, the throw will begin.
Throw combo(top)
Describes moves that chain after throws.
Throw counterable(top)
When the recovery of a guarded move is greater than or equal to the execution speed of a throw, then this move is said to be throw counterable.
Also known as Throw Guaranteed, or Throw Punishable.
Throw escape(top)
By quickly entering the appropriate command after your opponent begins a throw, you can escape the throw and avoid taking damage. It's possible to escape from most throws.
Throw guaranteed(top)
When the recovery of a guarded move is greater than or equal to the execution speed of a throw, then this move is said to be throw guaranteed.
Also known as Throw Counterable, or Throw Punishable.
Throw punishable(top)
When the recovery of a guarded move is greater than or equal to the execution speed of a throw, then this move is said to be throw punishable.
Also known as Throw Counterable, or Throw Guaranteed.
Goh's grab/clinch (stance).
Turning around(top)
When you are standing with your back to your opponent, you can turn around by pressing , pressing the directional buttons toward your opponent, or performing an evade, dash, or crouching dash.
Terminology beginning with the letter U.
Unblockable move(top)
A move that cannot be blocked. Unlike guard-break moves, unblockable moves can directly damage a guarding opponent.
The way of getting behind / to the side of the opponent when he is rising. Making the opponent rise the wrong way.
Fall recovery (neutral, or and before hitting the ground ). Goh also has a forward roll movement called zenpou kaiten ukemi.
Terminology beginning with the letter V.
Vital point collapse(top)
A hit effect seen when, for example, Wolf's and Aoi's counter hit. It forces your opponent into a hunched-over position and pops them into the air slightly, and is a good opportunity for a follow-up attack.
Also known as a Groin Crumple.
Terminology beginning with the letter W.
When you enter or , your character will slowly walk in that direction. Walking towards the remaining 3 directions is best accomplished by first walking forwards or backwards and then rolling the stick to the desired or [df_] position, otherwise your character risks performing a crouch instead. Note that walking speeds vary depending on the character. There are other, faster ways of moving around which are generally more useful. However walking has the advantage of being instantly cancellable.
Wall in back(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can be used when your character is standing with his or her back to the wall.
Wall in front(top)
Used in command lists. Indicates a move that can be used when your character is facing the wall.
Wall move(top)
A striking attack or a special move that uses the wall in some way.
Wall throw(top)
A move that takes advantage of the wall to throw an opponent.
Japanese term meaning skill or attack prowess.
Each of the characters has a set weight, which affects how high they can be hit into the air. This determines their vulnerability to midair combos.
While rising from a crouch(top)
(WR) Sometimes also referred to as While Standing (WS)- Used in command lists. Indicates a move performed while rising from a crouch into standing position. From a crouch, let go of the directional buttons, and then enter the attack command.
Terminology beginning with the letter Y.
Yin-Yang Stance(top)
(YY) Stance( AOI) - Another name for Tenchi In'you
Japanese term literally meaning 'read'. Ability to read your opponent, actions/intentions etc, "knowing your enemy".
Terminology beginning with the letter Z.
One of Shun's special stances. Moves listed as 'from Zanbantetsu' in command list must be performed from this stance.
One of Kage's special moves. Moves listed as 'from Zenten' in command list must be performed during this motion.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM