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Your Best and Worst game quotes

Discussion in 'General' started by Modelah, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Well, the Japanese-speaking quote translations have been finished, it was fun, thanks everyone for the kind words and responses. I hope the characters feel a bit 'closer' now. The English quotes sound much cheesier than the Japanese ones so...

    ...it brings me to the question, which ones, Japanese or English, do you think are the best or worst?
    I'll get the ball rolling.

    Taka (main) w/ the ogre club: “Whoever’s next, get over here now!”
    Eileen's high fence throw: “Yoo-hoo, over here!” Cheeky.
    Jacky: "You can't beat me with that!" Mocking goodness.
    Anything Goh has to say.

    Anything El Turd says, especially: "Hot dog."In the middle of a fight, dude are you serious?
    Brad: "Might makes riiight." Whatever. Bah:rolleyes:
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    My body is an unstoppable...Weapon.
  3. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    its a nice day today - aoi
  4. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Wow, is that what he says? I could never actually make it out when he's screaming like a moron. I always thought he said "My mates riiiiiissseeee!" or something else idiotic.

    I was going to put it in the same category as Jacky's quote about handcuffing lightening or something.

    I sometimes feel the english speaking characters are harder to understand than the japanese speakers.

    Also, for worst game quote? Anything Lion says...
    Modelah likes this.
  5. Seminasuke

    Seminasuke Well-Known Member

    As a guy with a laughably short temper, I really like Goh beating the snot out of the camera and Jean throwing a tantrum during his continue screen. I also like Goh talking to his doll item. Even though it's a joke win pose, it still fits his psychotic personality.

    For my personal least favorites, pretty much all the annoying military-themed quotes that Vanessa spits out. Way to make a somewhat serious and less-feminine lady in VF4, then completely throw that away in 5.

    Editness: Just noticed that it's kinda hard to avoid "anything *insert character* says". Oh well. Also adding in Sarah's "I've got grace and power. You got zip." El Blaze is not impressed.
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    What, Goh talks to his doll? This I gotta check out.

    I like
    "You can't beat me with that!"
    because its the truth

    EDIT: "it's like you're moving in slow motion!"

    Wolfs "To be strong is beautiful" is also funny.

    I dont particularly like
    Lei saying the same thing in most of his winquotes.

    The worst is Vanessas
    "Do you want me to take you to court-martial"
  7. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    For me the funniest is wolf quote: here comes my suplex.. just look the animation and the passion that wolf say that shit. hahaha
  8. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    The one that makes me laugh is where Lion does that throw (41236?) and yells something ridiculous out like, "my time is here!" :D
    Andramelech and EastBayKage like this.
  9. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    "There's only one wrestler here..."
    Especially when fighting El-Blaze. :)

    Worst ones would have to be some of Vanessa's stuff "Wow that was ridiculous!"
  10. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    Heresy ...:p
  11. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Because I happen to think ALL VF quotes are dumber than dumb shit, I will just list some that particularly irk me.
    Oh, and people, its not just WHAT they say, many times it's HOW they say it...yes, the voice acting inflection is absolutely putrid in this game.
    That said here we go..

    Lion: I'm TWICE the man I used to be...
    Yea, yea, Lion...go peddle your discovery to the Viagra commercial people.

    Wolf: (while doing the stupid spinning finger thing, then posing while bobbing his head): To be strong isssss.....beautiful...hehe
    Wow Wolf. And to think, you look like a bad ass, but sound like...well, just an ass...

    Vanessa: Weeellll.....it was ri-DI-culous..
    Yes, it was Vanessa. And so is your attempt at sounding tough. I've actually met Brazilian female martial artists, Van.
    You aren't fit to wash their sport bras...

    Jacky: (while shaking his head around): That WASN'T your best shot
    Well, Jack, it certainly was a better shot than your attempt at winning the William Shatner award for best acting.
    Oh wait,William Shatner is TERRIBLE...and you don't measure up there either...

    Jeffry: (while spinning around doing the chicken dance): Try training next time..mwahhahaahaa...
    Don't quit your day job as a deep sea fisherman, Jeff.
    Stand up comedy isn't your thing.
    Perhaps if you do the skit where you get slapped upside the head with a side of squid...

    Brad: Don't worry pal, I won't forget you and What can I say..I'm on top.
    And we won't forget you, Brad. How can I forget, or take seriously for that matter, some douchebag with sideburns who seems more concerned with his looks and lady killing prowess than being an actual fighter.
    Again, REAL Muy Thai guys would use you to pick steak out of their teeth.
    Try your luck in the porn industry, Brad...they could always use another ham headed dolt.

    Well, that's my take on some of them. All those were winning quotes.
    Don't EVEN get me started on the pre-fight crap....

    I've left the Japanese voiced characters alone because Japanese is not my first language, and while I am sure their's are terrible as well (meaning the tone and inflection, on top of what they may say), it's Japanese, and it sounds cool simply because I don't understand every word, so they get a pass from me.
    I'll let true Japanese speakers rip them a new one.
    Andramelech likes this.
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    Never quite understood why Pai Chan, a mainland Chinese national, performing straight-up Chinese martial arts, dressed in traditional Chinese costume, would speak Japanese anyway? How hard, or indeed, expensive (like, not at all) would it be to hire a Mandarin speaker, and then just sub her?
    Keep Lion in English though, not French. I fear the hilarity would be lost in translation ;)
  13. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    In VF universe all Asian people speak Japanese, and all other ethnicities speak english with an American accent.
    CodyHunter07 likes this.
  14. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Well, Wolf COULD be a closet French chef, and he really meant to say, "Here comes my souffle"...
  15. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Japanese is my second language so I'm not native but rest assured the voice acting is of a much superior calibre compared to the English-speaking voice overs. The inflection, tone, timbre and message conveyed really add to the characters.
    From Kage to Lau, Shun to Eileen, the voice actors have done a great job of making each of them sound distinct and unique.
    There are some clangers though, Jean's "I'm gonna pound you into foie gras!" is a golden example, and there's no other way of translating it.
    Some English quotes sound weird because they follow the original Japanese script too closely, resulting in a translation that sounds markedly forced or rushed. I've found this to be a problem when translating into natural sounding English too. Plus, having a voice actor with a monotonous tone or boring delivery doesn't help much either.
  16. CodyHunter07

    CodyHunter07 Well-Known Member

    Well, Modelah, that is at least good to know.

    Meaning, that the Japanese voices sound much cooler. Good to know that I am not finding something cool that is truly horrendous. That'd be equivalent to someone who doesn't speak good English finding some truly lame English lines "cool".

    Truth be told, in fighting games, if given the option, I always opt for Japanese voiceovers.
    During fights some crazy Japanese phrase being thrown out just blends in with the chaos as opposed to some idiot yelling "Take this!", or "Spinning Bird Kick".

    Also, I am a veteran of Korean and some Japanese martial arts, and the Asian "breathe out" phrases during technique execution fell right in much better than if we were to yell out something comparable in English.
    Don't know why, but it is what it is.

    It's all about perspective though.
  17. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    ^I know what you mean, especially when they have that deep, gutteral pronunciation. Taka's win quotes have that sound, he could be saying anything at all, but it sounds very intimidating and impressive regardless.
    Modelah likes this.
  18. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    lol, Kage says "Soaring-wing kick!" in Japanese. Hmmmo_O You're right though, overall the Japanese utterings do fit well. The breathe-out phrases or "Kiai" are done particularly well I think.
  19. EvenPit

    EvenPit Well-Known Member Content Manager Eileen

    Best Eileen game quote is her Melon Hammer statement "I'm the winner, aren't I?" I like it because i sense some sassiness or sarcasm & the way she tilts her head when she says it, lol.

    Best El Blaze winning statement came from vanilla but they took it out "I'LL BE INVINCIBLE BEYOND ALL IMAGINATION!" (hits a drop kick on camera)
  20. Zekiel

    Zekiel Well-Known Member

    Best quotes: Jacky: "Lets see if you can walk the walk.'' I be saying the same thing because most players online cant walk the walk AT ALL. El Blaze: ''I am the Ultimate!" LOL! its epic because it sounds unfinished. Brad: '' Yes!......So...who's next?'' Jacky with milk: "You have the worse reflexes of all time!" Wolf: ''The End!", '' Burning Hammer!" Lion: '' Forgot to train eh?''

    Worse quotes: Jeffrey :'' I'll be celebrating tonight! RAAAGH!" Wolf: '' Cant ever picture you winning HAHAHA" sounds Cheesy. Vanessa: ''Wow it was rediculous!" That line was rediculous lol. and lastly Lion ''What a knucklehead''. just lol

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