Wolf's new move

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by mic414, Oct 22, 2002.

  1. mic414

    mic414 New Member

    hihi, first time in this message board~~ i was wonder in VF4 Evo, wolf's new move, "ROAR[P][K][G]"........how do u really use it?? i have been testing it and i have no idea...........and wut about the "toe kick stunner"[4_][K][G][P][G] i can't seem to get wolf to pull this move out...plz help~~
  2. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    hi there. Just to let you know, your question will be moved to the more appropriate forum as Media is for movie clips and the like; not gameplay questions.

    This is Wolf's high punch and elbow sabaki. Use it to deflect punch class attacks. you have three choices after a succesful ROAR. you can perform a level chop [P]+[K]+[G] [P] which I think (haven't tested it to be sure) leaves a neutral situation

    you can do a throw combination [P]+[K]+[G] [P]+[G]

    or a low drop kick continuation [P]+[K]+[G] [K]

    The low drop kick continuation is the best option in my limited play testing of the move. it either counters and allows for a pounce or pick up or it staggers and allows for throw, attack games for Wolf. either way, if you're on the ball you can put this one to good use.

    With the Toe Kick Stunner, you have 17 frames to hit [P]+[G]. Make sure the joystick is in a neutral position when you go for the throw or you will miss it. There's also a certain distance where you can hit with the stunner but not get the throw so ensure that you are close to your opponent when practicing.

    Good Luck

  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Thread moved from Media board.

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