WWE here comes the pain ps2.....any of you guys played this?

Discussion in 'General' started by steve, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. steve

    steve Active Member

    normally not remotely interested in wrestling as a whole never mind playing this game.
    but i picked this up for my son as a xmas pressie.
    anyway i thought i checkout the game whilst he was in school to see if everything was alright.
    well 2 hours late and i was hooked.
    whilst normaly the only fighting game i only play is V4 evo. this was a welcome change not as deep or complex as vf4 evo but a damn fine game the reversal system is a peach and amount of different bouts you can is amazing. roll on xmas day...or then again i may well have another little go before santa arrives.
  2. TrollPatrol

    TrollPatrol New Member

    Hey, huge wrestling fan, you have just made me go and buy it asap! thanks!
  3. CJ6

    CJ6 New Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    omegaman said:

    normally not remotely interested in wrestling as a whole never mind playing this game.
    but i picked this up for my son as a xmas pressie.
    anyway i thought i checkout the game whilst he was in school to see if everything was alright.
    well 2 hours late and i was hooked.
    whilst normaly the only fighting game i only play is V4 evo. this was a welcome change not as deep or complex as vf4 evo but a damn fine game the reversal system is a peach and amount of different bouts you can is amazing. roll on xmas day...or then again i may well have another little go before santa arrives.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I used to watch wrestling, but stopped when I was in the 7th grade. I watch it every now and then. In my opinion, ALL WRESTLING GAMES SUCK!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Siyko

    Siyko Well-Known Member

    Wrestling games are fun with friends and stuff - especially with the create-a-fighter and 4p fighting. Not really meant to be played competitively, but that doesnt mean its not worth playing
  5. Mysterious_Red

    Mysterious_Red Well-Known Member

    WOW /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif, 2 new members's 1st post ever in a row /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif. as for the game, WWE pain owns big time,
    grapling system has been overhauled quite a bit /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  6. RagingSilver

    RagingSilver Well-Known Member

    I played it too. I didn't like it. Needs to have a arcade and simulation mode at least. At least two attack buttons like kick and punch. Getting up time is the worst thing hence why I mentioned the arcade mode above or at least have a lil bar to fill up by bashing buttons. Theres many things in this game that are wrong but eh...hopefully they'll fix these in the next installment. I heard Raw is better but thats on x-box and I haven't tried it yet.

    Dunno if any of u played WWF: in your house on the PS1 or arcades but THAT was fun. Do some crazy 20 hit combos and chain throws, was heavy!
  7. Painty_J

    Painty_J Well-Known Member

    In your house was tight.

    It's been ages since I played a Wrestling game. Ahh man, those were some fun games. Not good for serious competition, but definately fun as hell to play with friends. I might go hunting for one sometime in the future /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Nah silver raw is the worst out of the bunch /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  9. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    HCTP, in my opinion, is pretty much as good as wrestling games get. The Season mode is open ended, as the stats transfer from year to year, even when you stop in the middle of the year and start again with another character. The animation "sells" the moves very well and you can link a lot of moves very nicely together (e.g. Atomic drop to running spear to elbow drop / whip in corner after removing padding to strong running grapple). Each wrestler's trademark moves are very well implemented, usable and distinguishable.

    The only thing I miss is that in SD4 (SYM) you were able to do funnier stuff with the weapons (5-Star from ladder on table in the ring to the outside where opponent is lying on two tables, or 5 star from the Smackdown fist through two tables).

    Furthermore, N64 No Mercy remains one of my all time favourites, but I prefer SD's way of doing the finishers. Whereas you have to first activate your "special" state in NM and then you have a limited time to use it, SD lets you store your finisher until you need it. So basically you do a counter, and ... BAM... Stunner through a table (oh, for the love of god... not the table... not the table...).

    If you like wrestling, and I have loved that shit since I was a kid and the Ultimate Warrior was my hero, than the SD SYM and HCTP are easily the best there is. Of course, if you don't like wrestling then there are more entertaining 4-player games around (bomberman, Mariokart, etc.)

    Just my 2 cents.
  10. Dark_Bandana

    Dark_Bandana Well-Known Member

    You're lucky you picked up this one, the rest of them suck because there was nothing to do, you coulnt buy or strenghten your character, try no Mercy too for the N64 is almost the same as HCTP but with crappier graphics.
  11. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    While HCTP is a decent game it IMO will never compare to Giant Gram/Giant Gram 2K (DC), Toukon Retsuden 4 (DC), or King of Colosseum: Red/Green (PS2). While the THQ wrestling titles for N64 were moderately fun and many of the newer wrestling games are tolerable. Japan is still doing the wrestling games right. Giant Gram 2K is still my absolute fave.
  12. StoneColdSerb

    StoneColdSerb Well-Known Member

    Hey replicant,
    could you give me some hands-on info about the DC titles you mentioned? I never played them but I recenty found a place where I can buy them. What makes them so good?
    As I'm no silly WWE fanboy, I'm always happy to pick up a good wrestling game so any info would be really appreciated.
    Thanks alot in advance.
  13. Shoju

    Shoju Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    SiYkO said:

    Wrestling games are fun with friends and stuff - especially with the create-a-fighter and 4p fighting. Not really meant to be played competitively, but that doesnt mean its not worth playing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's exactly how to view this game. It can be alot of fun if you play it casually and in co op. The only real complaint though is the reversal system. There really needs to be a revesal animation which leaves you vunerable if you miss.

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