Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo?

Discussion in 'Console' started by cadorna, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member


    In VF4:EVO when in Command List there was an option to show or demonstrate every move in the list. In VF5's Dojo only a few commands have that option, what gives? Is it some sort of unlockable item?

  2. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    Segas way of making you buy the Evo version once released.
  3. riskVSreward

    riskVSreward Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    It only demos the moves with strict timing like hit throws, etc... Do you really need demos for anything else?
  4. cadorna

    cadorna Well-Known Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    Yes, some of the new moves I don't really get. Like the ones that end in + /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif+/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif for Vanessa, what is that for? Until I don't see them demo'ed I can't really duplicate the move in some cases. In others, even though I'm entering the right sequence the move will not succeed because of timing or whatever. It was really really useful and I don't see why it can't be fully implemented. Can it be some sort of unlockable item?
  5. Justice

    Justice Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    Yea I noticed that too. Its frustrating because I coulda swore the PS3 version had demo's for all of the moves. I can't confirm because I sold my copy some time ago.
  6. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    The PS3 version is the same in this reguard.
  7. yoomazir

    yoomazir Well-Known Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    WTB VF4EVO Dojo mode for VF5
  8. Too_Sober

    Too_Sober Well-Known Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    It is strange. I noticed this too, but realised that the demos were mostly for the super elite combo moves where timing is crtical and is entered in the space of a second.

    It's a shame because it would have helped semi-noob VF5 fighters like me. A demo was always handy in VF4 Evo, and I miss it here.
  9. AnnonKaiesZi

    AnnonKaiesZi Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    Like Auvii said, features are probably purposely omitted from the game to give people a reason to purchase a later updated version. While Virtua Fighter 5 Online was a good update, it was still lacking in many things that were pretty easy fixes. So I assume that we'll see a version of Virtua Fighter 5 out by mid-2008 which will have these types of features. I'd also expect the release of a new character or two, like seen with Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection.

    I personally don't mind this, as the updates we see for 3D fighting games are generally pretty big, and come out at a cheaper price an acceptable time later. It would be nice to see a new version of Virtua Fighter 5 in six or so months, having new characters, maybe even some minor graphical updates (higher resolution textures in some cases, improved polygon counts on character models, more environmental effects, et cetera), better load times, more options, and more. This kind of stuff keeps the games alive. And as long as the updates aren't too small to justify re-buying the game, or prices too high, I don't see a problem with this selling model. Works for the developers/publishers, and works for the gamers.
  10. MCSquared

    MCSquared Active Member

    Re: Why only a few example moves are shown in Dojo

    I'm pretty much holding my breath for everything this guy said. PS3 VF5 Online Evolution for 29.99$ mid 2008. Sold. Patch the 360 version. Done deal.

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