Wireless Versus Wired Xbox 360 pad

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by dobiqwolf, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. dobiqwolf

    dobiqwolf Member

    Hello, I would like to know it they is any issue with the Wireless Xbox 360 pad while playing VF5.

    thank you
  2. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    Yes, Xbox's official pad has a huge problem with the 'left' direction on the d-pad. You have to press it twice as hard the rest. And don't even think about using the analog stick (if you even can).
  3. dobiqwolf

    dobiqwolf Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    thanks for your reply, but my question is about Wireless VS wired xboxpad for VF5.
    is there any problem know with the wireless one for VF5
  4. Cruz

    Cruz Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    I use it and it's okay. Arcade sticks are recommended though for better gameplay.
  5. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    OK, didn't realise but there shouldn't be any difference between response times of wired or wireless pads. But as Cruz said, if you are planning on spending £32 to go wireless, spend £40 on a EX2 stick (one or two of the buttons may break but you can use the other 4 fine).
  6. dobiqwolf

    dobiqwolf Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    ok, at Neoempire.co.uk
    from PaddyHacker:
    "well everything works fine on from menu to VF5 menu and even when you get to character select screen everything fine.

    but once in game it looks like the block button being held down constantly yet you can push directional down character will crouch blocking . (tried wired one had no problems)

    once played in SF2 absolutely no issues, tested with Metal slug.

    tested AE but thats **** in general on xbox 360

    So i dont know why its playing up on VF5 i know few issues with wireless hacks so its only thing i can assume"

    any one can help please
  7. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    That is strange. I wish I could help you out man but I have not done any wireless 360 mods. Now I am sorry I even posted because you will see a reply and think you have some help waiting for you. Sorry. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    I had that issue with my wired Madcatz 360 controller it was actually pretty good but it suddenly started to block when I didn't want it too and it happened at crucial points in ranking matches etc. With that and the controller in accuracies I ordered a PS2 converter and all my issues were solved and everything works fine again the PS2 controller really changes things.

    With the mod I actually bought a controller just to mod it before the PS2 adapter arrived in the mail and there is a certain tool you need to unscrew all the screws. I have computer repair kit with tips small enough to fit the screws but they made them in a way that they require a specific type of tip one that I don't have it really pissed me off since I bought the controller and the sand paper as well.
  9. dobiqwolf

    dobiqwolf Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    that is fine, if you find anything just post it.

    thank you for your time.
  10. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    Re: Wireless Xbox 360 pad

    Could you get any more information about the problem, what pads and stick are being used, are there resistors in the wireless pad etc? It's likely to be nothing I could help with though. I'm quite the modding noob.

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