What is everyone's VF set-up like?

Discussion in 'Console' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Jan 12, 2008.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I was just wondering - what is everyone's VF set-up? How many VF players have embraced High-Definition since VF's big switch?

    Mine is -

    * Sony 50 inch HD LCD TV
    * THX Dolby 5.1 speakers
    * and a table right in front of it with 2 arcade sticks blu-tacked to the top of it. (I've actually got five sticks but two are for PlayStation 3)

    It's just like having your own massive sit-down arcade cabinet but without fag burns and a low-quality display with energy bars burnt in.

    Might sound a bit like I'm boasting but I'm sure some of you have even better. And anyway, I was dead against getting a digital HD TV for years until the Japanese arcade companies made it clear they were adopting it and putting it to use in VF5 and HotD4 (the Western shit that was always destined to utilise it doesn't interest me at all). Virtua Fighter 5 presented on those sleek widescreen displays made me decide to get one ready for when the game was released on PS3 in the UK.

    And funnily enough, that's the product I've displayed on it more than any other. First the PS3 version and now the 360 version - hours upon hours worth of it.

    Sorry about the lack of HD/SD poll but we know this forum's policy on polls. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
  2. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member

    Sony KV-34XBR910 Direct View (Tube, HD, Widescreen)
    Played in 720p or 1080i
    And of course a Hori joystick

    The quality of the 910 is still the best in HD sets although Plasma is getting really close now in black levels. This is saying something since they came out almost five years ago. For anyone wanting to pick up an inexpensive HDTV this is the one but only if you don't mind lugging around a bulky 200 pound set. IMO it's absolutely worth it. There is one other model, the 960, which is the newer version but practically the same.

    Although rare you can find these on ebay for less than $500!
  3. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    PS3 + Samsung 52" DLP + whatever these 5.1 speakers that came with it are called. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
    these two sticks:
    (yep, that's my DA account. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif )

    i actually just got myself a Sony Trinitron DRX9. those are Japanese HD sets that have only 480p and 1080i, but i got it for about $160, holy poops. pretty awesome, i should say. it lags when running 480i games, though, but so does everything else.
  4. JHow77

    JHow77 Well-Known Member


    Wow that TV has a MUSE input doesn't it? You don't by chance have a MUSE LD player do you? Does that have component and/or DVI? I just checked online and I wasn't even aware that Sony had a 36" widescreen. I thought 34" was the max. I think RCA had a 40" widescreen tube at one point.

    Does your TV accept a 720p signal and just upconvert to 1080i? That is what mine does.
  5. Franz

    Franz Well-Known Member

    Xbox 360 Premium + Hori EX2 fed to a Samsung 913n SyncMaster VGA TFT monitor in 1280×1024 resolution.
  6. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    MUSE? the only inputs i see are Jap-D, Component, composite, and S-video. it doesn't accept 720p, though, just 1080i and 480p. most PS3 games auto-upscale to 1080i these days, though, so i'm safe. (testing the 720p setting with the PS3 XMB messes it up.) but hey, at $160 (obviously not brand new), i'm not complaining. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  7. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    Custom Sanwa wirelles stick.
    I have HDTV as well but is far less important than my lovely stick.
  8. Griever

    Griever Well-Known Member

    Ps2 and Ps3 on RGB cable connected to a SDTV(!) by Sony (trinitron) 29''. I have a shitty setup, but the game still looks amazing on it, so why should I care /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif I just don't have enough cash to buy myself a new TV.
  9. Steam

    Steam Active Member

    360 Premium connected to either a 32" Mirai LCD HD(the company that makes sonys' tv's). If that tv is busy I just connect it to a 17" tft monitor(non widescreen).

    I controll my baddies somewhat still awkwardly with the hori ex2.
  10. DubC

    DubC Well-Known Member

    360 - VSHG - 56" 1080p DLP HDTV - 5.1 Speakers - Italian leather couch - Pure Bliss.

    Playing against some of the best competition from around the world? Priceless.
  11. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    excellent equipments~
    I hope I can afford these too~~~~~~~~~~~~
  12. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    360 Elite and PS3 via HDMI on a SONY 34inch XBR 200 pound MONSTER(Sameone Jhow has) playing on 720p. SONY DTS/DD 5.1 sound system via Optical. And of course, a Hori stick. I did alot of research a few years ago when I decided to buy a HD set. I needed the best picture possible. LCD ghosting and plasma's burn images(Thats different now) didn't do it for me. Even todays LCD's don't make games move that smoothly. That's why by the end of the year I'm getting a 50 inch Pioneer plasma. Asking members of the AVS forums(Props) detail me the reasons on why to get a plasma, I knew about the colors and the "True Blacks" but burn in, was my main concern. Now I know burn in's is a issue that's been fixed on recent models(But still possible) and thats why I'm going with a plasma. Not trying to insult anyone who has a LCD set.....Fuck it, CRT FTW! LOL!
  13. leaveal

    leaveal Member

    CRT Still pwns the living shit out of everything else IMO. if only they weren't so heavy. i had so much trouble just moving my Sony Trinitron from the floor to my TV rack!
  14. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    - 9" black and white trinitron turned on its side ('cause CRT owns, and so I can play vertical shmups, too), hooked up to the 360 with an RF adapter.

    - wooden chair with a busted leg (keeps me from getting too jumpy while I play, or else it'll fall apart and dump me on my ass)

    - custom Intellivison paddle controllers ( I use a pair of them) modded to work on the 360 and PS3.

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>erm, I meant to say, a 56" 1080p lcos, a raggedy couch that the dogs like to jump on, and a vshg[/size]</span>
  15. _MG_

    _MG_ Well-Known Member

    I got a recent-ish model Samsung 50" 1080p plasma which has several anti-screen burn features. For example, it shifts the entire display by a couple of pixels every 2 minutes (this does not remove burnt images but softens/blurs them so they are less obnoxious), and if you get some noticable burn after a gaming session or watching something with borders or channel logo or whatever, you can try to erase it by having it display all white, or a signal pattern which is a load of scrolling vertical greyscale bars. The signal pattern works particularly well but you need to leave it for at least a couple of hours, and I often leave it overnight. However despite running the signal pattern regularly I am starting to notice that some of the VF related screen burn is not going away any more and am beginning to think it is permanent.

    The worst thing by far is the border round the "searching for players" box which has some hard black and white edges, and the black edges are starting to show up very slightly when the screen is all white or light-ish colours. It isn't visible very often and you do have to look for it, but I think I am stuck with it now, so I'd strongly recommend you make sure your particular TV can handle it, or decide whether you would let this bother you that much. I think if I could make the choice again I would go for LCD next time.
  16. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the tip _MG_. I will take this under consideration.
  17. seven5suited

    seven5suited Well-Known Member

    XBox 360 20-gig, 2200-lumen Epson powerlite 77c projector running (for now) through the standard RCA video cable. Projected out to about 70" diagonal. Getting VGA adapter for 720p for other games, but VF is 4:3 anyway in the arcade... 10-year-old Aiwa stereo with subwoofer that sounds great when people wall splat. Hori ex2 stick.

    One day I'm going to pull it back enough to make Pai life-size and get a pic of my wife fighting her.
  18. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    Samsung 40" 1080p LCD (LN-S4096D)
    Samsung home theater surround system (HT-TQ85)
    Xbox 360 Premium 20gb
  19. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    26" samsung LCD, X360 and a Hori stick.
  20. C1REX

    C1REX Well-Known Member

    I use RGB connection to my secondary TV (HDTV is used as a 32' PC monitor).
    I don't understand why RGB/SCART/EURO doesn't exist in USA when it's obviously the best for SDTV.

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