Who are top level Sarah players in Japan?

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by whitegrass, Jun 10, 2016.

  1. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    please tell me some name In VF5 era .

    and please tell me some name In VF5FS era .

    I find some name from internet,

    YOU ジュン ぷよ 池袋サラ フェルナンディオ しぃちゃん

    I know nothing about sarah players, I am going to search some sarah game play video from youtube to study.

    Which players' name should I start from?

    are "YOU" and "ぷよ" more active then others during VF5 ~VF5FS?

    thanks a lot
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  2. Stl_Tim

    Stl_Tim Well-Known Member

    Only name of a pro Sarah player you need to know, blackstar.
    ToyDingo likes this.
  3. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks, I will search the video on youtube

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    lol, dont listen to this man's lies

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I'll explain more about the jp players you mentioned when i get home from work later
  6. ShinyBrentford

    ShinyBrentford Well-Known Member


    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    YOU = Pronounced "YO-RU", but who cares, everyone just says "you" anyways. Sarah exclusive main from Osaka. First came to prominence during the VF4FT era(AFAIK) with his Sarah. Arguably the best Sarah of the VF5 series, and definitely the most decorated, as he is a former STAR player. STAR players are basically SEGA-sponsored players, and to be one of the 10 players (out of thousands), you have to win a singles tournament featuring the best players, which (used to) happen around every two years or so (SEGA stopped supporting the VF series way back in 2012, so none has happened since). Unfortunately, he's lost the STAR player title (it was taken from him when he lost in the last Star player singles tournament, i forget the actual name of the tournament), but he is still is considered one of Kansai's best players. Has a very solid, moral style and is a very patient player (though I personally think that style is not very compatible with VF5FS version of Sarah's design, but i'm an american vf scrub, take my opinion with a grain of salt).

    ジュン = "Jun". I dunno anything bout this guy.

    ぷよ = "Puyo". I dunno anything bout this guy.

    池袋サラ = "Ikebukuro Sarah". Sarah-exclusive main from Ikebukuro (a city within Tokyo, old-school players (of any fighting game) would commonly make a name with their city and main character as a way to tell the world "I'm the best [insert character here]-player in my city!" ). One of the first ever VF pro-level gamers, if not one of first pro-level games in all of fighting games period, first reaching that level of play in VF1 waaaaaay back in 1993. A VF legend. The OG of OGs. A master VF1 and VF2 player. As a example of how great people considered this man back in the day, he is one of the very few players (5-ish?) that holds the title of "Tetsujin"/鉄人/Iron Man". To get that title, you had to beat, what, 95 or so out of 100 of Japan's best players in one sitting (and this is when VF was crazy popular, having 100-man weekly tournaments in many arcades).

    Legend has it that, back in the day (late 90s?), his wife was so fed up with him being so devoted to playing VF and being in the VF scene, she gave him an ultimatum -- "me or VF". He chose VF. ('You da real MVP, homie!!' *sniff*)

    He's never really stopped playing since, but personally, I don't think he's been trying to be all that competitive recently. Maybe i'm setting myself up for sticking my own foot in my mouth tho. Either way, he's proven himself several times over regardless, so it doesnt matter either way.

    フェルナンディオ = "Ferunandio". Personally, my favorite Sarah player. He is somewhat of an OG, from what I know, having been playing since at least VF4 days (early 2000s). FWIR, I think he's won a Tougeki championship around then too. He's really good. He has a very aggressive and flashy style, and is fun to watch imo.

    しぃちゃん = "Shii-chan". I dunno anything about this guy.

    Hope this helps some.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2016
  8. cruzlink2

    cruzlink2 Well-Known Member

    Blackstar I love you but, how dare you not mention satoshi?
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    There's alot of sarah players I didnt mention (or mostly just plain forgot), lol.

    But yeah, Satoshi, you see him alot on the Video Game Museum Robot streams, so that is a sign to me that he is from around the northern outskirts of Tokyo. He is one of the few Sarah players still active (among the seemingly dwinding population of jp VF players still playing). Though I'm far from the most knowledgable of jp VF scene, I haven't really heard of this guy outside of the past few months, so I am guessing that he's an up-and-comer younger guy. He has been in alot of tournaments recently, including the last few Tokai Bay Cups, i believe. He has a very aggressive style, and he will whip out uncommonly used moves pretty often. He's a very interesting player to watch, and I am a definitely a Satoshi fanboy :D
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2016
  10. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    thanks a lot. I will start from "YOU" and "フェルナンディオ" .
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  11. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

  12. RawrCookie

    RawrCookie Well-Known Member

    Top or popular sarah players? you mean videos from pro sarah players to learn?

    Worldwide there are @BLACKSTAR ;)

    There are also Shou or like he call himself "超亜米利加人ショウ" means The ultra american shou , he is american living in japan i think , he have a channel in youtube called "wannafightus" uploading his videos from VF4 champions till VF5FS , i think he was in VFDC and his account is @Shou i am not sure about this if he have account in VFDC or not , his last last Activity was 2014 in VFDC and 2013 in his channel in youtube by releasing EVOLUTION 2004 VF4 Evo two videos and 2010 by VF5FS videos , You can see his videos and get something from him but i don't know his last appearance or website to connect with him anyway from his last words he said was in his VF5FS video as Signature in his sarah profile was "VFDC is gay"

    in this video

    this is his channel https://www.youtube.com/user/wannafightus/featured

    i hope that i helped you in something(y)

    Good luck you will be great sarah player :D
  13. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    Thanks , i will bookmark his channel
  14. Terracrush

    Terracrush Well-Known Member

    I wonder how many matches Shou had to play to get that one win against Joseph.
  15. RawrCookie

    RawrCookie Well-Known Member

    Wow you are like Sarah players wikipedia!

    www.SarahsPlayaerspedia.org !

    dunno but you know all players upload only their best videos or the videos that they only win , some upload their gameplay video even if they lose it only if they played very good in the match but luck didn't helped them or played with popular players like chibita etc

    i notice some of them hide their profile wins/loses it's means nothing actually , your play in the last decide your gameplay not your wins/loses.

    he wins against Joseph because he putted VFDC in his signature ! VFDC name gave him the luck!

    it's also can be curse if he use VFDC name wrong like he did , that's why he loses a lot before because of it! lol
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  16. RaishinX

    RaishinX Active Member

    Heh, cool thread
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  17. whitegrass

    whitegrass Active Member

    who is(are) best Sarah player(s) back to VF4FT ?

    Anyone remember which sarah player's' name being used for the name of Sarah AI with highest rank in PS2 vf4evo Quest mode ?
  18. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    I'm not that knowledgeable on the best Sarah players in FT but here are some names Shou, K-2, and S.O.S. Also here a youtube channel that has a lot of solid VF content https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwLQwhrQbOgrIixkEeAJckg
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  19. Dark Nova Void

    Dark Nova Void Well-Known Member

    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  20. RawrCookie

    RawrCookie Well-Known Member

    Yes , he is BlackWidow as Champion rank , it's the highest rank you can get besides the two exclusive special ranks that you can't obtain
    • Napoleon (Jack) - Phoenix
    • Ohsu Akira (Akira) - Daredevil

    If you have VF4EVO you can watch the VF4 EVO Disc Replay for the highest rank players matches "Champions"

    BlackWidow (Sarah highest player) had 8 videos in the Replays.


    I hope it helps you.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2016

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