X-box LIVE!

Discussion in 'General' started by Rodnutz, Mar 15, 2004.

  1. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I decided to try out the 2 month free trial of LIVE. Looking for anyone who has CvS2 and want to get some games in. My gamertag is XxRodnutzxX. Look me up if your interested or post something here. Also what other live games do you play. I only own CvS2 and DDR: Ultramix /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif hehe my nephew bought. Anyways post what you got so I can decide on my next title. I am think about pick up Project Gotham 2 or Crimson Skies.


    Well I don't have a router yet, so I can only be on one thing at a time. Either LIVE or my PC. So if I don't respond here then you know where I am at. Either getting beat up or dancing the night away.
  2. stpROCK

    stpROCK Well-Known Member

    Im playing Top Spin and Project Gotham 2 on XBOX-Live...and PGR2 is awesome, its the best racing-game to me! Driving with 7 people from around the world is absolutely cool!!!
    My gamertag is : ad4m
  3. number 6

    number 6 Active Member

    Get MotoGP 2. It is still the best racing game on live. And implements the XBox live features (scoreboards, lobbies, seeing who is talking etc.) the best. Racing with 16 people from around the world is great.
  4. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    well I was planning on getting Project Gotham 2 today. But I don't know where all this %#@!%&* snow came from. Well I don't feel like getting wet, so when it let's up I'll try to grap a copy and look you up.

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