Wolf Players... I needed some help

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Cloud, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    I just started using the big guy and I have one problem. I can't seem to find a use for certain moves. The [9][K][G] and the [6][6][K][G]. These moves get me in more trouble than anything. Has anyone found a use for them or does everyone just avoid them all together.

    I didn't find any threads with info on these moves, if there is a link to it would be great. Also if theres a link too the [G][P][K] reveral or anyone has a comment, please respond.
  2. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    [9][K]+[G] is a high unblockable. Most experienced players will probably recognize the attack to duck it. It's a very risky attack but if you can catch players by surprise it's a nice chunk of damage. [6][6][K]+[G] is another high attack that guard breaks on block I believe. This is also a very risky attack. Both of these moves shouldn't be used very often imo, but don't hold back if you want to incorporate them into your play. I personally would just play around with these moves in a match to be cute. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

    On the [P][K][G] stance, it makes you pretty much invulnerable to all high and mid punch and elbow class moves. If the opponent hits you during this stance, their attack is nullified and you can go for the [P],[K],or [P]+[G] follow up. Try the move out in training to see what each of the follow up is like.
  3. Cloud

    Cloud Active Member

    Alright, didn't realize the [9][K][G] was unblockable.. thats makes the move a little more cooler. So its kind of better than the clothsline unblockable because he fallsdown.

    Personally, Im lovin the [K] after the [G][P][K] reversal (I read someone elses response to a Wolf thread and they said the samething). It seems I get a ground throw (the suplex) after it, but I'm only up to the 5th arcade with him so things might change.
  4. IamthePope

    IamthePope Well-Known Member

    I believe in the original VF4 [6][6]+[K]+[G] was alot more useful. it was a long range move that if blocked would stagger the opponent similar to the [4][6]+[P] attack. now it has a different, slower, animation, it hits high instead of mid, and I don't think it staggers. I used to use it in VF4 as an alternative to [4][6]+[P], but now it's so slow it does seem useless.
  5. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    [6][6]+[K]+[G] is one of the very few useless moves in the game IMO, dont bother.. it's linear, it's high and it recovers down.. it breaks gurard? so what.. you are flat on the ground so you can only watch your opponent laugh at you, it's the same with it's slam proporties. any kind of use would be to force your opponent out of the ring if they are right near to the egde as it can push them back slightly even if they duck it.

    [9]+[K]+[G] --- use it like any unblockable... but dont expect it to be a regular thing.. use it randomly as a TR setup or if they freeze up real bad.. (i mean real bad)..

    you have probably already guessed these are low teir moves.. probably why you cant find any / much use for them.

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