Wishlist for Xbox 360 port

Discussion in 'Console' started by Dan, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    So it seems people are bent out of shape about the PS3 port. No point in complaining about it not trying something for the future.

    I made petitions in the past so what I want to suggest is we make a petition for what we want for the 360 port of the game. When we can come to a some what clean agreement on what to add, I'll make a petition and hopefully we can get alot of signatures and possibly use some of our connections to send it to Sega.

    What I want for the 360 version:
    All the features of VF4 EVO's training mode
    The ability to put your character profile on memory cards
    Arcade stick available to the public (VHGS2?)
    Version C. upgrade

    I'm not gonna comment on VF5 Quest mode AI as I'm just getting the game today. :).

    I personally do not care for online functions besides maybe patches and maybe ghost stuff though I don't see whats so great about that.

    Since most people will have the game today, please post up and share what you think needs to be done to improve the console port.
  2. luosnomed

    luosnomed Well-Known Member

    Here are some of mine, may or may not be gameplay specific

    1.Subtitles for win and intro poses
    2.Better Music(it all sounds like it should be in sonic adventure for christ sake)
    3.A story mode! Come on sega its 2007 and STILL no endings no nothing....weak
    4.A better practice mode. thats been said alot of times

    All i can think of for now
  3. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    please, only realistic wishlist /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  4. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    Nice one Dan for doing this, I was trying to start something up on another thread but everyones too pissed off. My opinion is that we should keep the list as short as possible. Things like music changes and new story mode will not be added. Im 100% sure. I think the most important thing is to sort out the AI, which realistically can be done if they realise how much that affected the ps3 version. I know some people dont care bout this but understand a lot of us do. Theyve already said it will be version C so no need to say about that and also I think the stick are totally out of the production team's hands. In fact Im just gonna leave my list as one thing: sort the AI out. Keeping the list short is more likely to get us somewhere.
  5. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    Well I don't know, I would like more features in the Training mode currently.

    EVO training mode is the best thing ever made for a fighting game. Seeing all the tutorial vids out in Japan right now shows us that THEY CAN do this tutorial again. Or at least put it up on VFTV.

    Also not being able to move your custom character via memory card is really lame.
  6. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    For me? Just tutorial mode and be able to transfer profiles really. Niether effect the gameplay so I'm not really worried either way.
  7. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Unsafe_Dan this is a good thread. But, what I will say to people is that it's better not to double up on someone wish list. Try to add something new or expand further on someone's idea.

    Rather than 3-10 people saying we want online play.
  8. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    When you guys say "we want tutorial mode back"

    What kinds of things do you guys want exactly?

    Why don't you use those same exact questions and post them in the dojo forums, and people can answer/show/give examples.

    The resources are available right in front of you, use it.
  9. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    I hate to say it, but I think Sega is going to release the exact same port as the PS3 version for the 360.

    Hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  10. monkyofdoom

    monkyofdoom New Member

    Right now all I really want is to have the profiles on a mem card. I wanted to show my friend my El Blaze (I named him Paco Taco). Oh BTW I saw your character Srider very cool!
    I am lovin this game!
  11. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    Which is better... to have all of the info in front of you when you play the game so that you can sit there in Dojo on your couch and practice immediately? Or running back and forth to your computer to check combos, techniques, etc. The point is they already DID have that stuff in the game before (Evo), and it was praised by everyone. You seem extremely defensive of the crappy PS3 port that was put out. It took a step BACK. That can never be defended. First, custom AI was taken out... then tutorial was taken out... all of these were GREAT things. A series should always just be adding more feautures, not swapping (or in VF5's case, merely stripping) features in each new iteration.
  12. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    You are not understanding my point....

    In fact, did you forget that it was me that suggested people putting up a list of things they want to see. I'm not even being defensive about the port, people keep on forgetting that I'm making sure it gets heard what VF fans are disappointed about.

    I brought that up for various reasons.
    1) They are not going to be able to include EVERYTHING you need to be good at VF5.
    2) They are not going to be able to give explanations and examples better than people on VFDC.
    3) They are not going to be able to know what the players want to know.

    If you simply say you want a tutorial mode, they are NOT going to be able to read people's minds and come up with the most complete tutorial mode ever. As lacking as VF5 for PS3 is right now, do you really trust Sega to be able to give you the tutorial mode you are looking for? You need to be specific, but if you can do that, why not present them so people can already start talking about them in the forums. Do you guys forget that there is a Dojo section? It's there for you guys to use. Why wait another year or two for the port of the next VF game just so you can use a tutorial mode that teaches you only elementary stuff that you should be learning right now for VF5.

    I guess if you want to depend on a potential tutorial mode in the future to learn the game that people are already playing, that's your choice. I'm just saying, you have a much better resource available right now, although it may be a bit inconvenient, why not use it?
  13. ViperExcess

    ViperExcess Well-Known Member

    1) Anything that was said about the dojo
    2) Anything that was said about profiles and mem cards
    3) Transferable replays via mem card (if not possible yet) and via online
    4) Tourney mode?
    5) Combining Free mode and Command mode. This should have been obvious. More work for Sega if they split them.

    Question: Is there still a trial mode, where you can practice all the basics, and character-specific stuff? Or is this what people want form EVO?
  14. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Two biggies for me are tournament mode and transferable profiles.

    If they can do replays over internet or even watch other people's matches live, that would be great.

    For Dojo mode, guard all option is sorely missing.
    Instead of recording moves, I think it's better if you can script moves and set what you want the opponent to do after guard or even hit.
  15. Rayne

    Rayne Well-Known Member

    As Jide said, please keep this to just new wish list items. If this kicks off again with arguments its gonna be pointless and noone will bother reading this thread.
  16. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Long time watcher of the boards here..

    Order of importance/ease to impliment:

    -Profiles on memory cards or tied to XBOX Live ID could never understood why not.
    -Seperate win/loss records for quest and verses modes
    -Tournament Mode
    -More Functionality for the VFTV, online replays, leaderboardds etc
    -At least bring all applicable EVO tutorial/trials etc to VF5 for people new to the series

    You guys might want to contact Microsoft with this sorta stuff cause they like to make sure there is live content is some sort of manner in all there games and a better port then the PS3 one wouldnt hurt them eather.
  17. Dan

    Dan Well-Known Member

    I agree alot now that I think it over regarding the tournament modes and more functionality in VFTV.

    It would definately be something if we could post our own replays over PSN/XBL.

    Srider: By the time xbox360 version comes out Japan will have most of those tutorial vids they release for each character done. It would be an awesome thing in my opinion to have those in the game. I also liked how the game gave you so many combos (not the best but still useful for newbies) in EVO listed on a search. EVO training mode was just awesome, and I think bringing it back would make VF5 the greatest hands down.
  18. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Hehe Microsoft won't give a crud what we think might make VF5 better, Sega would be a better gamble.
  19. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    Perhaps rather than doing a "petition" type thing, we should just collectively write sega/am2 a nice, respectable letter detailing what we would like to see with VF5 for the 360, and possible updates to the ps3 version. Maybe if we had Myke or Srider send it, they would take it a little more seriously. We could all sign our names on it like a petition, but not really making "demands".

    While I think theres still much room for improvement, I think I'd still like Sega to understand that they've given us more with this series than any other fighter. I think that if we present it correctly, they'll look at it more as a request from the faithful, rather than demands from rabid fanboys.
  20. EndCA

    EndCA Well-Known Member

    Maybe not about VF5 itself but there games period I recall reading that Mircosoft has a history of forcing developers to add online components especially for the 360 as madatory for its releases. (usually ends up being a leaderboard of some sort at the least)

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