Which move will win when both hit at the same time

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by SUGATA, Aug 15, 2008.


    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    If the active frames of your move connect with the active frames of your opponent's move, which move will win?

    Brady guide say...ALGORITHM:
    1st step-the move with less startup frames(i.e. faster move) will win.

    2nd step-IF both moves have the same ammount of startup frames-THEN the more Damaging move will win.

    3rd step-IF both have the same startup frames and deal the same Dmg-THEN the character with less Health will win.

    4th step-IF both moves have identical speed and power(dmg) , and both characters have equal health-THEN the moves will Both hit!

    But, there is some questions-mistake:

    1)It seems that 1st step -not exist(the startup(exe) frames of move not use in this algorithm)!
    So, 1st step is-which move is more Dmg, that win.

    2)Question about the 3rd step-for ex., in Dojo(i have not a life bar)-so Do i have less health than my opponent(Cpu)?

    What is the truth behind this?
  2. Gernburgs

    Gernburgs Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    I've had a sudden death round happen one time and it was against Carolina Panther I believe. We were both downed and we both got up with low rising kicks, at exactly the same time, so we hit each other simultaneously with the same move and we both died. However, I don't think we had the exact same amount of health but we both got KO'd anyway.

    I think the equation just takes the frames you connect and the damage of the move into account. If both people hit on the same frame with the same damage, both people get hit regardless of their health.

    Obviously this isn't for sure but that is what I think happens from my memory.

    I know for a fact that more damaging moves do have priority over less damaging moves. If you are tied on the frames and the move you did does more damage, you win.

    The example that comes to my mind as proof is Lion BT P does 12 dmg and 12dmg (it's two strikes but one button press) and it will beat out a normal standing P (10dmg) if you're tied on frames... I've actually tested this too and I'm sure the more damaging move has priority if they connect on the same frame. Higher damage having higher priority is definitely a fact.
  3. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    I think the part 1.) simply reads that the "faster move" will win. This is sort of obvious.

    part 2.) the more damaging move will win; is definitely confirmed. I utilize this, especially at the start of round.

    I havent been aware of the part 3., but I cant dismiss it either right now.

    Also,related issue: in case of two sabaki moves that would in theory sabaki each other, the one that started later will win.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    Why "1st step-the move with less startup frames(i.e. faster move) will win" is obvious? Both moves connect those ACTIVE frames at the same time, not that 1st move hit enemy before his move hits me-they both hits at the same time!
    Example: i have +2, and perform 14fr mid elbow, ...and enemy at the same time perform 2P(12fr)...Which win?
    By brady: win 2P.
    but by dojo(Truth): win 14fr miod elbow.

    And yes, very good quetion about sabaki vs sabaki-which will win(i.e. deflect enemy's move), and what factors are play here?
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    Hmm youre right, I didnt read the first part: "If the active frames of your move connect with the active frames of your opponent's move, which move will win?"

    Ok, in that case Brady guide is flat-out wrong. The deciding factor first is in my opinion the damage of the moves. I dont know would the startup-frames have any effect in case of equal damage moves or not.
  6. Sp00n

    Sp00n Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    I don't believe health left has any relevance. I've seen several ocassions of a "cross counter" with double k.o's on low punches etc. Both players will get hit if the moves have the same speed&power regardless of health. I'm 100% certain of it.
  7. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    Startup frames do matter, but brady has everything backwards.

    The *first* thing checked is damage... higher damage always wins.
    The second thing checked is execution speed. I believe it's actually the slower move that wins, however, not the faster one. So, the player that started with advantage should always win.

    Remaining health has no effect on this at all.

    This makes perfect sense and is an unrelated issue... the move used first enters active frames first, while the later move is still in it's sabaki frames. The time before that while both are in sabaki frames causes zero interaction to actually occur.
  8. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    Although funnily enough in VF4 it did as there was a hidden catch up feature. If there was a pt gap of 50pts, the player losing would get priority. It's possible that this feature is in VF5 too.

    Yeah random bit of trivia ;p
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    I'm pretty sure somewhere on the wiki it says that if both moves hit the one that does more dmg wins i.e. kage using a 9K+G against a rising kick will win. However if they're both the same dmg health plays a role in who wins though I forget who's in favor in this situation, all I know if that if you both have the same health in this situation you both get hit but I don't remember who wins if health differs.
  10. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    Interesting, it's certainly possible it's still there and I don't know about it. I'm pretty sure the stuff I wrote earlier is from some translated arcadia article that got posted 6 months ago by Myke?
  11. SUGATA

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    Re: Which move win when both hit at the same time?

    VF-expert answered to my question (thank you): "Which move will win when both hit(have active frames) at the same time"?

    1st step-The move with the higher damage wins.

    2nd step-IF both moves have the same damge, THEN the slower move wins.

    3rd step-IF both moves have same damage and same speed, THEN the player with less health wins. ("I'm not 100% sure about this one" (c) )

    4th step-IF everything is the same, THEN both players are hit at the same time.

    (P.S. Brady games have some mistakes(as this one), for ex. some combo...very sad. But anyway this is very usefull guide.)

    And about second question: I perform Sabaki , and enemy perform sabaki too, which will win(deflect)?:

    1)[As Sorias've described] Because my move(sabaki) deflect enemy's move, when enemy move's active frame enters my move's sabaki frames...So the same rule is for both sabaki move-i.e. Which move's active frame enters opponent's sabaki frames early will loose!

    2)But if both Sabaki-move will have active frames at the same time?-That seems it will be the same decision as when both Normal moves hit at the same time.

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