What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends?

Discussion in 'Console' started by focusflute, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    seriously its like all anyone plays is 3s or MvC2. How do we convert them? I would like some ppl who don't even play fighters to start playing this game, too.
  2. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    All my friends are already here... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smirk.gif
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I try to tell them how awesome VF is but a lot of them are scared of it because it's so technical. They're all like "oh it's soo fast how do yo umake decisions like that" and I tell them "you put them in situations where they have to put them in 50/50's if you can't figure out they're pattern" then they're like "what if they don't have a pattern" then I say "everyone has a pattern it's just a matter of how complex it is" I might be able to convert one of my GGAC peeps into a VF5 player soon enough.
  4. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    rock/paper/scissors is a good analogy...
    tell your friends you're just playing a version of that...

    <ul>[*]/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif beats /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif[*]/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif beats /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif[*]/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/f.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif beats /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/d.gif/forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif[/list]
    <ul>[*]attack beats throw[*]throw beats guard/evade[*]guard/evade beats attack[/list]
    It's really quite simple. Your hands can learn what to do quite quickly... I'm sure most of your friends use computers and can type, or better yet, play a musical instrument. Your mind's in rock/paper/scissor land... you don't have to think about what your hands are doing in no time at all.

    Of course there's frame advantage, but that will come very quickly too once they see the risk/reward for each move... and the R/P/S model still applies.

    edit: Heh, I just saw the new Peyton Manning commercial agian... it's a lot like that IMO... your mind can be all over the place, observing and processing info you're not even consciously aware of. No one consciously thinks about frame advantage while they're actually fighting. You don't have time. You train yourself to do certain things in certain situations... you block a heavy attack > you have huge frame advantage > you throw or go for a big combo... that's a blink of an eye. i.e. a little more than 12 frames. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif

    As Peyton says, "Where's my hot? Where's my hot?"
  5. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Just lie to them and be like, "It's like the _____ (Fill in whatever game they play) version of 3D dawg."

    Example, they play Marvel. "It's like the Marvel of 3D dawg." Just like that. Guaranteed to either get them to play it or not play it.

    On the real, I feel the best way to get people into this game, is to better our own game, and impress them at majors. Either through larger turnouts, or dope finals that some happen to watch out of curiosity.

    Oh, and for fks sake guys (General shout out to some random VFers) stop harping on how difficult this game is. It isn't nearly as bad as some make it out to be, and if people hear all the trials and tribulations before they hear how fun and fresh this game is, they arn't about to play it. Tell them the basics are easy, the real technical stuff is tough, but not needed to learn.
  6. Yupa

    Yupa Well-Known Member

    That last paragraph is a great point. It's like Go in that respect. Relatively easy to learn basics, but a lifetime to master. You can always learn about new stuff at every step up your skill level takes. That's what keeps most of us returning here. There's always some new strategy or trap that pops up, and then you have to figure out how to difuse that set-up and the process continues back and forth.
  7. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Lol yes, it is EXACTLY like Go. So true.

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    What I did was went to as many Halo 3 lines as possible, and I told as many people as I could. It was pretty difficult I felt like I was 1 versus about 3,000 people. The hardest part of it was alot of people are just into Halo, but I knew that there would be some people out there that are gamers and play more than that. The only thing I can do know is wait and see if they join on come Oct. 30th. After they enjoy Halo 3 maybe they will come around and enjoy alot of VF5!!!
  9. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    I got a friend to get Evo for her PS2. She now mashes with her college friends in San Diego.

    I'm urging her to stick with it and not to bother with that piece-of-shit Soul Calibur.

    I tried to get my friends in Oceanside to play, but marriage is #1 priority... what fags.
  10. DissMaster

    DissMaster Well-Known Member

    The game itself isn't hard, it's just hard to beat someone better than you. It is cool that the more you play it, the better you get at it.

    What maybe isn't so cool is that the game rewards wonkish nerdy studying of the game. Like knowing to dodge to Lau's back when his back is turned, and knowing that Jeff is -5 after such and such move and making your little nerd plan of attack in every situation.

    That kind of shit turns a lot of people off about VF and makes them think, "Why bother playing if I gots to memorize all that shit like a fucking state capitals test or some shit?"

    Or at least I think that this turns people off. I don't going around passing out questionaires to people about why they choose not to play VF.

    And don't get me wrong, I acknowledge that someone could look at the time I have spent playing and practicing VF and say "Dude, you're a freakin nerd!" and they wouldn't be incorrect, but the memorization of frame charts and circular/semi-circular attacks and all that... man, that takes a special kind of pimp.
  11. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    Word lol. Thing is, with players of other fights, character specific info and frame type situations is nothing new to them. But I do agree having to memorize a whole nother set of rules and what not is a big detourant to many.

    I'd just tell people not to worry about that shit, just play and enjoy it, and it will all come to you eventually. Wether they learn it through playing matches or gain an interest in doing all of that nerd like studying haha.
  12. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    Um, don't you need to know your opponent's tech-traps when playing Tekken, and doesn't Tekken have, like, twice the characters? I just hope this idea would sink in with players of other games.

    Personally, I find VF to be the most intuitive FG ever (exception for TE and Fuzzy /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif ).

    VF is the only 3D fighter I've seen with legit evasion and stepping (SC2 it was broken, SC3 was pointless, Tekken... wtf?).
  13. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    The thing those people need to be explained to them is that knowing frames can make you better, but it's not necessary even at higher levels of play. You can eek out an "appropriate response" to any move you see if you recognize that move, that that's been a part of fighting games since day one.

    What did Evo's training teach you? How to recognize a move that a guaranteed throw. Just like learning that you can punish a shoryuken on block with just about anything you want, half the knees in VF are guaranteed throw moves. Now, obviously, there are exceptions to certain move classes but those are ALSO things you learn and that's akin to learning that Guile's Sonic Boom has a good amount less recovery than any other projectile in SF2, changing how you play against him.

    I honestly think that even the really good players put a bit too much emphasis on learning the frames and give newer players the wrong impressions about it. You learn more of the game through experience and you'll eventually learn that such and such move can be countered with a throw or punch or whatever. Learning certain situations only improves you because then you'll know about them, but you still have to apply those situations.
  14. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    Nothing more to say other than "ditto".
  15. comoesa2

    comoesa2 Well-Known Member

    You hit it on the nail this is what turns people off too playing the game. Some of the players that play vf are like this and turn people off like that. You just need to play, practice, and learn from your expierence to get good at this game. You dont need tp remmeberize the frames of every move in the game.
  16. THE_WALL

    THE_WALL Well-Known Member

    I think we have lost track of what what this thread is all about. It's about hyping the games, showing people pictures of the game, giving flyers, inviting people to gatherings, creating cd's or dvd's with matches on them, teaching them and not dominating them, showing them a few simple combos etc,.
    The point of this thread is not I've tried through out the years and no one cares any more. One thing we have to remember is that we have a new generation of gamers that are mostly into fps, they need to know about fighting games. I think that through the years we have been trying to convert people that are solely into fighting games and that is a hard enough sell as is. We need to give the new generation of gamers a look at how awesome VF5 is and try to bring some of them are way!!!
  17. SweepTheLeg

    SweepTheLeg Well-Known Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    Very well put.

    Theory fighter b.s. and an obsessive approach to frames has always struck me as a cold and abstracted way to play fighting games. This is not to say that frame knowledge is irrelevant; however, I feel that when too much emphasis is placed on frame knowledge, the player turns into a kind of bland algorithm instead of a flesh and blood player who creatively uses attacks, set ups, surprise tactics, etc. instead of always taking the safe, moral choice.

    I'll always be aggressively abare to some degree and that's cool with me. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
  18. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    What I've been doing? Any time someone asks me if I'm playing Halo 3 I tell them that I'm waiting for VF to come out instead.

    Including EB clerks that don't know me.
  19. Arest

    Arest Active Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends

    I´ve been doing the same for a while.

    But I think the main problem is that VF shall be (what attracted me the most) "the thinking man´s-fighting game". And most people play Halo3, they don´t really want to think while playing..

    I didn´t really play any VF before, I only saw some vids of VF5 and heard by some friends who practice martial arts that VF has the most realistic virtual fights available. (sorry about my english, I´m unsure about my grammar in the last sentence..)

    Since then, about a year ago, I saw A LOT of videos, read evreything available on the net and made one friend buy VF4evo so he can train and fight against me as soon as I´ve VF5 and made another friend preorder VF5, too.
    I hope we´ll be able to attract some more as soon as we can show them our (novice) skills in home tournaments and give them a view of what is possible to d in this game.
    btw, when playing VF4 at my friend´s, I was very surprised, how accessible VF4 is and how many and quite impressive looking moves I was able to perform.
    The funny thing was that I won about 90% of the matches, after a few warm-up fights through the characters I decided to use Pai and she almost instantly did what I wanted her to do!
    So Pai will be my first VF5 char to learn the game, I´ll see if I´ll stay with her..
  20. Poppa

    Poppa Well-Known Member

    Re: What R U doing to hype this game to ur friends


    All I have to say is...

    <span style='font-size: 20pt'>GET A FUCKING DEMO UP FOR DOWNLOAD SEGA!!!</span>

    Not only would said demos (both on Marketplace and the PSN store) get the attention of a tonne of players we'd never be able to actually reach to spread the VF love, but it'll also give us something to work with:

    VFDC member 0238: "Yo, ever play VF?"

    Random person: "No, any good? What is it?"

    VFDC member 0238: "A fighting game. A really good one at that. You should try it out at the very least. Very accessible for beginners no matter what the critics say. Really amazing fun! Plus it has online and you can customize your characters to look like anyone! I made my Akira into Akuma!" =D

    Random person: "Sounds pretty cool. I would try it, but I don't know anyone who has it..." =(

    VFDC member 0238: =) "Come with me friend...we have much to discuss!"

    After the whole kidnapping fiasco is resolved at the police station, and the VFDC member apologizes for the confusion with regards to his intentions, he can recommend that the random person download the demo online for free! What has he got to lose?

    They already have a PS3 demo made, they just need to release it on the PSN store. Then make a 360 one.

    I think the PS3 demo has Akira, Sarah, Blaze and Eileen. Add in a few items so people can try out the customization options, and throw in a few splash screens or a video after they finish with arcade or versus mode to promote the game:

    Thousands of items to customize your fighters! Replay feature! Online! Quest! Dojo! A total of 17 unique characters! (Then they steal this line from DQVIII) Experience VF5's finely balanced gameplay - easy to pick up, challenging to master!

    Hell, we can even make copies of the demo on CDs and give them away (with some instructions on how to get the demo on their PS3s or 360s). Couple that with that challenge card/business card idea:


    And we got ourselves a decent starting point for a North American VF craze! >_>



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