"What" is Goh?

Discussion in 'Quest, Kumite and Items' started by xVIRUSx, Aug 19, 2003.

  1. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    He ain't human,thats for sure!Is he undead?What the hell is he???What does he have to do with Akira?

  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    Goh is human, he's just pale. Please refrain from asking stupid questions like this in the future, thanks.
  3. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    They were fuckbuddies in the army. But then Goh went and started his punkband and akira was refused to be the drummer so it all fucked up and he went to live on planet Beta Z K. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

  4. GTO

    GTO Well-Known Member

    lol.. quite an imagination there
  5. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    GLC stop being a fishie

    Who knows goh can be a zombie, he sure floats like one - no weight at all. Then again a judo assasin sounds weird enough. Lemme grapple you to death!
  6. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    wait. Zombies float now?

  7. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    [ QUOTE ]
    wait. Zombies float now?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hey... that's right... shouldn't zombies fall into pieces on touch or something?
  8. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    lol does he really looks like a zombie for you guys. just becouse he's pale and got a couple of scars doesnt mean that he's some kind of living dead /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  9. Kapu

    Kapu Well-Known Member

    btw. have you ever seen zombie bulid that well /versus/images/graemlins/smirk.gif...
    the only thing that bother me is goh's weight. he looks much heavier than his 66 kgs
  10. tzgorr1

    tzgorr1 Well-Known Member

    Isn't Goh supposed to be the missing link of the devil gene that the J6 Zaibatsu is digging up in South America?
  11. ZSS

    ZSS Well-Known Member

    Actually I'm also curious about this question. It's not just his flotation or scars. His TEETH do seem a little strange, too. /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif
  12. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    True.He has needle-like teeht!
    And a couple of scars...HIS WHOLE HAND IS IN SCARS!!!

    Well,one thing stand tough:HE IS ONE HELL OF A FIGHTER!
  13. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Believe it or not fellas, Goh Hinogami is, in fact, this "girl" IceCold brought home one night. Imagine sitting down to play VF with your roommate one morning and having the whole thing interrupted by Goh's voice singing Jewell songs from the couch where she has your other roommate literally surrounded in loose, curdled looking overwhite flesh. I seriously wanted to get the jaws of life out to free him but I couldn't bring myself to approach the creature...as it was I couldn't get a hardon for a month. (did I say hardon? ewww)
  14. Trolle

    Trolle Member

    Talking about weight and hight, the guys behind the game must do better research next time.
    The tallest character is Jeffry, 183cm?!? Come on...
    And some characters look alot bigger than described, f.i Jacky is 182 but looks smaller than Akiras 180cm.

    well, no real bother, just weird /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
  15. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    No disrespect to Icecold but another great post from sanjuro...surely you must do stand up now???
    To stay on topic I think Goh is actually just a pale well built human.Maybe he just doesn't like sunlight or something.
  16. PhoenixDth

    PhoenixDth Well-Known Member

    as for the question to height, look at how the knees are bent in stances, they lower characters a lot more than their height pertains them to be.
  17. baobab

    baobab Well-Known Member

    I always thought "Goh" was waht you went past to get $200 /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

    ONISTOMPA Well-Known Member

    Lol, you're sick.

    Jin Kazama + Bryan Fury + a little touch of Kazuya Mishima = Goh Hinogami /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  19. xVIRUSx

    xVIRUSx Active Member

    Nice formula but still you cannot say that he is "normal"?
    No one of you smart-asses said anything 'bout his teeth!
  20. Anton

    Anton Well-Known Member

    What about most of his items, Chainsaw, Spiked Club,Claw Marks.
    What is he, Evil Dead.
    Look at the front of the manual and look at his face.Has he been experimented on or what + His age is unknown. /versus/images/graemlins/crazy.gif

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