Where Sifu Succeeded and VF5US failed.....

Discussion in 'General' started by masterpo, Mar 23, 2023.

  1. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    SLOCLAP a small indie developer (much smaller than SEGA) focused on authentic martial arts and kung fu. No whirlwinds, flying, explosions, fighting bears, or fireballs. Just kick a$$ martial arts. And they put out this legit game release trailer taken directly from the first stages in the game:

    SIFU is original, authentic, creative, stylish, and fresh. SLOCLAP didn't have to copy off Tekken or Street Fighter or anyone else. And for an Indie game it sold more in the first 3 weeks than VF has in I don't know how long.....:cry:


    No microtransactions:holla: No overpriced DLC:holla: No NFTs:holla: Instead lots of post release free content for the fans. They have earned my loyalty:cool:. If they keep up this quality of martial art fun they have a customer for life.

    Virtua Fighter Ultimate Showdown could have, and should have been so much more.:( How could Sega/AM2 let a young Indie developer take the throne so easily:eek:

    While SLOCLAP was raising the bar with free post launch content and showing what new martial arts and kung fu presentation and fan service could look like, Sega, & Seiji Aoki was adding tired hit sparks to Virtua Fighter Final Showdown, removing single player content, and playing monkey-see-monkey-do with Namco and Tekken:mad:

    If Virtua Fighter 6 can't go back to its VF4EVO and VF5 roots, maybe we're all better of if the franchise just ends at VF5FS:meh:

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
    GustavoHeisenberg likes this.
  2. GustavoHeisenberg

    GustavoHeisenberg Well-Known Member

    Thanks as always @masterpo this is really insightful and hopeful. Albeit depressing having to entertain the thought of VF trying to Microtransaction cheese entirely future entries
    beanboy and masterpo like this.
  3. SSfox

    SSfox Well-Known Member

    I just wish vf5 netcode wasn't that bad. Sega are so lame bro like ok u lazy don't want to put content , but at leàst make sure netcode is decent..
    DomAug likes this.
  4. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    They need to at the very least focus on having a complete game before they get into all this NFT and microtransaction Bul$#it. VF5US is far from complete. In some ways it took a big step backward:unsure:

    @SSfox They could have just ported the complete VF5FS to Playstation and Xbox as is and that would have been at least a legitimate start:whistle:
    SSfox and GustavoHeisenberg like this.

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