What was your favourite VF game?

Discussion in 'General' started by VirtuaFriend, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. VirtuaFriend

    VirtuaFriend New Member

    I think vf4 evo was probably the best in the series? Sure fs is great but when I think about evo I just feel that was probably the best game ever. In comparison vf5 just feels a bit excessive and detailed to me if that makes any sense.

    Although I didn't play it so much, vf3 was also great. The graphics and stages just looked cool as hell and it kind had this realistic look about it. I'd say vf3 and vf4 evo were the best anybody with me/not with me? why?
  2. Star Outlaw

    Star Outlaw Active Member

    Star Outlaw
    I'd probably have to go with 4 Evo too. 4 vanilla was the first VF game I ever played, and then Evo just felt like icing on the cake. I really liked Kumite mode and all the customization at the time.

    I feel like I should have liked 5 Online too, but I think at the time I got it I couldn't really enjoy online play like I wanted because my internet wasn't that great. It is now though. FS would be my favorite if it had as much as Evo did, but my memory is a little fuzzy.
  3. Valakrie

    Valakrie Well-Known Member

    To me Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution was the best, and ironically, my first time playing VF (PS2). There are a number of reasons as to why I liked it more (not just mechanics, but some character designs as well - Vanessa first comes to mind). I've also played some VF2 as well, but generally jumped from VF4 Evo to VF5 FS if we're talking about consistent play. One thing that really makes me sad in FS is how multiple throw escapes are now gone. Don't mean to sound obsessive but, this was the main mechanic that drew me into the game, I mean...it was just beautiful. It still bothers me that it is gone now, kind of hurts my feelings.

    I also liked movement in that era more as well. When looking back, it seemed restrictive, but the possibilities were really extraordinary when you watched Japanese players like Minami Akira and a few others. Have not really explored advanced movement in FS as much as I've liked to just yet, so maybe my mind will change after experimenting in the next couple months.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2013
    Sozos and ExzetyXat1 like this.
  4. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    I like Final Showdown the best, but it's the only VF entry I've played competitively. VF2 in the arcade and on the Saturn, 3tb on DC, 4 and 4EVO on PS2 - they were all single player experiences for me, and because of that I can't appreciate them fully. If there were a huge 4EVO scene or something I could dig my teeth into, I might like it more than FS.

    But FS is my favorite.
  5. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    Hmm...good question...

    By far the VF that I had the most fun with was Evo. I remember bringing that to my college dorm when it first came out and actually having human competition for the first time ever. People had no idea what the game was and I, with my scrubby Evo Sarah, was the best player on campus (my campus was full of Tekken/SF/DOA players...). Evo was definently fun times while it lasted.

    However, my favorite VF of all time is still VF2. I don't know why. The clunky controls, eclectic music, silly voices (oh Lion...), moon physics, etc. Maybe it's nostalgia. But I love VF2 and still play it regularly to this day.
    Shinobi and Modelah like this.
  6. 11thKyuGod

    11thKyuGod Member

    VIRTUA FIGHTAH 4. No other game amazes me like Virtua Fighter 4, except maybe Super Smash Bros Melee and Tekken 5, BUT VIRTUA FIGHTER 4 made the seven year old me INTO A MAN. Like, I just grew a beard by looking at the main menu screen! Sure the roster was small, but so were all the other fighters I played at the time! It looks great, it plays very well, side stepping feels solid, crazy intros (like Jeffery used to scare me when I first saw him), gorgeous stages, kick ass soundtrack, and the game is filled with surprises! like creating your own AI, or editing your own character! An invisible robot boss!? WHAT MORE COULD YOU WANT!? For crying out loud! You can have a frog mask if you so desire! But seriously the game is great, and I still consider it being one of my all time favorite games.
  7. Star Outlaw

    Star Outlaw Active Member

    Star Outlaw
    I imagine a lot of people are going to have 4 as a favorite, probably because it was the first VF released on something other than a SEGA console, so it was the first VF for many who had bought a PlayStation instead of a Saturn or Dreamcast.
    Sozos and Shinobi like this.
  8. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    VF2. Totally agree with Brodi on that one, that's where I have my most fond VF memories, and where most of my student loan went back in the day.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2014
    Player_X and Shinobi like this.
  9. Shinobi

    Shinobi Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    My favorite VF is always the latest version of VF. But, I have so many fond memories of VF2 (back in 1995). The out-of-this-world animation, Lau's theme (back then, the local arcade had set VF2 sound very high) and Akira's fighting moves, made me fall in love with the series. I played with my best friend (a Kage vs Akira FT5) and since then, I haven't stopped playing VF.
    Sozos and Modelah like this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    My favorite vf is this one vf5fs. Why you might ask. Why not I will say. I have accomplished something that I wanted to in a fighting game. Became the number 1 ranked player in the world on psn but I say this without bragging so dont get me wrong, because its not about the ranks for me. Instead when I got the highest rank it actually made me want to get better at the game so that rank gave me the motivation to become better and I have and I am still improving and that is one of the reasons vf5fs is my favorite. Another reason is the people that I have met and talked and played matches with on this site and off it. So if it was not for vf5fs I might not have found this good site and we had lots of fun together in the past year and a half lol. Also I have played the other vfs and I still do but vf5fs is when I started playing more competitively. I like the flow of vf5fs as well and many other things about it so that is why its my favorite vf in the series, I put in more time and effort in this vf then any other fighting game and I am thankful for it. My second favorite vf is vf4 evo and I am not going to go into explaining why because it will take a while but I will say this vf4 evo has one of the best training modes in history of fighting games. Vf has that realistic feel about it that I like and seems like a sport to me. Over all good stuff.
  11. Birthua

    Birthua Active Member

    Coin Op INC
    Undoubtedly VF 3. I still miss the dodge button [in 3, you can run backwards with every characters if you want it, besides many moves were a lot easier] the uneven stages and the music.
  12. Pai~Chun

    Pai~Chun Well-Known Member

    Lishao Tao GPK
    I would be delighted if VF3 returned, arcade perfect, and with decent netcode. FS looks fab, but it doesn't really feel like a fair game at all. Maybe that's inevitable with such a large cast now. At least you can select the VF2 & 3 music in it for a wonderfully nostalgic aural vibe :) Who knows, maybe SEGA will add some more DLC to it this year, and enable players to create the outfits exactly from the older games, that would be cool.
    Birthua likes this.
  13. UroboroSx

    UroboroSx Well-Known Member

    Gato Negro Jr
    VF4 EVO, the first VF game I played was VF5, but that game EVO is the best to me.
  14. Wingman

    Wingman Well-Known Member

    Probably Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, because it's the game that made me really appreciate the series. I had played VF and VF2 in the past, but VF4 is what really got me hooked, and when Evo came out for PS2 for $20, it was so awesome.
  15. IcKY99

    IcKY99 Well-Known Member

    I'm torn between VF3/4EVO as my favorite, 3 being a real fond game of mine, when i played youth hockey my local rink had the huge showcase VF3 cab for about 2 years, although i had no idea what i was doing back then i played it a ton and MSHvsCapcom. I have nostalgia with that game.
    Vf2 def is 2nd place
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2014
  16. Dollar Yen

    Dollar Yen Active Member

    Dollar Yen SRK
    - Hitmaker wasn't the best candidate to give the AM2 property to, but at the same time: they did some revolutionary things for the series to make it better than it was after VF 2 and VF. Especially throwing in Taka, who until 5R, was then ignored in the 4th iteration completely because of programming issues. For a company to say something like that was the most interesting thing to come out of a feature.Yeah, I claimed BS there. I do love 5FS because it brings back not only this favorite, but the depth of VF 4 is thrown into the training. Heck, we even get the old tunes back from the original. 3TB fleshed out the backgrounds, as everyone said, and added the evade. 5FS just feels like a tighter game for me.

    I wished I got to know 4 better. It played like a good follow up from what I remember.
  17. Player_X

    Player_X New Member

    Virtua Fighter 2. It was the first VF game I played and was what got me into the series. Aside from that I also feel like its got the best soundtrack of all the VF titles.
  18. Happy_Friend

    Happy_Friend Well-Known Member

    ZOMG I just dusted off my Dreamcast and played VF3 for an hour or so offline and it is hilarious how much better the game is than FS. I like 4 and Evo also, but man oh man there is so much awfulness in FS. Yes, some of it is lag and the effect it has on conditioning people to exploit this or that... but even setting that aside... The stupid magic property/reverse all moves, the spammy overpowered unknowable strings, the throw system, the immense power of backdash... and yes low punch... Low punch is so awful, yet there are so many instances where if one is honest, one will admit that the best response to many of the other problems is to rely on low punch.

    And yeah, I know these older games had problems and the designers never really worked out all the techs that the OCD nerds could discover and exploit after a LOOONG time with the games... But man, what happened to Virtua Fighter? I see no cause for optimism re: VF6.
    Birthua likes this.
  19. MDSPrime

    MDSPrime Grappler & Part time Ninja

    Pilchard LoveR
    Glad to see I'm not the only one who thinks that, hopefully Sega will take note of the low player numbers for FS compared to previous VF games, I see lots of the old Vanilla VF5 regulars on SF these days Tallos, Divine, Scoobydoo, Kernol, Hanzy etc. most abandoned ship a few months after FS was released just like I did, I still support the series by playing casually in ranked a few times a month but many others have stopped playing altogether.

    But back on the main topic I liked VF2 most because I used to play it on PC at school, it was the only the only game the IT teacher couldn't get off the network; probably played it himself lol.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  20. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I would say a tie between the third and fourth ones, because they seemed to be the peek of them all. They were my last optimistic interest, sadly. Although the recent ones were similar enough to them, they have added on mechanics that I've found unnecessary. They stray more away from fundamental understanding and just too much of a rehash to me.

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