Who's Opinion Matters ??

Discussion in 'General' started by MADrox, Dec 24, 2007.

  1. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    Reading through this board for years now,,, and with all the new faces on teh board with Xbox live,, I find myself only really reading the threads/responses of certain people... and or am interested in their gameplay/opinion/help/trash/etc posts cause i think they have substance, experience and just a good head on their shoulders to warrant a decent person to person discussion.

    Most importantly, for Player evaluations ,, For me thos people are mainly all Vets that we've met on various boards and in person..
  2. Logos

    Logos Well-Known Member

    That's more than a little bit elitist. "Veteran" status often has no connection with someone's potential for meaningful contributions.

    Your loss, though.
  3. TojiDestro

    TojiDestro Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Everyone has a reputation on here for different things and ultimately case-by-case opinions can differ or line up with others regardless of how long they've been here.

    If you're just looking for a vet's ass to kiss, then it matters, but if you're looking for advice, you'd have to test it regardless, so why does it matter where the info comes from and how long they've been playing?
  4. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    An attitude like this really helps the community.


    Sure, a lot of the info given is incorrect, it is also open to public where, ideally, those veterans can give their input. Their voices haven't been given because:

    1. The info is okay
    2. They're lazy/don't give a fuck
    3. They're sand bagging
    4. They actually don't know

    So far, most <span style='font-size: 8pt'>(key word, there are really good sources too)</span> of those "veterans" haven't given a fucking bit of the supposed insight they supposedly have in recent times.
  5. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Not that he plays or posts much anymore, but I'm definitely going to listen more carefully to something that Maddy says.
  6. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    Opinions that matter: NOBODY'S

    Thanks to the magic of THE INTERNET!!! everyone's personal outlook is equally worthless. Think about it a little.
  7. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    On very rare occasion this rule is wrong but everyone has something to bring to the table. Some know more than others but everyone has to start from somewhere ya know?

    I still have a lot to learn and get better at but when I came to these boards the eileen thread was pretty dead lacking a lot of useful information and now it's grown a lot thanks to a lot of us non-vet players making topics and learning from one another. Once in a while one of you old hands would come through and keep us on track and was appreciated.

    I think that's how it should roll if old "vets" (I don't like to use that word, it implies too much) don't want to be too involved anymore for w/e reason. Those that still trug on like they were starting off props to them.
  8. shadowmaster

    shadowmaster Well-Known Member

    The only real opinion that matter is the opinion of person looking for help or advise and came here looking for it. They will look for help in anyway they can does it really matter where it comes from as long as it helps in some form or another no. If you don't like the help don't ask for it the people here personal lives too. In short the only opinion that matters is the one that is asking for the help and nobody else, they will decide what help they consider helpful or vice versa not the "veterans" that post here daily.
  9. Tele

    Tele Member

    I gotta say, I'm with MADrox... I don't get the impression he ignores anyone except veterans, he was simply saying who he respects. I see nothing wrong with this. I had some hands on beatdowns from some of the NYC crew, and I have to say, I respect Oioron. Monti you SOB you opened up my back turned Shun game in a matter of 20 minutes (at least, forced me to, ex post facto). If I see Oioron post something in a thread I happen to be reading, I'm gonna read it.

    The fact of the matter is I'm going to read what I can, learn what I can, and apply what I can, regardless of whose advice it is. Chances are though, if I know it's a more "reliable" source (not saying expert, just informed), I'm gonna read it a bit closer. It's a competitive game and some people have proven they are better than others. You know... with videos. I seen it.
  10. MADrox

    MADrox Well-Known Member

    OMG - - sorry about that,, maybe i titled it wrong and/or its in the wrong section.. i mean nothing negative by it... do i wanna kiss vets asses,, no ,, i've done that live already , literally.
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen


    People who have put a beat down on me I also do read a little more closely because I know they have at least proved to me to know more about the game than I do.

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