Weird Disconnect Glitch(or Protocol) CONFIRMED...

Discussion in 'Console' started by FlyMike, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    Yo, I don't know how many people encountered this, or even realize that it happened but we got it quite a bit last night in a room we were in. To put it short, many disconnects are not simple disconnects. And before it happens, the winner of the match might be totally different for you or your opponent.

    Only reasonable explanation I can think of is that when the game senses a possible disconnect it will allow the A.I. to kick in for the opponent. So both of you likely end up destroying the A.I. and become the victor in your "own" matches. In other words, both of you will see and experience totally different shit. Any fellow players in the room will see what either you or your opponent saw. It's fucking weird and random.

    So just a heads up when one of your boys says they won before the game disconnected. They're not filthy liars lol. This is a weird glitch and I imagine some people probably got into an argument or fight over it haha. But it's definitely a strange way to deal with disconnects. But should be a known issue by now and just spread the word and let peeps know what's up whenever it happens.

    I'd prefer the game to just end in draw or wherever it dropped off EVERYTIME
    a DC happens, rather than attempt to salvage the match by creating a dummy opponent. I don't think no one wants to finish a match just for completion's sake that bad, but maybe Sega thought different.
  2. MegaMaN85

    MegaMaN85 Well-Known Member

    It sounds like this may be a PSN thing as I've never encountered this on live. hopefully I won't either.

    That sucks to know because you wouldn't have won fairly and that can also be quite troublesome. especially if it's with a really salty player... cause a trash talking session for no reason! XD
  3. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Happens to me all the time. Last night I had fought a Shun player in a room, fought all the way through and won. On Au's stream, it had disconnected during our second round [​IMG]. I was confused to see me having to face the same player.

    Not completely aggravating but unfair to those waiting.
  4. cka

    cka Active Member

    I get this on the PSN too. Strangely enough, it only happens with any frequency with one friend I play against, and I think I traced the problem to their ISP's bandwidth provider having an issue with their uplink. A traceroute showed that a few hops were timing out and that's my best guess as to why it'll just up and disconnect like that and play out differently on both consoles. It's funny too, because we've got 3 bars with eachother, and other friends that are 2 and 1 bar play fine. It was really bad for about a week where we couldn't even get through a single round without it disconnecting, then a few days ago seemed to clear itself up (although lately it's been starting again, so who knows...)

    So while there may be some interference with the psn/game network code in general, my theory is that it's more related to the internet itself than anything.
  5. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    So you're saying that if someone gets disconnected then the game will put an A.I. opponent in the disconnected players place and not tell you-and this will only happen in room matches?
  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I've had this happen quite a number of times in player rooms on PSN. We only figured out the AI takeover thing when a new player thought he had beaten me after I DC'd during the first round. He went on for the rest of the night about how he's "the best player in the room". LOL
  7. Kidvid711

    Kidvid711 Well-Known Member

    I had that only one time back in the regular Virtua Fighter 5
  8. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Wait a minute, did this happen when I beat Elite the one time? Elite, if you remember the fight we had in Vanessa's stage, what do you remember? I fought you again after my victory, and thought that was weird.
  9. fairchild

    fairchild New Member

    Haha. This explains a match I played a couple of days ago on live.
    I was actually thinking of starting a "Bots on Xbox Live ?!?" thread about it.

    A couple of days ago played this sarah and got my ass handed to me.
    This isn't very strange since I'm not very good but the player managed to land her FL p, 2k,2k,2k just frame move on me 2/2 times. Being a sarah player I found this to be a pretty fishy since I know that this move is very difficult to complete even offline. She also landed other wicked combos on me too. Since then I've been wondering if there's been botting on VF5.

    I guess in a way there is.
  10. Bilal

    Bilal Well-Known Member

    It also happened once in our PSN room tonight.

    Also, for some unfathomable reason, 95% of random disconnects were during Lion matches.
  11. FlyMike

    FlyMike Well-Known Member

    As much as I bash Xbox and whatnot, I actually kinda hope it's a PSN only thing. No sense for all of us to have to go through this lol. And yea, it IS troublesome.

    But some times the only people that may have to wait is YOU or your opponent, as it may boot one of you to the bottom, after a "supposed" win.

    That's a good bit of info as to what makes the DC happen but...WHO am I playing in place of my live opponent. And WHY???

    That's the theory man. A rather reasonable one. Maybe it can be tested if you have a room of guys, and they all record a set. Then timestamp stuff for verifiable proof. And I don't know if it happens only in room matches. Leaves quite a bit of room for it to happen in any online setting possibly.

    So just think about how many people posted bad games or thought someone pulled a plug on them after they won, when that person might've been thinking the exact same thing. Hmmmm?

    Haha, oh shit. And see, that's the singlehandedly most DANGEROUS thing about this glitch lmao. Man oh man lol.

    Wow, so it could've possibly always been a "thing". Why Sega?!?

    I definitely think so. And this wasn't your Jekyll/Hyde style of play, but I remember one of you and Elite's matches where you played like straight ass and he won(or that's what we saw), and then you guys played again. That's why we were asking what was going on, and you were prob thinking the same thing in reverse.

    The glitch only spectates from the pov of one of the players. So you'll always have like 2 or 3 people against 1 if it came down to an argument abaout who won. I've never seen or caught it to where it was mixed. Like in a 4 man room, where one of the 2 spectators sees a diff pov. It's either or. Which makes it even more bizarre and dirty.
  12. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I've know about this problem for quite a while thanks to headsets and honest players. We just let them run it back unless they keep DC'ing.
  13. Lygophilia

    Lygophilia Well-Known Member

    I had that misfortune a week ago. I certainly haven't had a stable result using Wolf and Lei Fei, so I used them against two players and I had an unexpected disconnect in the first round in our second game when I was losing. It seems that I would have use my more or most capable characters unlike Wolf, Lei Fei, and Eileen next time in non-private rooms as an attempt to avoid a potential negative conflict. There have been other fighting games before this one I had this glitch with being wrongly accused of, it's a problem.
  14. ToyDingo

    ToyDingo Well-Known Member

    I've had this happen a number of times in room and player matches. I don't know if it has happened in ranked because when you're done with the opponent, you move on...

    I honestly would prefer the game simply just disconnect instead of continuing and letting you whoop up on the retarded AI.

    Think Sega cares enough to patch their netcode? :meh:
  15. MalahkAngel

    MalahkAngel Active Member

    It's not so much a problem with Sega's netcode as it is with the PS3 seeming to throttle connections speeds. I was averaging 1.7 mbp/s until I DMZ'ed my PS3 when I was getting 18.7 mbp/s on my netbook. Plus, on top of that, different games operate on different ports (unlike Live) and VF operates on a seldom used one. I think Sega knows this and adjusted their netcode to compensate, probably thinking that folks would rather finish a match than get booted halfway.

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