Where is Dural on the character tier?

Discussion in 'General' started by MetalSlugX, Jun 24, 2008.

  1. MetalSlugX

    MetalSlugX Member

    Ok I know some people don't think tiers have a place in VF5 due to the balanced nature of the game. But all the tier lists I've seen don't mention Dural at all. Is she just not good or what? Also who makes these tiers anyway. In magic the gather the "top tier" was simply the decks that saw the most tournament wins. Are the character tiers I'm seeing based on some sort of statistic or are they pulled out of thin air?
  2. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Dural is not meant to be balanced... she is so obscenely overpowered she is banned from all tournaments. She is just a curiosity in practise. Nobody plays her.

    The tier lists are from Japanese Arcadia magazine. Im not actually sure where the lists are made from, Ive heard different stories. There exist detailed statistics of character usage in tournaments and tournament success, but I dont know if the tier lists are based on those.
  3. Vortigar

    Vortigar Well-Known Member

    Combination of tournament performance and number of moves with good stats upclose/distanced/ranged/defensive I thought.

    Dural is a bit of a double cookie I think. She does massive damage, takes less damage (super heavy) and has the most powerful throw in the game with an easy input. On the other hand she has very little options, especially defensively, due to her small moveset. An opponent who knows what he's up against can shut her down almost entirely with basic defensive tactics. Lastly most of her strings are punishable as hell.

    Where this would put here in the tiers? Below the current top tier I guess, but still pretty high.

    Tiers do exist in VF5 but they aren't as influental as in Tekken or 3s or something like that. Especially in the West where very few players have tapped the full potential of their characters.
  4. MetalSlugX

    MetalSlugX Member

    Ah I see. She is a broken boss character that no one uses because she was never meant to be played in tournaments. Got it.
  5. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    It should be noted that even in the most high-level Japanese tournaments possible, there still exists a wide variety of characters in the finals. I dont think many fighting games can achieve this.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Dural is not a playable character in the arcade, and the tier lists are based on the arcade environment in Japan. Hence, no mention of Dural.

    The fact that Dural is playable in the home versions is just a bonus, or waste of time, depending on your point of view. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Where is Dural on the Dojo?

    So that may explain why Dural isn't in the Dojo listing. I was going to ask that question sooner or later.

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