Wolfs [f][K]+[G] followups

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Robio_kun, Mar 14, 2004.

  1. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone.

    This might be posted elsewhere but I haven't been able to find it in the FAQs etc.

    Anyway, I am wondering if anyone knows any guaranteed followups for wolf's [6][K]+[G]. Anything would be helpful.

  2. Hamme

    Hamme Well-Known Member

    hi there, wolf's [6]+[K]+[G] has no combos guaranteed. It's not a combo starter thus not listed in any faq or the game itself. A combo starter has to floats, crumbles, or give more than 8frames adv. the [6]+[K]+[G] can only staggers. if it hits try these options:

    1. [4]+[P] (high elbow) if you opp is average at struggling, this hit produce another stagger. Only this time the stagger is not strugglable. thus give enough time for high throw. go for [2][4][8][6]([8][4][2][6])[P]+[G] for good damage and free attemp of ground throw if opp doesn't TR/QR.

    2. [6]+[P] - only if your opp is a bad struggler. if hits causes a stomac crumble, thus [6]+[P][P] and[4][K]+[G][K] is guaranteed. also low-throws may be attemped.

    3. high throw or low throw - if your opp is a good struggler, he'll attemp to block high or low.

    4. many others

    You probably knew all of these options already, but since your title askes for followups, I have list'em above.
  3. Robio_kun

    Robio_kun Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I think I get how to use it now. It is a bit like playing with Goh.

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