What does more damage to the forum??

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by adamYUKI, Oct 25, 2001.

  1. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I want to ask a very clear question, what does more damage, read the colin leong thread, and read the bottom question that I ask in this post, then reply here with your thoughts on how it reflects on this forum.

    Lets take it backward kbcat, what sets up the second paragraph is the first one, you have to read the rest of the thread to understand it. The first one is written by rich, it clearly says SOMEONE, not, since I have the ability to do Senbon Nokku, rich laters uses They and Thier to again refer to a third party.

    The first sentence sets up dimwit as rich, but refers to senbon punches not Senbon Nokku. Nothing wrong with that. Very Very clear. Then Alucard references the first paragraph he quoted rich in, Alucard even copied richs quotes into his own post to make it clear. Alucard says its a joke if <b>you've</b>...the youve is obviously third person, since he is replying to rich who is speaking in third person about the SAME TOPIC. If it has been something different or rich had implied in the first paragraph that he could do senbon nokku, then you could assume alucard was talking about rich. But obviously rich was talking in third person, so he replied to it.

    Really is there any way to even argue this point if you read <b>BOTH</b> paragraphs?

    "...if <b>someone</b> had the dexterity to do Senbon Nokku to KO, <b>they</b> fucking DESERVED to win. If <b>they</b> were good at in combos, well good for them; more reward for <b>their</b> dexterity."

    "I was talking about senbon punches, not nokku-whatever dimwit. Its a joke to say that if <b>you've</b> got the dexterity to do senbon nokku, </b>you</b> deserve to win. It only proofs that <b>you're</b> probably a pianist whos got plenty of time and patience to perfect a BUG. No brains required, suits Mr.FatEgo perfectly (this talks about the technique mentioned in the first paragraph). No wonder you keep insisting that VF2 rules."

    Furthermore to prove that you and rich are being anal about EVERYTHING, alucard clears up the confusion if there was any. Yet no apologies or "oh that oks", or at the very least the courtesy to ignore the thread is given to him, instead people write your engligh sucks and try to hammer the fact that he was an idiot for writing it in the first place, even AFTER he clears up his post. Thanks. Realy nice guys.

    Now who does more damage, me who goes around saying, im better lets get together so I can beat you in the game


    Someone who scrutinizes every single post down to the english and making the person feel even stupider after they've cleared up their point of view.


  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I dunno about anyone else, but I definitely enjoyed reading the colin thread more than any trashtalk :D

    To an extent I agree with you, but what seems like nitpicking is just part of an effort to promote a very important habit: writing clear, thought-out, well-written posts. Little differences in semantics can make a big difference in how your post is read... for example "All those picky people on the board piss me off...CreeD and Yupa have been trying to explain to me about writing clearly... but I think y'all need to be less anal and just fuck off and die." ... the y'all could mean picky people or CreeD and Yupa in particular. It's important to make it clear. Read it one way and it says "two guys think I should change my writing style, but I disagree, I think the rest of the world needs to lighten up" ... or it could say "two guys and the rest of the world are on my case, and they can all go to hell"

    Anyway, sorry to lecture.

    /versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>~~~ Don't make me rape you with a sharp stick ~~~/versus/images/icons/mad.gif<font color=red>
  3. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    "I dunno about anyone else, but I definitely enjoyed reading the colin thread more than any trashtalk :D"

    Agreed. I too enjoyed reading the thread more than any other recent posts.

    I also have to respect Bungle creativity in chaining up words.

    ...I guess I'd have fun as long as they're not directed at me....
  4. Emil

    Emil Well-Known Member

    "I also have to respect Bungle creativity in chaining up words"

    I don't see what is so creative about taking a few random crude words and putting them together.

  5. adamYUKI

    adamYUKI Well-Known Member

    I agree with you on that one Emil, and since the earlier thread seems to be locked, I guess I will reply to kbcat/bungle here.

    You guys curse more than any other posters on the board. Do you read my posts to you guys? Do you see any curses in them? This is the attitude I was talking about. You attack my sense of english much MUCH MUCH more directly than I do, you quote mispellings, misuse of words, like interjected or injected (and BTW you can use both), you even quote lack of use of quotation marks.

    Should we change this board to VF Board for english masters only? OR VF board where you have to run your posts through MS word and triple check before posting?


  6. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    Please, (I'm not trying to be insulting here) let's all take ICE's advice and give it a rest. It's over, we're all tired of it.

  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Should we change this board to VF Board for english masters only? OR VF board where you have to run your posts through MS word and triple check before posting?

    How about we change the board for registered users only? No, wait, did that already.. doh! ;)

    In all seriousness Andy, I'll tell you what does more "damage" to the forum. It's finger-pointing, blame seeking posts like these (which would have been better posted in the General board btw). Quit harping on it, and move on. You won't find the answers you're looking for, this is not a group therapy session, and most people don't really care about online flames. What pains me most is to think that earlier this year, I sat down to an enjoyable dinner with you, Rich and Jeff, and it was nice to see everyone acting civil toward one another. I only wish this could be extended online, but I also wish Ashley Judd was sitting on my lap right now.

    In the past, most flame-wars have been left untouched in the hope that they burn out eventually, and they usually do. Very rarely have I had to step in and close a thread, and I'd like to keep it that way. Like some others have already mentioned, I find some entertainment in reading flame wars but that's not to say that I'll always welcome them, especially when it becomes apparent that one side is taking it personally.

    Trolls like Emil, who I've noticed have a habit of chiming in with their quick hit-and-run comments only make matters worse. My only advice to those who don't want to perpetuate a flame war is to simply not add any fuel to it!

    Topics will continue to go off topic, and people will continue to argue. Maintaining these forums for a little over two years now I've let a lot of shit slide, and I'm not about to play net-nanny now. I don't know about the rest of you but I'd hate to be a part of any forum with strict moderation on content or censorship rules. People will know that I will draw the line at some point, but in general I'm not going to threaten to take the freedom away from here, but I'll take the opportunity to remind you how good you have it.

    In closing, I'll agree with CreeD's reply. And everyone should read his posting guidelines again.
    Pai~Chun likes this.
  8. Kiuju

    Kiuju Well-Known Member

    I read 1 paragraph. I've been on alot of forums man. Best way to keep them alive is to keep talking even if its BS talk even if it bothers somebody. How are you going to have a community based around a game if nobody knows eachother. You know what I mean.

  9. Emil

    Emil Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure how to respond to your post.

    I think what you said about me is highly inappropriate and I think you don't really understand what a message board is for.


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