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Your mains

Discussion in 'General' started by Spartan_Rambo, Jun 11, 2012.

  1. Spartan_Rambo

    Spartan_Rambo Member

    Hello everyone, i have tired of games like tekken and soulcalibur where people fight like if it is a starters-fest and found about virtua and im extremely amazed how deep and great is and how the charecters are completely different from each other...wow
    But my question is... how many charecters can i main before my head explodes? i mean in soul calibur i have three mains but i know almost all the combos of all...so who are your mains?
    Aso i havent played much online but i would like to know if some charecters are overused.
    I like a lot the mixups so maybe i should give a try to kage?... sorry for the noob question but is my first virtua xD
    Thanks for your time :)
  2. Strategist

    Strategist Active Member

    Well this game isn't just knowing combos and such, it's more of a thinking game, knowing when to strike the opponent and such. Just because you know a few combos doesn't mean anything because if you just go and spamming launchers you will get punished HARD.
  3. Spartan_Rambo

    Spartan_Rambo Member

    yeah i know xD i said that as an example
  4. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i main Lion and sub in Taka-arashi. i'm trying to adapt to Eileen's new "styles" and i haven't practiced with Jeffry yet.
  5. Genesis

    Genesis Well-Known Member

    You can mix it up with anyone, really. Kage's are just more obvious, I guess. Don't worry so much about who will become your main, because chances are, it'll just happen if you test everyone out. There's bound to be that one character who just clicks with you. I think that's the best way to figure out the general mechanics, so once you feel comfortable with (let's just say for the sake of expedience) Kage, you'll have a lot more comfort in branching out and trying someone else who might flow just as well for you.

    Since everyone is listing it off, I main with Kage-Maru, sub with Jacky, and I'm very impressed with Final Showdown's changes to Jeffry and Sarah. Strongly considering getting into their grooves soon.
  6. Someone

    Someone Active Member

    Kage is my main, i dont want a sub cuz i dont think is good for a game like vf.
    If i have a sub, my kage would lose some skills cuz im maining 2 chars at the same time
  7. Jigohro

    Jigohro Well-Known Member

    Meh. I once saw a kid in the arcade juggling seven character cards. SEVEN. He was good (read: wiped the floor with people twice his age) with all of them.

    Once I select a character it's just a matter of getting into their groove. I play (mediocre) Goh and (a very poor) Sarah, but it's not like I'm doing one's combos in another's fights, since the groove is so different.

    Still, different strokes and all.
  8. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    Hey Spartan-Rambo, what characters did you main in SCV and Tekken??? I'm pretty sure there's a character that you can transition to in VF.

    If you want a good starting character with mixups, just pick Jacky. He doesn't require too much dexterity either imo...
  9. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    It's probably best to main one character at time for now. That definitely doesn't mean you can't change your main later, but like you said, there's so much depth to each character that I think it's best to learn one character at a time.

    It takes a lot practice to learn when, where and why to use each of their attacks. Some are very situational but are also very useful and powerful in that situation. A big part of your offense is finding which moves flow together: with that in mind, the more comfortable you are with your character, the more seamless your offense will be. That makes your opponent have to react faster and makes you harder to defend and to counter attack.

    The balance in this game is truly incredible. Every character can win against any other, there's no onus on you to pick a character that's strong enough to compete at a high level; EVERY character can compete at a high level in FS. The balance is top notch.
  10. Spartan_Rambo

    Spartan_Rambo Member

    thanks everyone for the replys and advices the question was mainly because i dont know much about the mechanics and that stuff, but i will try everyone and i will pick my main in the future, because seriusly this game is AWSOME but hard as nails, so i will do just the way i did in SC i passed from sieg to alpha and yoshi xD once i learned the basic strenghts and weakness of each charecter
  11. jinxhand

    jinxhand Well-Known Member

    VF only has 3 buttons. The game can't be that hard, especially if you played Yoshi in SC (CH iMCF combos anyone???). It's more like "a different perspective from a different angle" imo. That's for another discussion though.

    Well, seeing as you listed those 3 characters you most likely are a cross between hard hitters, and tricky mixup characters that thrive on wakeup options (I mained Yoshi and Setsuka back in the day).

    Personally, you could go the route of Eileen, Shun, or LeiFei if you want the crazy tricks (other characters have them, but I think it's easier for them to do it without being too "predictabo").

    Anyone in the Seig realm, hmmm--- That's tough, because I don't play Seig like that, but maybe Jacky, Akira, Jeffry, Wolf maybe... Someone help me out if they think otherwise please. Again, there are other characters who can hit hard, but I personally feel these characters do it naturally as in it's in their natural playstyle per sé...

    Yeah, just mess around and try a character that you "feel suited for". Sometimes people end up playing a different character with a different playstyle than they're used to like grappler character players who end up picking Pai or Sarah for instance.

    As for understanding the mechanics, well there's the wiki here, in conjunction with the forums; but, you should be hitting up that tutorial mode, as that's probably the best way to learn quickly.
  12. Truesonic2k

    Truesonic2k Well-Known Member

    At the moment I am playing Taka and Jeffry as mains and trying to find a faster character for a sub.

    I LOVE Taka and Jeffry's damage output potential, their high risk and reward play style is more suited for someone like myself who likes big damage when punishing.

    That being said, I am also looking for faster characters who can help me overcome some of my offensive and defensive weaknesses. I'm liking how most of the characters feel but I'm leaning towards El Blaze. His new moves are sick!
  13. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    I'm the same as Truesonic, Jeffry and Taka all the way! [​IMG]
  14. emperorofuall

    emperorofuall Active Member

    I'm still keeping Sarah as a main, but probably either going to use Akira for a bit as a secondary (that's all watching the anime's fault lol), or Taka.
  15. FrakimusGrime

    FrakimusGrime Well-Known Member

    Taka with a side of wolf and when i feel in the mood. jean and goh
  16. Snowgoons

    Snowgoons Member

    I don't even know haha. Every time I think I have a main, I read a post on here or go through someone's command training and end up with a new main. Woke up this morning and it was Goh, now it's Sarah.

    P.S. To the people that main Jeffry, you terrify me. Haha.
  17. Spartan_Rambo

    Spartan_Rambo Member

    Thanks everyone for the replies again, especialy to jinxhand :),I have watched all the moves of lei fei and he has that mixup potential i love with the damege output really good (hes playstyle reminds me at yoshimixup xD) also i have found jean very suited for me thanks to his fakes, so i will use him too and tried brad and he has a preassure game with feints that i love xD theres too many charecters i like but for the moment i will stick to that three and i will choose later if i change or use 1 or 2 instead of 3
  18. SilentNephilim

    SilentNephilim Well-Known Member

    I have Aoi as my main and El Blaze as my secondary :3
  19. Righteous_Dream

    Righteous_Dream Active Member

    My main is Lion Rafale. The first two days of release I was playing Jean Kujo and doing really well but he's not my rush down type. I'm experimenting more with Akira and Sarah now.
  20. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I don't have an exact primary, but I use to have Vanessa as one. I just choose who I like to learn more about and my choice of alternating revolves around the kind of person I'm playing with.

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