Yahoo Japan Virtua Fighter related auctions

Discussion in 'Store' started by Catch22, Oct 3, 2012.

  1. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    I've been on shopping Yahoo Japan Auctions through several deputy services, and have come across some cool stuff.

    I'm starting the thread with Jacky's VF2 leather jacket:
    Auction ends roughly on Saturday, Oct 6 at 3:00AM Hawaii time.
    You're gonna have to shell out though... 17,000 yen.
    Yahoo Auction's translated through Rinkya:
    cobratron likes this.
  2. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    hah! i remember trying to get this back in my ebay VF days. this was considered a holy grail back then. but shit was too expensive. I remember buying a shit ton of stuff from these auctions like usagi san (the blue bunny you see as item in VF4,5) and other rare comics and figurines. sadly i lost all that shit cause i made the mistake of telling hiro (friend who brought that stuff from japan) to bring it to NYG3 ( i think), in which i would pick it up later.....well shit got lost / stolen somehow...hella pissed even to this day :( . if some of you were at NYG3 and you saw rodney with a blue bunny on his shoulder (he told me he was wearing it a few times lol, well that's the shit i lost :(.

    anyways, back on topic! this is a nice thread that will hopefully get me into collecting more VF shit again :D....maybe i will buy usagi san again and i wont lose it (a big fuck you to whoever stole it grrr) :D
  3. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

    Mackerelz... check this one out... even cooler than Jacky's VF2 jacket above. It's Jacky's VF4 jacket. Man, if I had some disposable income right now, this one would be mine. This thing looks DOPE (times 1 jillion). Imagine sporting this thing at EVO. 19,000 some yen will net you this.



    Did I say this thing looks dope? Brah, this is beyond dope.
    Sidna7 and cobratron like this.
  4. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

  5. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Sal, I have a spare Usagi-san if you want one :D

    And damn that jacket is tempting. Just my size, too... hmmm!
  6. Catch22

    Catch22 Well-Known Member

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