Who is parasitevf5

Discussion in 'General' started by Superspacehero, Dec 3, 2020.

  1. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Never played against such a good player before. He is lionheart ranking.Played like 15 matches and lost all of them. He owned me with several different characters, but i suspect he is maining jacky. He was doing the most difficult iageri combos with jacky, even though the connection had zero bars.

    Is he a pro japanese player? The skill level was vastly different against what i encountered before
  2. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    Parasitevf5? That name sounds oddily familiar.
    Sounds like a Kof player.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2020
  3. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

  4. Parasite_eveNZ

    Parasite_eveNZ Well-Known Member

    Sorry guys this isn't me but i've played him too he's got very good situational awerness we had some very good sets the other day.
  5. Phoenix Force

    Phoenix Force Member

    I think he's a Japanese player. Like GODGODGOD, parasitevf5 is one of the few jpn players that play outside their region. I've played parasitevf5 a few times and each time they was using a different character so his/her knowledge of the roster is exceptional. Always grey bars but worth it as I always learn a lot. I'm yet to win a game against him/her. Far too good a player for my scrub tactics.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2021
  6. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Nope, his nick is parasitevf5
  7. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Yeah i always get grey bars. I played him again yesterday, and i was figuring that it my be some prodigy from some remote area. But parasite is a japanese roleplaying game from playstation 1. so and considering how good he is, i deemed it impossible that someone in a remote area with zero bars to anyone could get so good.

    I think it is impossible for anyone outside japan to be that good. He is doing stuff and meta, and mindreading that i only see in japanese vf5 tournaments like beat tribe cup and so on. Its amazing how the japanese are on a whole different level. And his cloth outfit is distinctly japanese in taste as well

    So why would a japanese situated person play outside japan for shitty connection? It doesnt make sense. It may be that this parasitevf5 account is a western account, that he only play when japanese people are sleeping, because he is staying up late, or like to play vf5 when no other japanese are playing.
  8. Ali

    Ali Well-Known Member

    Can you guys post vids if you played him again ?
  9. Phoenix Force

    Phoenix Force Member

    If you're looking to play him/her they're usually on ranked mode pretty much all the time so you'll bump into them soon enough. He/She was there today actually.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2020
  10. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Just played a few matches with farfallista. He is crazy good. A legit dragonslayer.

    Farfallista are doing maxcombos with jacky, and he execute edc,edece consistently so it is difficult to get a hold on him.
  11. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    It's one of the many aliases that Nero, Pana, Nauta, has on psn.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  12. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    Ohh i think nero is the best non japanese player i met. I still think parasiteeve is better because he has stronger yomi and is adjusting better to opponents pattern. It is scary good. Nero has better technique and better defense though, since parasite is barely doing any edce.

    I have never played xbox, so have never met the players there though..
  13. SDS_Overfiend1

    SDS_Overfiend1 Well-Known Member

    You never played Xbox? You main Kage Right?
  14. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    @Superspacehero you mentioned you always get zero bar connections. Where are you located? I would suggest using the matchmaking forums here, or even jumping into one of the VF discords and trying to find some local players. The game is a lot more fun with low lag :)
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  15. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    So i need to get the old xbox right? Nope, not maining him. Nope, never mained kage, but would love to get my teeth into him. Already playing like 3 characters and tried straying into 5, but that gets pretty confusing
  16. Superspacehero

    Superspacehero Well-Known Member

    ohh that makes sense then. Because he is so much better than everything else that i met on psn. I think he didnt control his space, or implemented any more advanced movements, because he doenst need to..

    How are you faring against him?

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