Wolf Multi-Throws?

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Cappo, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Hey my VF pals =)
    Does Wolf have multi-throws like King in Tekken? Or anything close?

    If so how they are performed.
  2. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    read the faq/movelist.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    he's nothing like king, but he has several two part throws whereby you hit P+G after HCB+P+G and d/f, d/f+P+G. He can also run and catch you (b,b+P+G?) and from there he has several things to try involving shoving the opponent, or getting behind them first and shoving, or tackling them, etc.
    Get the movelist from this site. At the front page you'll see the VF4 section on the bottom left, and you just click on wolf.
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    f+P+G catch throw is probably the closest thing to a King multi. Check out the <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?chara=wolf>VF4 Wolf movelist</a> here on VFDC for more info.
  5. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member


    is there an echo in here, or something?
  6. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    lol, thanks =)

    Hey in Fighters MegaMix does Akira have his DLC?
  7. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    My echo has a link...
  8. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    actually, king and wolf are very much alike, then both have the spining back kick( where he spins in mid air and kick you in the face with his sole), a shoulder ram type move
    GS, tombstone, frankinstiner, the running drop kick, clothesline, a evading side step throw and many other things.....
  9. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    actually, king and wolf are very much alike, then both have the spining back kick( where he spins in mid air and kick you in the face with his sole), a shoulder ram type move
    GS, tombstone, frankinstiner, the running drop kick, clothesline, a evading side step throw and many other things.....

    All of those were in VF2 except the E-throw, and all of them were for wolf first. They're similar the way Nina is similar to sarah.

    A stronger argument would be to point out the ripoff turnaway kick wolf got from tekken in VF4.
  10. ShinJin

    ShinJin Well-Known Member

    uhhh, i'm not try to say that someone copied someone else or anything , i'm just pointing out that the chars are quite similer.....
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    and you're WRONG muhhahaa.
    Sure, they're both big grapplers, and they share maybe 10 out of 200 moves, but they don't really play the same. How many knees do you see with King?
  12. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Hahah, now can anyone tell me if Akira has Dragon Lance Combo in Fighters MegaMix?
    And are u guys arguing? lol =)
  13. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Yes, the DLC is in Fighter's Megamix and it's very easy. Don't know if this statement is 100% accurate, but basically, all of the moves from VF3 (OB) are in Fighter's Megamix EXCEPT moves that use the dodge button.

  14. Cappo

    Cappo Well-Known Member

    Very Nice!!!

    Now i can practice my Akira and Pai in Fighters MegaMix...
    Is it that much different than the traditional VF engine?
  15. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    quite a bit different. You will probably lose if you play VF like fighter's megamix /versus/images/icons/smile.gif.

    VF3 is ok practice for VF4, and that's about all.
  16. kikdu

    kikdu New Member

    Fighters Megamix doesn't contain all of VF3ob's moves. Sega decided to leave out a significant amount of moves, perhaps so that people who have FMM would still want VF3.

    Examples include throws; I remember Jeffry, in particular, had only about half of his VF3ob throws in FMM.
  17. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    heh, interrestested in wolf eh? well i posted a couple of things a while back, here's a simple copy & paste...
    quote from virtuafightermedia:


    1> there is one particular combo which you can only do against aoi / pai / sarah in vf3, but it is now being approved for everyone in vf4 ..

    ~b+p (knock down), f+K, b,f+p+K, d+k, ~

    quite simple, but looks cool, it actually drains damage and surprisingly hard to tech out of it (don't ask me why)

    2> simple air juggle and nothing new really, but you can link into a floor juggle...

    ~b,f+P+K (counter hit is recommended) half circle backwards+p,p, b,f+p+k (on the floor bounce)~

    3> simple 3 hits without a launch (used in tight situations) if your opponent ducks this, make sure you SLAM P+G as people tend to try and grab you with the reaction ..... just a helpful hint..

    ~half circle+p,p, d/f+P+K or d,k,k~

    4>stumble move in to any throw, this is effective as wolf's throws can be extremely deadly

    ~f+k+g (stun)>> grab (prefably f+P+G into a throw position)~

    5> an effective way of wall throwing..

    you can either start this with a f+P+G, into a f/d+p+g on the stumble into a wall, then CD forward into a d/f+P+G wall throw..


    b,f+p+k to barge them over(near a wall), d+P+K(pick them up), CD into a wall throw (d/f+P+G) ~ i found this one more effective


    ~enjoy your read~


    about the multiple throws, everyone else pretty much covered it..

    and "YES" the DLC is in fighters megamix...
  18. Kingman3

    Kingman3 Member

    Actually, Wolf seems more like TTT Armor King than he seems like King.
  19. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    actually, my cat has rabies. Watch where you step.
  20. Kingman3

    Kingman3 Member


    Why I am DEFINITELY a dog person...

    but Bubba might have rabies....

    ......nahhhhh! :p

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