What is "The Knee" good for?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by ClarenceMage, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. ClarenceMage

    ClarenceMage Member

    So what exactly is the Release [G] after 1 frame knee good for? It does only slightly more damage, launches higher on hit, takes a frame longer to execute, and leaves you at -13 on block.

    Is it the launcher properties? Are the combos you get from launching your opponent THAT high really work the just frame input & guaranteed damage risk?
  2. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    [K]+[G]:[G] is an actual launcher, unlike [K]+[G]. Yes it is work using... think of it this way, it is a 17 frame knee launcher. Many characters have a similar move, but usually are -15 on block. This is a big difference, as some characters can be combo-ed for pretty good damage at only -15 (in certain match ups), but Akira has a similar attack that doesn`t put him in as much of a risk.

    Use this when you have +5 advantage (after [P] hits for example).

    Simple (not the best), but easy to do combo would be,

    [K]+[G]:[G] [P] [4][3][P] [​IMG][6][P][P]/[6][6][K][K]/[K]+[G][P]/etc.

    This is way better than just using [K]+[G].
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    KNEE combos are pretty much the same as [3][3][P] combos, well worth the risk.
  4. ClarenceMage

    ClarenceMage Member

    Great bit of advice, thanks.
  5. Sashaz

    Sashaz Well-Known Member

    Concerning the knee.

    I read somewhere on this formum that the move isnt that great anymore, is that true. I randomly can do the move 3/5 times.
  6. 2ndFace

    2ndFace Well-Known Member

    The Knee is still pretty awesome. But it used to be much better. In VF4(E) You could only be punished with a throw on block (-10).

    When I play Akira I have a habit of practicing the Knee after winning a round. I almost never use it in matches though...
  7. Laban

    Laban Member

    Being 17 frames instead of Youhou's 18 frames means that the Knee could actually punish certain moves on block in which Youhou can't. I was doing some experimentations earlier and I forgot which moves you can punish. I think generally -18 circular sweeps on block can't be punished by Youhou although Youhou is 18 frames (keep trying to buffer but get no punish ever.) But, doing the knee is consistent in punishing and has a similar launch effect, especially since stuff like 46P can't be used since the opponent is still in a crouched state, and you want to do something more than punishing with an elbow or 6K,P.

    So I wanna say it's still relevant, but I think not absolutely vital. What do I know? I'm just a week 2 Akira player and week 2 VF player. So please correct me if I'm wrong on anything.
  8. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Yep, KNEE is great for punishing sweeps. [6][K][P] also works if you can't do KNEE consistently.
  9. ZBEP

    ZBEP Well-Known Member

    Also, aside from it's safety comparing to youhou, it has a use in combos. In the combo it can relaunch opponent high leaving you a better combo possibility after, than 33P. For example:
    (Near a wall) [​IMG][4][6][P][5][K][+][G]:[G][5][2][1][4][P]...
    Or, probably on heavy characters:
  10. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Still need to test all his combos out but i'm pretty sure wallsplat> KNEE> 214p> DLC> 2_6pp works all the way up to Jean.

    Just remove the KNEE for Taka.
  11. Radar

    Radar New Member

    Have a question for anybody to answer. i notice that the knee lifts him up a little bit does that mean it stuffs out crouching low kicks and punches cuz if thats the case you can make a good read of low moves?
  12. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    The knee hits mid and can hurt opponents on the ground. Like all mids, it will only stuff low attacks when you have enough advantage -OR- if it hits at the same time but does more damage.
  13. tonyfamilia

    tonyfamilia Well-Known Member

    KNEE! Unngh!
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely nothing!

    KNEE! Unngh!
    What is it good for?
    Absolutely nothing!
  14. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    I noticed whilst I was working on my combo video that the KNEE is great as a low wall splat combo ender. I do it and even if the person does a quick stand recovery it still hits and Akira is right in front of them.
  15. Sidna7

    Sidna7 Well-Known Member

    Doesn't shoulder-ram do the same thing and cause more damage? I personally like knee but I'm just asking.
  16. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    Doing some research, shoulder-ram does do slightly more damage if you do a longer combo. Knee does slightly more on shorter combos tho.

    For longer combos I did K+G:G, 2+G+K,P:p wall G+K:K and then K+G:G, 2+G+K,P:p wall 4,6,6+P+K and the shoulder ram does 2 more damage.

    For the shorter combos I did 6+G+P wall 4,6,6+P+K and 6+G+P wall G+K:K and the knee does 1 more.

    Oki wise, I noticed when I ended with shoulder ram, it took a second before I could execute another move whilst with knee I was able to do another knee or throw straight away.
  17. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    KNEE and shoulder ram do the same damage in combos, can't really follow your combos too well but looks like the difference in damage may be due to the damage scaling and not the damage of those individual moves.

    Shoulder ram recovers faster afaik, the moves serve different purposes though.

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