Wolf's 130 damage combo

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Nemesis5x, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    Wolf has a combo that does 130 damage. Hold [P]+[K] [4] [P] [8][7][4][1][2][3][6][9]+[P][G]. Its the slap elbow into the KS.

    My friend always gets me with this. Can someone please tell me how I can reverse the KS?
  2. maddy

    maddy Well-Known Member

    By reversing a throw, you meant escaping it?

    If you want to break KS, just do f, P+G. As soon as you get hit by b,P, input two or three TEs quickly to break possible throws.
  3. Ragnafrak

    Ragnafrak Well-Known Member

    f+P+G, df+P+G, b+P+G would be the safest ;]
  4. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    that c0mb0 1s w32k!~
    [P][K] charge, [4]+[P],[4][1][2][3][6]+[P][G] into a wall, +[P]!!!~ PWNED!!!!
    You have to try this combo it does almost 200 points of damage!!~ PWNED!!!! OMG!11!! LOL1!!!
  5. Samson

    Samson Active Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    that c0mb0 1s w32k!~
    [P][K] charge, [4]+[P],[4][1][2][3][6]+[P][G] into a wall, +[P]!!!~ PWNED!!!!
    You have to try this combo it does almost 200 points of damage!!~ PWNED!!!! OMG!11!! LOL1!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, you know whats funny? Not that.
  6. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

  7. Petrovsk

    Petrovsk Active Member

    Try to break the "deer in headlights" effect when wolf starts charging his [P]+[K] and just kick him in the face. I'm still working on that.
  8. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member

    Ways to stop this combo
    1.hit the p+k or dodge it
    2. struggle out and block the b+p(this is pretty freaking hard)
    3. break the KS or GS with f+p+g
  9. catharsis

    catharsis Well-Known Member

    Note: you evade the [P]+[K] to Wolf's back, if anyone's curious. Also, there are quite a few characters who can reverse it (mid punch at full charge).. Also, it's pretty slow.. I'm sure you can just backwards cd out of the way as soon as you see Wolf pulling it out (this way, you're out of range if they charge, and ducking if they release early and go high). AND you can always just lp or jab him out of it provided, as somebody said above, you can avoid the "deer-in-the-headlights" reaction. [P]+[K] is actually a fairly difficult move for Wolf to land if your brain is on. I'm always more worried about the stagger from his [6][K]+[G] cause it eats low punches... grrrr
  10. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    He doesnt beat me so easy now that I can reverse the KS. Whenever he charges my reaction is to just hold [G] for some reason or sometimes i press punch but that attack ducks under high attacks.
  11. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I don't know how advance your friend is.. but there is a problem with doing multiple escapes after getting staggered by [P]+[K], [4][P]. If you do multiple escapes, and your wolf friend knows this fact, he can doing wolf's SS ( [4][6][P]+[K] ) and MC float you. If he ALWAYS do a throw after that, then it's fairly safe to just do multiple escapes.... but I still don't think the game will really register multiple escapes in that situation... I personally think it's enough to just do [6][P]+[G] if you get staggered with that setup since it'll escapes KS or GS. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  12. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    It may even be possible to struggle out of and [P] any throws Wolf attempts after [4][P] (other than KS and fast GS). The reason being that these are the only 2 throws that actually register as part of the combo. If you were to follow up fully charged [P]+[K], [4][P] w/ any other throw (including hcb, [P]+[G], [3][3],[P]+[G], or even the "crappy " GS), it will register as seperate dmg. Whereas you'll get a 130dmg combo w/ KS, and 150dmg with fast GS (130dmg if they TR/QR). .

    a waste is a terrible thing to mind
  13. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    easy solution!, just throw escape [6], then low [P] to interupt the SS.. (i'll test it just to clarify later)

    no other throw other than is [6] throws will reach because they have standard range proporties where as both of his [6] throws don't (no brainer), plus it won't be guarenteed due to it.

    also, incase nobody else knows, the reason why only the PGS works and not slow GS connects as a combo is because you have +9 adv after the b+p, both KS & PGS are 8 frames, but slow GS is 11.. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    easy math, plus an echo of knowlege for veterans to say "i already knew that!" /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  14. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Bare_Knuckle said:
    easy solution!, just throw escape [6], then low [P] to interupt the SS..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hm??!.. 1, if you throw escape then the d+p won't come out and you'll eat b,f+pk MC. 2, if you just try to plain d+p you will eat a b,f+pk MC because you are at least -8 and the fastest d+p is 12, ssrm is 20 , 20 vs 20: higher damage move wins.
    Also, having over +8 from counterhit / attacks doesn't mean it's free throw (soundwave stfu), as the opponent will still be recovering from hit stagger therefore is unthrowable. On the other hand if your move is blocked and recovers in -8 or more, you are throwable. The reason why you can throw after b+p hit on stagger is because sega programmed it that way, not just because it's over +8.
    If you are hit by b+p non-knockdown, best choice to D2TEG to his back and recall you are even after escaping KS and -13 if you escape GS, (so you aren't out of trouble yet).
    O, lastly, many wolf players won't gamble with the b+p or f+p followup after PK charge, they'll just f+k, b+kg,k or toe kick stunner you. /versus/images/graemlins/confused.gif Either way, you are pwned if you get hit by PK charge, so use your biggest combo if you see him doing charge. believe me after a few times he won't be doing it... EVER..~ abuse the abuser.
  15. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    my friend is pretty advanced. I try to throw in alot of throw escapes when he does that move and sometimes I get it cause he mixes it up now that i know how to escape it.
  16. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    heh, you win, excuse my unworthiness, it's been a long day at Uni... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

    btw, i think you misunderstood my point below, i mentioned why a PGS is guarenteed and a slow GS isn't i already know that the B+P after stagger is a special situation, but it does matter that you are restricted to 9 frames for your throw does it not?
  17. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    Shang said:

    -13 if you escape GS

    [/ QUOTE ]

    for real? are you in range to hit with [1]+[K] after the TE? That would be hella annoying...
  18. Throwmasta

    Throwmasta Well-Known Member

    well, I seriously doubt it's humanly possible to: struggle out of the stagger from [4][P], while inputing throw escapes, and hitting low p at the end to snuff the SS. If, of course, that's what you meant /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.
  19. Shang

    Shang Well-Known Member

    oh yah, 9 frames is 9 frames, you are right. I don't mean to diss u; obviously from your videos, your wolf is very good. keep the discussion going~! /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  20. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Shang, are you sure you can EDTEG in a -9 situation? This is something I've been trying to figure out, it feels like you would need to throw escape and then do EDTEG... it seems that by the time the game will register the dodge, you could already be thrown... maybe the best response is actually [6][P]+[G] then evade?

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