* Wolf Combo FAQ *

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by MrWhite, Apr 15, 2002.

  1. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    <font color=white>WOLF COMBO FAQ</font color=white>

    -ver.1.0 for VF4 ver.C-
    - by Mr. White -

    This version represents a *nearly* complete Wolf Hawkfield combo list. I have unfortunately not included weight conditions for these combos, I simply did not have time to fulfill weight/character specific properties. The following is confirmed on Pai and most LWs. However, this collection includes "every" combo usable on the 12 other characters in the game, its a matter of sifting through whats here until I update and specify.

    I have purposefully omitted certain wall combos and knee/ss combos because they are simply shorter versions of whats available. All the following combos are non-escapable and non-techrollable.

    Futhermore I'd very much appreciate any contribution ( unknown combo, damage error, weight requirements, stance... ) in order to create a *complete* combo list.


    <font color=white>Legend</font color=white>

    - Knee : f+K
    - SS : Short shoulder ( b, f+P+K )
    - SH : Reverse sledgehammer ( D, f+P )
    - m-SH : Modified reverse sledgehammer ( d/f, d/f, f+P )
    - SR : Shoulder ram ( b, f+P )
    - CSR : Charged shoulder ram ( b, f+P [hold P] )
    - GS : Giant Swing ( HCF+P+G )
    - \/ : Open stance
    - /\ : Closed stance
    - P[G] : Press Punch then Guard immediately.
    - [#] : Contains damage points

    <font color=red>*!!*</font color=red><font color=white>In all combos involving P[G] : the actual command input is "F+P[G]" ( HOLD Forward and press Punch then press Guard immediately after ). This allows for an Advancing Punch while performing the combos. Without holding forward during P[G] some of the combos will become stance specific or simply cannot be executed. </font color=white><font color=red>*!!*</font color=red>

    <font color=white>Sections :

    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos [MC]
    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos [N]
    - Knee / Short Shoulder Combos On Crouching Opponents [N]
    - Charged Shoulder Ram Combos
    - Elbow Butt Combos ( b+P )
    - Arrow Knuckle Real ( b, d/f+P ) Combos
    - Level Back Crush ( Hold P+K ) Combos
    - Back Catch Push Combos
    - Wall Combos
    - Low Punch Cut
    - Rising Attacks
    - Sequences</font color=white>


    * MC on standing and crouching opponents *

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder Combos :</font color=white>

    - P, K [72]
    - P, P, P [79]
    - K, K [85]
    - Knee/SS [69]
    - HCB+P, P [77]
    - b+K+G, K [71]
    - b+P, u+P [86] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P
    - f, d+K [60]
    - m-SH [69]

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, d+P :</font color=white>

    - Knee/SS [76]
    - SH [76]
    - b+K+G, K [75]
    - b+P, u+P [93] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P
    - HCB+P, P [80]
    - f+P, P [78]
    - d+P, SH [78]
    - d+P, d+K [69]
    - D, d/f+P [69]
    - d+K [65]

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, P[G] :</font color=white>

    - P, P, P [84]
    - P, K [79]
    - b+K+G, K [79]
    - f+P, P [82]
    - m-SH [80]
    - f, d+K [72]
    - knee/ss [80]
    - d/f+P+K [72]
    - HCB+P, P [84]
    - f+P+K [72]
    - b+P, u+P [97] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P
    - d/b+P [71]

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, P[G], P[G] :</font color=white>

    - P[G] [75]
    - b+K+G, K [85] - /\
    - m-SH [86]
    - f+P [78]
    - f+P, P [88] - /\
    - knee/ss [86]
    - d+K [77]
    - d/b+P [79]
    - d/f+K [84]
    - f, d+K [79]
    - f+P+K [79]
    - HCB+P [79]


    * Normal hit *

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder Combos :</font color=white>

    - F+P, K [57]
    - F+P, P, P [64]
    - knee/ss [54]
    - d/f+P+K [46]
    - HCB+P, P [62]
    - f, d+K [46]
    - m-SH [54]
    - b+K+G, K [56]
    - d/f+K [52]
    - f+P+K [46]
    - b+P, u+P [71] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, d+P :</font color=white>

    - d+P, d+K [54]
    - b+K+G, K [60] - /\
    - HCB+P, P [65]
    - knee/ss [61]
    - SH [61]

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, P[G] :</font color=white>

    - d+P, D, d/f+P [61]
    - d+P, SH [67] - /\
    - d+P, b+K+G [58] - /\
    - D, d/f+P [58]
    - b+K+G, K [64]
    - HCB+P, P [69]
    - b+P, u+P [82] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P
    - knee/ss [65]
    - F+P, P, P [69]
    - F+P, K [64]
    - f+P, P [67]
    - d/f+P+K [57]
    - f+P+K [57]
    - d/f+K [63]

    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder, P[G], P[G] :</font color=white>

    - m-SH [71]
    - d+K [62]
    - f, d+K [65]
    - knee/ss [71]


    <font color=white>Knee / Short Shoulder combos on crouching opponents :</font color=white>

    <font color=white>*Normal*</font color=white>

    - d+P, SH [61] - ( /\ if knee starter )
    - f, d+K [46]
    - d+P, f+P [55]
    - d+P, d+K [50]
    - m-SH [54]


    <font color=white>Charged Shoulder Ram Combos :</font color=white>

    <font color=white>*MC*</font color=white>

    - F+P, P, P [113]
    - d+P, SH [110]
    - HCB+P, P [111]
    - m-SH [103]
    - F+P, K [106]
    - SS [103]
    - b+K+G, K [105]
    - d+K [92]
    - f, d+K [95]
    - f+P, P [109]
    - b+P, u+K [111] ~ pickup ( d+P+G ) guaranteed after b+P [ combo requires super strict timing - Pai/Van only ]

    <font color=white>Charged Shoulder Ram Combos :</font color=white>

    <font color=white>*Normal*</font color=white>

    - m-SH [77~83] *Depends on when you hit


    <font color=white>Elbow Butt Combos ( b+P ) : </font color=white>

    - F+P, K [43]
    - F+P, P, P [46] *Second P whiffs
    - b+K+G, K [41]
    - m-SH [35]
    - HCB+P, P [46]
    - SS [35]
    - f+P [29]
    - d+K [28]
    - f, d+K [30]


    <font color=white>Arrow Knuckle Real ( b, d/f+P ) :</font color=white>

    - b+P, d/f+P [70]
    - F+P, P, P [72]
    - knee/ss [65]
    - P, K [65]
    - f+P, P [69]
    - D, d/f+P [57]
    - HCB+P, P [71]
    - b+K+G, K [65]
    - f, d+K [55]
    - f+P+K, d/f+P [70]
    - m-SH [65]
    - K+G [65] - \/
    - d+P, d+K [57]


    <font color=white>Level Back Crush ( Hold P+K ) : </font color=white>

    ( need to confirm between normal hit and MC )

    - f+P, f+P, P [N:82] [MC:97]
    - f+P, b+K+G, K [N:78] [MC:93]
    - f+P, d+P, SH [N:81] [MC:96]
    - f+P, f, d+K [N:68] [MC:83]
    - f+P, knee/ss [N:78] [MC:93]


    <font color=white>Back catch push ( f+P+G, f+P+G, f+P+G ) combos : </font color=white>

    - knee, d+P, SH [61]
    - knee, b+K+G, K [56]
    - knee, HCB+P, P [62]
    - knee, knee/ss [54]
    - knee, d+P, d+K [50]
    - knee, P, K [57]

    * Use back catch push + knee to enter into *normal hit* wall combos ( refer to list ~ slight variations )


    <font color=white>Wall Combos : </font color=white>

    <font color=white>*Normal*</font color=white>

    - Knee/ss, 3xP[G], m-SH [75]
    - Knee/ss, 3xP[G], F+P, P, P [78]
    - Knee/ss, 2xP[G], f+P, P [73]
    - Knee/ss, P[G], SR [64]
    - Knee/ss, 2xP[G], b+K+G, K [70]
    - CSR, knee/ss [72]

    <font color=white>*MC*</font color=white>

    - Knee/ss, 4xP[G], F+P, P [87]
    - Knee/ss, 3xP[G], b+K+G, K [89]
    - Knee/ss, 4xP[G], m-SH [94]
    - CSR, d+P, d+P, SH [112]
    - CSR, P[G], b+K+G, K [113]
    - CSR, P[G], SR [113] *Strict timing. Almost looks like a "bug".
    - CSR, P[G], K+G [114] *Very cool looking combo
    - CSR, 4xP[G] [116]
    - CSR, 3xP[G], m-SH [124] *Most damaging combo


    <font color=white>Low Punch Cut Switch :</font color=white>

    - Knee, d+P, SH [61]
    - Knee, d+P, b+K+G, K [60]
    - Knee, d+P, knee [61]

    <font color=white>Low Punch Cut :</font color=white>

    ( need to confirm escapability )

    - b+P, P, K [76]
    - b+P, HCB+P, P [80]
    - b+P, f+P [70]
    - b+p, knee/ss [69]
    - b+P, m-SH [69]
    - b+P, b+K+G, k [79]


    <font color=white>Rising attack :</font color=white>

    - Face down/Head away ( single leg slider ) : d+KKK, SH [35]
    - Face down/Head towards ( double leg sweep ) : d+KKK, SH [35]


    <font color=white>Sequences ( Escapable ) : </font color=white>

    - Charged P+K (blocked), b+P, GS [ f+P+G to escape ]
    - Arrow real (blocked), b+P, GS [ f+P+G to escape ]
    - f+K+G, f+P+K, low throw [ struggleable + low throw escapable ]
    - After fully charged blocked P+K -> do a knee, if it connects refer to the knee/ss MC section for follow-up.


    - Hope this helped. ~150 combos and counting.
    - Thanks to Sam for the ressources !


    <font color=white>- WhiteWolf -</font color=white> Montreal April 15th 2002

  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Just wanted to say i appreciated the effort on the faq. I also really liked the colors and formatting, really nice looking. I already know that the weight info will be worked on from talking to you online, so ive no complaints about that. Its still solid info and a good resource for wolf combos.

    Being new to wolf i cant offer any additions or anything, but i hope this faq does well, and perhaps continues to grow as people add in whatever insights they have aswell.
  3. Kali

    Kali Well-Known Member

    Sequences ( Escapable ) :

    - Charged P+K (blocked), b+P, GS [ f+P+G to escape ]
    refer to the knee/ss MC section for follow-up

    What stands for GS?
  4. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    GS : Giant Swing -> HCF+P+G
  5. Kali

    Kali Well-Known Member

    Wow!!! I suspected Giant Swing, but I wonder, how can it be in this sequence? Then I checked it in Practice, what is after b+P - nice one!:)
  6. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Charged P+K (blocked), b+P, GS [ f+P+G to escape ]
    refer to the knee/ss MC section for follow-up

    dunno if i'm being totally stupid, but would'nt the b+p knock them straight down?...
  7. Tetra

    Tetra Well-Known Member

    no... b+p makes them stand up during stagger. The combo can be found in trial mode.
  8. fagan

    fagan Well-Known Member

    I’m pretty noob so you might have this included and I might just have missed it but after any attack stuns the opponent I follow up with F+P (this causes a crumple) and then low throw ... since the low throw can be countered it's not really a combo but it does do some nice damage ... anyway that's my 2 cents and thanks for a wolf combo list (they seem a little rare)
  9. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Just a few comments:

    <ul type="square">[*]You're using \/ for Open Stance and /\ for Closed Stance. Closed Stance should be represented as // .
    [*]Under the Charged Shoulder Ram *MC* Combos, you can add f+K [103]
    [*]For the Level Back Crush (hold P+K) combos, you asked for confirmation for Normal and MC damages; I've confirmed them all, and they're correct.

    It would be nice if you or someone had the time to add notes on Weight Classes (maybe in FAQ v2.0?) Otherwise, just let me know when this baby is ready to go in the Wolf section.
  10. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Thanks, I'll add all these to the next revision.
    I've noticed how stupid some of the combos I've forgotten about are ( i.e. *MC* knee/ss, f+P, P and b+P, jab into something else... ). As for the weight conditions, thats the major part I'm waiting on.
  11. justaNewbie

    justaNewbie Member

    Wow, excellent work!

    For the Sequences ( Escapable ) section... A blocked fully-charged Shoulder Attack [b,f+P (hold P)] followed by b+P keeps Wolf just close enough to the opponent to follow up with any of his normal command throws (I KS all the time against the CPU). In fact, you'll even be close enough to connect the b+K+G into P+G toekick hit-throw afterwards instead of the b+P to standing throw if you want...

    Also, I'm regularly able to connect Wolf's crouch-dashing-in df,df+P+G throw after a ground pick-up throw in Kumite mode (as long as the opponent isn't pushed into a wall). Could this be guaranteed with the correct timing, or is the CPU just stupid?
  12. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Cpu is stupid. Anyone can just punch you when you try it, but then they have to worry about you throwing a knee out instead and MCing them with that. It just goes back to the old mixup.
  13. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    Inceidentally new top damages so far with Wolf:

    Easy way:
    MC charged SR, (wall hit) K,K, u+P 139 damage

    Stylish way:
    MC charged SR, (wall hit), P(G), P(G), K,K, b,f+K+G 139 damage

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