When will my smiley turn green again? :(

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by Supreme_Bananas, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    Let's get right to the point. When I just started this game, I was as bad as BlackBeltSpartan. I quit every single match I was about to lose.
    When I got better and found VFDC, I wanted to repent. My smiley has now gone from bright red to yellow, and I haven't quit in 200+ matches. But will it ever turn green again? It's taking so long. And some people won't fight me cause they think I'm (still) a quitter. Anyone knows the formula?
  2. End

    End Active Member

    I will play You, as I believe in redemption.

    Redemption through flames, as I will, of course, do my best :)

    Whats Your PSN?
  3. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Someone correct me if wrong here, but I believe the smiley faces are dependent on the percentage of games disconnected per total games played.

    In other words, just keep playing legitimately. It will eventually go back to green. Just take your loses like a man and have fun. :)
  4. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Toy is right. Which means the more you have played the longer it will take.

    I began playing on Xboxlive and disconnected after maybe my 10th game online. It resulted in an instant red face. It created a very frustrating situation of being low rank and having a horrible face, people dodged me maybe 4 out of 5 times.

    I wasn't green again until +50 matches.
  5. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Haha i've heard of the Auvii red face on LIVE, fairly recently too. I will only play green smiley's as I think DC'ing is f***n weak, and I just can't trust rage quitters to be honorable. I hope you get it back to green, losing sucks, but disconnecting doesn't mean you didn't lose the match, it means you're a poor sport. I'll play you in ranked if I spot you, and drop you in the good games thread, but i'm rarely in ranked..

    You might wanna use the shoutbox here to try and get some ranked matches in, when you're online. You could always just create a brand new PSN account and start from scratch.. Please don't DC anymore and remember even the best players lose, it's part of the game.

    Welcome to VFDC!! :D
  6. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    That's what I meant, I'm not DC'ing anymore no matter how frustrated I get ^^
    My PSN is Bananas1000 (I thought you could set this in your profile?)
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    You use to be able to set it in your profile, but not anymore, nut sure if that will become a feature again..
  8. Shinzu921

    Shinzu921 Active Member

    I also turn those red faces down like the plague, but I'll keep your psn ID in mind.
  9. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    We should have a thread about that. Where people who have learned the error of their ways can go to say, "I want to play it straight from now on" and let people know that they want to play to get their status back up.
  10. KPDudgafan

    KPDudgafan New Member

    Yeah it could be kinda like an AA meeting. Hello my PSN is KPDudgafan and i'm a rage quitter. :D
  11. BogusMeatFactory

    BogusMeatFactory Well-Known Member

    "Hi KPDudgafan!"
    KPDudgafan likes this.
  12. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    It's yellow now. I got rid of red and orange soon enough, but it's taking forever to get rid of yellow
  13. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Good stuff man! I usually turn down oranges and reds. But at yellow, you're clearly on the up and up. If I see you online I'd be happy to throw a challenge your way. :)
  14. Washow

    Washow Well-Known Member

    Or better yet, you could just make a new psn account
  15. Riq

    Riq Well-Known Member

    I Had Red Smiley When I Started Playing Online... I Had No Matches Under My Belt Meaning Have Never DC (Still Haven't. I Never Rage Quit When I Lose) I Didn't Understand What Was Going On. My Smiley Went To Green Within The First Week I Started Playing Online. I'm Still Wondering How Is That Though.
  16. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    I'm the same as the guys here. I think DCing is super-lame, but if you've seen the error of your ways then I'm all for giving you some games in ranked (though I'm not on very often as I usually play in rooms). PM me/add me or something if you see me on to let me know you're this guy, and I'll play you.
  17. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    The only time i used to quit was when i was playing quest mode in vf4 and 5 vanilla ) Never quited online in any game actually, and i don't understand people who quit. It doesn't help much in getting high ranks, 'cause nobody will play with quiters. Anyways, good luck in returning your green face, banana)
  18. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    Never played in rooms yet, should try that sometime :D
  19. Genzen

    Genzen Well-Known Member

    In my opinion, a room with three/four other good quality players is the most fun. You get a more rounded experience than just going one-on-one with the same opponent for hours (which turns into both players trying to read the other's mind), but you don't have to sift through all the crap matches with superbad players in ranked. Just be careful about getting too many people into a room - it can get a bit boring if you're looking for a decent amount of games but you have to wait for seven other people to play each time you lose.
  20. Supreme_Bananas

    Supreme_Bananas Active Member

    Well, seeing as the playerbase in ranked is pretty limited, I haven't found any rooms to play in yet. I also have crap connection with anyone from Asia, since I'm from western Europe

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