XBL Ranks Vs PSN Ranks

Discussion in 'Console' started by masterpo, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    On the PSN we have player that has reached Darkslayer

    At the moment there are:

    Darkslayers: 1
    Vanquishers: 2
    Avengers: 7
    Destroyers 6
    Shatterers 12
    Assassins 26

    with 59,770 players in ranked mode.

    Is the XBL pretty similar. Are there more ppl in the higher ranks on XBL?

    Is there anybody with a higher Rank than Darkslayer on XBL?
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I've heard the level of competition is higher on Xbox than it is on ps3. I guess that's to be expected when online VF has only happened for the last 5 years on Xbox.

    In regards to ranking on Xbox last time I checked glory was on top as an avenger iirc.
  3. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I guess that makes sense. PSN only has 54 ppl from Assassin up to Darkslayer, out of 59,000 + ppl in ranked mode. So it looks like majority of the players are 10th Dan and lower.

    But I guess that could be a good thing, that means more new players. Hopefully more new permanent players.

    So is it the case that most of the experienced plyrs are on XBL, or is it that all the new players came to PSN so you are more likely to run into inexperienced plyrs on PSN?
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Keep in mind that high rank doesn't automatically mean a good player, if youre ranking up against other similarly (un)skilled.
  5. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    LOL, yea I guess you're right. But one can only hope that out of 59,000+ players in ranked at least 1% maybe 600 players are what the folks on VFDC would call good players.

    And I do make the distinction between what we call good, and what ppl outside of VFDC call good [​IMG]

    I was in a VF5FS PSN room last night mike on, turtle beach, headphones doin their thing, listening to the dudes in the room talk about how good the room's host was, I did watch him
    dispatch everyone with not much resistance. I won't make any judgements, here, I will say they used different standards for
    good was. And as long as they just play each other......
  6. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    Charmame is likely much better than anyone on Xbox atm, since he's a Japanese player that Rod, Numbers, and other vets have said is highly skilled. Now i'm sure Xbox has the better non Japanese players atm, but there are some killers on PSN. Tons of new players to FS which i'm told is the goal, so hopefully everyone is happy with that fact [​IMG]

    It's good to see VFDC'ers playing on both, hopefully L_A hops on the PSN in the future. Would be nice getting a chance to play against that shun.
  7. Alstein

    Alstein Well-Known Member

    I'd like to see more of the top VF 360 players pop onto PSN as well, you guys may need a PS3 stick anyways if you intend to play tournies, as its looking like PS3 will be standard at least some places (I suspect it will be whatever is easier in the end- PS3 or 360, so I bought a Qanba)
  8. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    i'm so close to Warrior i can almost taste it... i keep trying to rematch some Sentinels and Defenders i beat to get a bit more experience but they keep turning me down... [​IMG]

    (i don't blame them for not wanting to lose over and over again if i am good against them, but still)
  9. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    I like the Warrior rank too. I like the sound of it. Either Warrior or Assassin both fit my fancy. If I manage to get to either one (Warrior comes first right?) I think I'll stop ranking there. But like you said, ppl don't want to play you at higher ranks. I'm a lowly Barbarian at the moment, and the Raiders,and Hunters wave me on.

    That's the danger of the higher ranks. But here's a solution I've found. Invite them to a player match or just a room and let everybody get comfortable playing everybody. A lot of times you loose to somebody maybe even twice in a row, that you would beat on the third or fourth meeting. Sometimes it takes a couple matches to catch on(especially if someone is a one-trick pony). If you're confident, then play them a few times in player/room matches, if they manage to win one or two times, then when they see you in Ranked there won't be that fear of automatic demotion on either side.

    Beware of another hustle in ranked. Say a guy is a Raider, he plays you twice, you beat him twice. He writes your screen name down, he shows up later, you remember that you beat him twice, he then proceeds to beat you, (but just barely), so you want a rematch, you know you've beaten him twice already, you figure his win was just luck, you play again, and he barely beats you again, You say to yourself, nawl man that was just luck, so you play him again and the third time he mops the floor with you.

    He loses 1 or 2 to get guaranteed 3 at least 3! He strings along 4 or 5 guys just like you, all the way through the rank mode. Everybody believes they're so close, (just one move away) and they all believe that because the guy gave them the first and maybe even the second game, now they're gonna chase him all the way through the ranks. I know a guy who is doing this on PSN and PMs me while he's doing it,

    So just because you beat the guy in Ranked, doesn't always mean that you can really beat the guy [​IMG] I seriously doubt that this is a rampant practice on PSN, but it does happen.
  10. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    My approach has been not to troll any one player. I don't usually go and immediately rechallenge them. A lot of guys, I get the sense that I really have their number and can almost always get the best of them, but I understand that it sucks to get your bar harvested by someone in that circumstance. Some guys like to fight again and again and that's fine too.

    It is pretty inexcusable to back of fights without good reason, i.e. lag, pulling, stalking etc.
  11. seyu

    seyu Well-Known Member

    Thats pretty fitting. Especially the "harvesting" part. Sometimes I feel as if im just harvesting people for their points. Sure there are some that beat me, but most of the time Im just searching for whos gonna give me the most points if I win...
    Not a good feeling.
  12. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    I am not into picking people just for their points that would mean I care about current ranking and I don't. I prefer to play many people of a similar ranking not just the easy wins. It makes things more interesting that way and the randomness forces me to focus on getting better not simply being lazy knowing I get free ranking on a person because I feel like it. It worked for me so far I have only been demoted once so it appears to be working out and I will be better down the road when I get to a decent rank eventually. If they want the points I have they can have them if they can beat me if they do it means I have to improve. I don't like playing the same person in ranked more than 2 or 3 times max normally but that is just me personally.

    I don't hate on people for doing that though if that is how they want to do things. I will do my thing and other people will do their thing oh well.

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