
Discussion in 'Console' started by Silencer, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Silencer

    Silencer New Member

    I want to know how can I get all of the wallpapers in VF4 Evolution? Please help
  2. PurpGuy

    PurpGuy Well-Known Member

    Try playing through Quest Mode with multiple characters. I think some of them are Quest Order rewards, and there are more wallpapers than Quest Orders that reward you with them.

    I did notice, after I stopped getting wallpapers with Sarah, when I started playing other characters through the first couple arcades I started getting them again. Conceivably, if you just take each character through the first few arcades you should eventually get them all.

    Or I could be completely wrong, and certain ones are only awarded through the use of certain characters.

    It's one of those two possibilities. Either way, the answer is to use more Quest Mode characters.
  3. DeathCom

    DeathCom Well-Known Member

    There are exclusive wallpapers only to be found through finishing challenge mode. Which IMO is not exactly worth it for characters your not very good with. (and even with ones you are, I still find it near impossible.)

  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    I want to know how can I get all of the wallpapers in VF4 Evolution? Please help

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Time spent doing a search: 2 minutes
    Search string used: +wallpaper +how +get
    Result found: Re: Wallpapers
    Answering your own question: Priceless! /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  5. Radames

    Radames Member

    My favorite is the Jeffy wallpaper where he has this wild afro and a crazy, comical look on his face. I crack up every time I see it!

    Aoi looks like a transvestite on her wallpaper, which is also quite humorous. =)

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