What the hell is going on?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by mindelixir, Oct 20, 2002.

  1. mindelixir

    mindelixir Well-Known Member

    Can someone please confirm a few things....

    A. A high punch does more damage than a low punch.......
    B. A high punch in a combo does more damage than a low punch (at the same point in the combo, ie, 2nd hit, 3rd hit, etc...)
    C. OK so how the hell does Jeff's Knee, low punch, Knee (87pts) do more damage than Knee, Punch, Knee (84pts).....

    I though I had a decent grasp on the damage scaling, but this just makes no sense at all.....
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This was an example I was going to use in a recent post on the damage scaling in VF4.

    A low to the ground hit does more damage than usual, it does whatever the attack's normal damage is. By low to the floor, I mean just before the opponent is allowed to tech roll. The knee P knee vs. knee, d+P, knee is a perfect example of that.

    Another perfect example is lau's closed stance combo:
    b,f+P -> P,b+P,P
    ... the exact same combo does more on heavies than on anyone else because part of the combo is hitting lower to the floor than it would vs. a lighter enemy.

    You can use this to your advantage in certain combos and intentionally delay hits to get a little more damage ... any lau combo ending in PPPd+K, you should try to make the sweep hit as close to the floor as possible. If you do a kage TFT combo, sometimes your combos ending in a kickflip should be delayed a couple of frames... like vs. anyone you can get TFT, knee, d+P+K, kickflip. Early kickflips work for 73 pts, while the latest possible kickflip brings the damage up to 80 pts.
  3. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    I found some too, Akira's FC, f+p+K, p, f,f+k,k some times does more damage than normal because the first hit in DJK does full damage, but I think timing for this is very hard, I don't even know how to get it, it just happen from time to time. I tried to delay the DJK a little but it give me less damage due to the first hit in DJK hit too late that counts as a ground hit.
    And the same thing for the first hit in AS3.

    Another is Jacky's b+k+g, d+p, f+k in open stance, the knee does full damage.

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