why in the Kage vs Lion movie ...

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by dickson, Dec 14, 1999.

  1. dickson

    dickson Active Member

    after kage's heel swat, lion is head towards face up ... to dodge the rising kick, supposedly it should be E out of the screen ... why in the movie, it's E into the screen to dodge the lion rising kick? is it because of lion rolls forward before the rising kick or i remembered the rising kick rule wrongly???
  2. Nutlog

    Nutlog Well-Known Member

    I might be wrong (been a while since I looked at it), but I seem to remember that for Lion and Pai in this position, their rising attacks for the opposite direction of everyone elses. Just a special situation for them.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    When your opponent is lying face down/feet toward or face up/head toward you have to dodge to your characters left to escape a high rising kick. Just forget about this in/out of the screen thing cuz it all depends on which side of the screen your are located. One thing to remember about Lion: his "no roll" face up/head toward high rising kick is a double kick. To escape this one you will have to dodge to your character's right. This rising kick is much harder to escape...

    P.S: sorry for the bad english..
  4. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    *nods head* The dodge to your character's left is a pretty good rule to remember, the in/out thing does seem appear more confusing. /images/icons/smile.gif Do note though that if you delay the rising kick, you can change stances while rising and the opponent would actually have to dodge to the right instead. The timing is a little trickier though...

    ice-9 | Sennin
  5. Guest

    Guest Guest

    ::One thing to remember about Lion: his "no roll" face up/head toward high rising kick is a double kick.::
    Correction: Actually, that would be his face-down, feet towards no roll and no delay "high" rising attack which is a double kick. Also, it might be helpful to know that his face-down, head towards no roll and no delay "high" rising attack is special too; it's a sort of revolving heel drop type of kick.
    Cheers, Imashroom

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