where are all the fighters?

Discussion in 'Goh' started by Gmoney, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    I don't know if this is the right place for this but this is the only Page on VFDC I usually visit. I'm a Goh player...Obviously but I'm just starting to use lau to change it up. I feel my skills are pretty nice but I have no way of really testing them. I've mastered the cpu and even beat quest just collecting items now. So I try to find a challenging fighter online only to be very disappointed. Why is it that 85 to 90% of most fighters online are so bad. I always run across the fighters that only have maybe one or two tricks in their bag. If it's not the multiple low punch to grab technique. then it's the constant evade attack or evade throw. Then I force myself to face the japanese fighters who are ok but even on a good fight they always just quit. And that's if they even fight. I had ones to just ring themselves out or stand there. It's like they don't want to fight americans. What's up with that? How am I supposed to enjoy my favorite game if I can't even get challenged. This IS supposed to be a complex fighter right? Even though I lose sometimes I just hate losing to a button mashing, Character disrespecting SUPER NOOB. Maybe I'm just crazy but have any other good fighters experienced this? I've got friends that play this game as well But I would love to be able to put us all in one room so we can face each other. i.e:DOA STYLE, But the online doesn't support that so how am I supposed to enjoy myself Because that's why most people I know won't play this game, The rooms only support two people.
  2. UKDiddy

    UKDiddy Well-Known Member

    Well the room thing does kinda suck, cuz I did like that about the DOA setup, but if you wanna get good matches, just send a shoutout in the shoutout box. If I'm on and see you I'll join up and give you some games. I'm not greatness or anything, but I definetely think I'm decent at least.
  3. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    they quit because they don't want to play laggy games.
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Generally I have good games. I come across the spammers and the laggy players but overall I would say most of my games are against well rounded players. I like to think its because of these forums. I frequent here so hopefully people see me and if they are doing quick match in ranked or player they join my game and vice versa. I am always searching for people from here that I could get some games with. Personally I hate the interface involved with the VF online games, BUT its what we have and I manage, so just search more or shoot some friend invites using the GT provided here on the forums. Its what I do and it pays off!
  5. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    I think I remember playing your Goh in a player match if Im not mistaken. I was willing to rematch after you lost, but you immediatley left.
    I hear you about not seing too many challenging players, but you should probably replay the people that you lose to. ESPECIALLY if you felt that you lost to the player being too cheap, or the character being over-powered.
    Feel free to challenge me if you ever see me on.
  6. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    For the most part I don't have laggy games and truthfully I even have good connections with players around the world, Japan as well Now I don't have anything against them but I just don't get it. If the fight was laggy I'll see it too and I'd understand the quiting and even some of the suicide fights laggy fights suck. I even quit if it's laggy but when it's not I'd just enjoy being able to battle at least a few times. I know they don't have to but it's not like we have a huge online community most the time you can't even find a challenger. BY THE WAY I REALLY ENJOYED OUR FIGHTS FULAN YOU'VE GOT GREAT REACTION TIME AND TOUGH DEFENCE!
  7. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    First off what's your gamer tag? Secondly I very rarely quit cause of a loss, Most people don't use their mics but sometimes a bathroom break is in order, or I'm running out the door and you caught me on a last fight maybe even my phone rings but if you see me still online shoot me a message I'll always rematch until I tire of the opponent. I even give begainners a few matches to get things right Your first fight may not be your best attempt. And if you beat me every time I'm known to send you a message congratulating you even though I'm mad, Especially if you fight cheap I'll talk trash but still say Good Game. That I promise!!
  8. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    My gamertag is pleportamee as well. Based on you last post, I guess maybe you just had to go somewhere or something. I was just assuming that you chose not to rematch because you lost.

    Anyway challenge me anytime if you see me on!! I typically play player matches because I like the replay feature. I'm by far not the best, but meh, I would say I'm definatley good enough to present a decent challenge.

    Also, just to forwarn you, I can be "cheap"... unless of course your gameplay gives me a reason not to be. AKA " man I cant do this same pattern again because...hmmm he knows how to deal with it" /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  9. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    the lag is not always even on both sides. And I imagne the japs have a lower tolerance for lag cause of their arcades and whatnot.
  10. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter



    Maybe when the PS3 has online you'll find some new perhaps more difficult challengers /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  11. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    arent you the same dude who said if you run into an opponent that evades, throws and combos too much to just avoid playing them altogether?
  12. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

  13. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    no, the OP.
  14. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    Yeah I just remembered seeing that on someones sig as soon as I posted. Looks like a posted a little too soon for my own good.
  15. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    You know what Jeez I've been so misunderstood on that forum that it's sad. Even though I could go back over it I'd rather not It was intended for People who began to hate this game or stop playing it because of the difficulty they found in some of the fighters online. THIS one is about the fighters online who doesn't fulfill me or other good fighters with their lack of creativity or technique in a fight as well as the online interface being limited. If you'd like to take part in the discussion be my guest But I'd really like to stay on topic PLZ! Unless you'd like to explain the relevance of your comment to this topic!!
  16. haunts

    haunts Well-Known Member

    if you want me to take part in the conversation ill say playing fighters online and looking for good comp is kind of a joke. its so hit or miss, and with lag and all that, at the end of the day you really cant take it all that seriously.

    i play SF3 online purely for fun, but not really to get any better. you really have to seek out comp in Atl. I used to live there and I know it exists so try to meet some people inside of 285 instead of playing online.
  17. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    I disagree. I have fought many players with great skill online. Most importantly I have got in contact with many players from these forums and learned a tremendous amount. Sure meeting people near your home is great and would pay off, but many cant and with this game online its the best we have. So again, as I said before, get to know people on these forums, talk to them, and get some games going.
  18. Gmoney

    Gmoney Active Member

    I do play in the local Tourneys Here I've played at three gamestops In Doa, Snk Vs Capcom ,Tekken and Soul caliber. BUT The last tourney we had everyone there sucked at VF5 ,so they all voted it out. It's A Rarely mastered game and the least popular of the ones mentioned above. I'm an all around fighting game lover and I feel very accomplished to master a fighter in a complex game such as this but even locally there isn't adequate challengers. There Is a new Tourney coming up at this new store called Play N Trade I hope They Have More fighters.
  19. Jaytech

    Jaytech Well-Known Member

    that's what online is all about. kids with no idea going crazy all over the place!
  20. masterpo

    masterpo VF Martial Artist Bronze Supporter

    Where are all the fighters?

    As you get better that's a harder and harder question to answer.

    But if you're noob they are easier to find. Once you get a rep, a whole lot of cats don't want to play you.

    Most people don't like to loose... (I'm an exception!) I enjoy
    getting my !@# kicked by someone that's got skillz. I learn alot. So the better you are the less fighters there are that's willing to be humiliated or have their win ratio crushed.

    Sometimes when your loss ratio is much bigger than your win ratio
    (like mine) people are not intimidated from playing you, you get
    more fights that way. I try to keep my fights just competitive
    enough so most ppl won't say masterpo sucks, but not so competitive that they fight me once and then don't want another
    match. The lower your screen rank the better.

    I'm not saying you should throw all of your fights, but its sometimes good to put up a little struggle and then let the other guy win. It will build his confidence, he might decide
    to keep practicing at VF because he's realized that he can actually beat somebody. Then, once he has invested so much time in the game that he thinks he's ready to face anybody.,
    You show em wtf VF is really all about /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/laugh.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cry.gif

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