What Best Combo for Akira??

Discussion in 'Akira' started by Nemesis5x, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    What are your best combos for akira that you can actually do?

    Mine is [2][1][4][P] [3][3][P] [3][K][G][6][P][4][6][6][P][K]. The head collapse then the floater then DLC. Does about 90 damage I forget.

    I need to know more, I cant beat the W.M.A.T II and I need waste on my friend.
  2. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    comon dude, u dun need fancy shmancy combos to win any of the tourneys. theyre almost all the same. the only difference with the W.M.A.T II is that it has more characters in the tournament. practice mastering the following moves:
    the [6][6][6][P]. use this to move to cause a collapse in your enemy then follow up with [6][6][K][K], [G][K]+[P] or anything else that you like.
    the [2_][4][6] is good for punishing opponents who do low attacks. after blocking the low attack ([2_]+[G]), simply do [4][6][P]. you can also do the [2_][6][P] ([P]) in this situation. (this move helps against lion players who seem to do a lot of low attacks)
    i would suggest you learn how to use this technique correctly. you may want to also counter low attack (after blocking) with [2_][6][P][K] and finish with DLC.
    the [3][3][P] is great for starting combos as well and is great as a counter attack as it does much more damage.
    anywho, just stick with the moves that you are comfortable with to win. most players dont use too many long combos in important matches. learn to use these moves correctly and youll win every match in every tourney.
    when facing human opponents, try to change your strategy now and then. dont do predictable sequences of attacks cuz they catch onto that crap faster than the AIs.
  3. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    I have pretty much mastered all that you wrote but the [2_][6][P][P]. Timing is hard for me. I can do the [2][1][4] [P] easily like 95% of time and I can do the DLC 85% of time so Im not trying to make it fancy. I just want to know more combos to do more damage to get better.
  4. Saurian

    Saurian Well-Known Member

    Try stuff like starting juggles off an evade - launching with [2_][6][P]+[K]

    For example, Evade [2_][6][P]+[K] [P] Dragon Lance

    The actual commands for the evade then uppercut is (in my preference):
    Evade - [1][1][6][P]+[K]

    After a high launcher - [K]+[G] release [G] 1 frame knee on counterhit for example - you can follow up with:
    [P] [1][1][6][P]+[K] [1][1][4][6][P] (Knee, punch, shoulder ram, double palm)
    *if they land by a wall you can fling in a [4][6][6][P]+[K]
  5. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    well then, if its only combos that you need to know, then there are a lot you can do. for example, if you can do the AS3 (i am assuming you can do it since you know how to do a DLC) then you can do a yoho, [3][3][P] +a modified shoulder ram, [3][3][6][P][K], and then finish with a AS3, which is [2][G][K]+[6][K]+[4][6][P]. you can even finish this combo with a [P]+[G][K]+[P] and get an equally satisfactory result. the knee is really really really tough on the pad. i can perform it now n then on the stick, but i dont think its worth all that trouble.

    another move you can try, similar to the last one but tougher to pull off, is [3][3][P]+[P]+[3][3][6][P][K]+DLC. the timing of the punch after the yoho has to be right for this combo to work. as you may be aware, some of these combos are either very difficult to pull off on heavy weights and sometimes it is impossible.

    Saurian suggests using akira's unfamous knee. i personally cant do it right, so i suggest you dont waste your time because it is a vain pursuit to do this until you are confident you can do all the other much more useful moves. incorporate the shoulder ram [3][3][6][P][K] in most of your combos. it is a really nice mid-combo floater.
    there is another useful combo that you should learn. it is a little advanced, but you may already know how to do it. after the throw, [4][3][G][P], immediately do [1][1][4][P]+[1][1][6][4][P]. i am sure you have seen many people deal this combo in quest mode. i still screw up on this combo sometimes,but it is still a very nice combo in his arsenal.

    if you have trouble doing the first two combos, try [3][3][P]+[P]+[2][P]+[4][6][P] or [3][3][P]+[P]+[G][K]+[P]. both do respectable damage.

    now if you think thats just too ez, then try [3][3][P]+[P]+[3][3][6][P][K]+[P]+DLC.
    as far as the [2_][6][P][P] goes, go to training mode. then set the display thingie to B i think, really cant remember but its the one that records the timing of your moves. then try to wait 17 frames or 17/60 sec till you do the second [P]. youll catch on eventually; if not then do it at slow motion.
  6. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    thanx that helped alot
  7. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    This u might have seen in quest mode:start with [3][3][P] then [P] quickly use [3][3][6][P][K] then [3][3][4][6][P].If u cant get the last one in try using [K][G]+[P] instead
  8. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

  9. OneTooMany

    OneTooMany Well-Known Member

    Holy shnitzen man! That's kinda cool
  10. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

    Hehe cheers. That thread is full of as many Akira combos as possible. I have missed some out I think like:

    knee(MC)>knee>ABC (up to jacky and Akira I think...) or
    [3][3][P]>[P]>[2_][6][P]+[K]>ABC in open stance

    For my money theres no "best" Akira combo, simply as it depends on who your playing, what stance, hit etc you get into. For me the following are some of his "best" options:

    [3][3][P]>[P]>[2_][6][P]+[K]>[2_][4][6][P] open or closed up to HWs. Vs HWs the dbpm can be changed with a [2_][K]. 75 damage on normal hit 90 on counter. Vs some MWs and LWs in open can use DJK as ender or DLC or ABC for varying damage/flashiness scales.

    [4][6][P]>[P]>[2_][4][6][P] ESSENTIAL to learn. Open or closed vs HWs use [2][P]>[2_][4][6][P]

    knee/[3][3][P](MC)>[P]>knee/[3][3][P]>[2_][4][6][P] in closed generally vs LWs.

    [2_][6][P]+[K]>DLC normal hit in closed. Actually better follow up is [2][P]>DLC in either stance I think.

    [2_][6][P]+[K]>[P]>[6][6][K][K] open. Can get an extra ounch in vs most chars but vs HWs need an MC to get 2 punches in.

    Loads more I could post but I consider these to be a good starting point for people wanting to use Akira.
  11. Nemesis5x

    Nemesis5x Member

    I am still not sure what open and closed stance is can someone plz explain?

    I have alot of trouble buffering [3][3] or [1][1] to do this move [2_][4][6][P]. I can do it but it just dont do it quick enough, I use a pad and the knee is just too hard to do.
  12. gazza

    gazza Well-Known Member

    I usually wouldn't toot my own horn, but check out my Akira combo chart as well. It's listed by damage (I know, I'm gonna organize them a bit better when I have time), but it should give you an idea as to what is possible against each character. Only float combos there, by the way..
  13. ZenMasterZ

    ZenMasterZ Active Member

    you are not the only one who has trouble buffering. this is just a matter of practice, no other way around it. i noticed that it is ezier on a joystick than the ps2 pad.
    um the only thing that i can recommend is if you press the [2] and [6] buttons simultaneously instead of trying to press the [3] "button" (the ps2 controller was not made for playing vf4). this means that your thumb should cover a better half of the directional pad than it regularly does. i wish i could draw you a picture of it to show you.
    if this doesnt make much sense, dont worry. you probably input the [3][3] and [1][1] motions correctly, just not fast enough. practice in training mode till your thumb becomes sore and oozy, thats the kind of sacrifice you do to play as akira. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
  14. LM_Akira

    LM_Akira Well-Known Member

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