Virtua Fighter vs Tekken

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 18, 2016.

By Myke on Oct 18, 2016 at 7:23 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    WatchMojo recently published a Virtua Fighter vs Tekken comparison video. It compares both series in the categories of story, characters, legacy, lasting appeal and combat. What do you think of their assessment?

    Tip: @Altered, @Unicorn


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 18, 2016.

    1. Unicorn
      To be honest, I more or less like 1st half of the video, while the 2nd half (lasting appeal) sounded like comming from someone who did not bother to even play VF beyond watching some random vids on YT
      Citrus likes this.
    2. Marlow
      I think it's a fair take. I haven't played Tekken, and only just started playing VF, so it's hard for me to really get into forming an opinion. The only point I would quibble with is "combat". I really like VF's system, because it's simple, yet offers an amazing amount of depth. It's just a very tight system. Again, not having played Tekken I can't say for sure which I find better, all I know is that I really like VF's system. It didn't sound like the reviewer really understood the VF concept.
      Birthua and Technocrow like this.
    3. Marlow
      I'm not always a fan of the "Game X vs Game Y" stuff, because I think it sometimes promotes almost a nationalistic response about fighting games. Games don't always need to compete with each other. Obviously both games have had great success, and there's no reason somone can't enjoy both. I've enjoyed pretty much every fighting game I've ever watched or dabbled with.
    4. oneida
      I'm not going to say too much about this video, but if you're going to grade them on any scale, having 'story' be exactly as important as 'combat' in a fighting game speaks volumes of the author and the intended audience.
      Birthua, MadeManG74 and nou like this.
    5. SUGATA
      This is one of the most casual and unprofessional VS review i've ever seen.
      Citrus likes this.
    6. nou
      I'll take VF's systems over Tekken's systems any day. Mainly due to the evade system, which ties into its movement/stepping system. Defense being an active component is another point I give VF, where it's defensive input vs offensive inputs as opposed to more turn based passive system where holding back to block until it's your turn is boring.

      I do like that Tekken's movelist is more varied among its cast compared to early VF.
      Dark Nova Void likes this.
    7. Citrus
      Obnoxious, stupid, ignorant and obviously biased.
      I like also how he constantly shows off fancy Tekken tournament footages, while all the parts showcasing Virtua Fighter are nothing but plain and boring play in arcade mode.

      Don't tell me it's not one sided, he said it himself at the end of the video "thanks for making a game like Tekken possible".
      The rating makes no sense, you can even tell that the "legacy" rating was just here to kind of give a point to VF.

      Yes the whole idea of this video is just to say Tekken is superior, there is no clear analysis.
      Sorry but saying that VF main characters are cheap SF rip offs? Is he implying that's not the case for Tekken(including the characters they recycled from VF? ) ?

      On another note:
      What's new on ZBEP videos? He never released his Virtua Fighter 4 history video.
      Dragonps likes this.
    8. Phoxx
      To be honest, this just looks like a comparison made by someone who doesn't actually play VF. The comparison points were arbitrary -- he could have just chosen 5 different points biased around VF's stronger aspects and make VF win instead. Also, blatant disregard for other 3D fighting franchises like Soul Calibur and DOA.
      Birthua, Ellis, oneida and 1 other person like this.
    9. IcKY99
      Myke please remove this post/video it was clearly made by someone who doesn't play vf. Isn't worthy of being on vfdc
    10. SUGATA
      VFDC is a site for VF fans, ok
      But the most comments on even Eventhubs (not VF site, but one of the most global and professional fighters' site) are talking about the incompetence of the author of the video and ... btw that VF is better)
      The author just want to get some self PR by his video VS "analysis", but this video is so incompetence that this become a trolling.
      There are many much more professional VS discussion on internet, so i think this video is not worth it to put it on the main page...
    11. nou
      Unless someone has other news I don't see why it shouldn't be here. Just the reactions it garnered are reason enough. At least someone knows what this game is, lol. I've seen dumber comparison videos.

      Maa~aaybe it'll get people checking out this place for OUR reactions? Just a thought.
      Myke likes this.
    12. Kruza
      My reaction to this video? *yawn*

      i look at this video and i look at the eventhubs article and comments, and i see nothing but a huge pile of ignorance (to both games, but espescially to VF)
      Birthua, Technocrow, Tricky and 3 others like this.
    14. Tricky
      As much of a VF fan that I am, this video wasn't actually that far off. If we take off our VF love and just look at the games side by side like this, Tekken does actually win. I just happen to prefer the overall approach of VF comparatively. The same reasons most people don't like VF are the reasons why I like it. The game is a focused gem rather than a flashy bonanza of awesomeness that Tekken is. I get why people don't like VF and prefer other games. I hope one day SEGA is able to give this franchise the love it needs to become center stage like Tekken is able to manage. Who knows, maybe Namco will pick it up.
      Marlow and nou like this.
    15. Unicorn
      @Tricky I may agree that overall Tekken should win cause of being more popular game globally, but let's face the fact that if nothing else, the "lasting appeal" portion of video was utter bullshit.

      Let's look at it closer:
      • VF1 brought 3D graphics. Not only to FG gender, but to games overall. It was military technology till VF.
      • VF2 brought motion capturing. Again, not only to fighting games, but to games overall.
      • VF2 PC also brought 1st "playable" FG online experience ever, as far as I am aware.
      • VF3 brought real 3rd dimension to 3D FGs.
      • VF4 brought customization to FGs as well as player profile that includes stats and such.
      • Also, VF4 brought customizable, trainable AI that not even Sega was able to reproduce since after.
      • VF5 brought many arcade improvements we do not see, but it stil exists: online updates over physical replacement of arcade release, direct youtube uploads of matches, 1st "progaming" tv (and 1st gaming live stream service). It was pilot project for service that basically transferred arcades to modern era.
      • As far as I am aware, VF5 X360 version was 1st FG to furture "modern" netcode, but I may be mistaken here.
      • Also, last but not least, each and every VF was globally praised for "godlike graphics" in the time of release.
      But Tekken is clearly superior, because
      • Tekken Ball is actually fun to play"
      • Tag feature bings more depth to gameplay (we may argue in here, plus it is NOT even tekken-invetned feature to start with)
      Coroo, SUGATA, Kruza and 3 others like this.
    16. EmpNovA
      VF4 had direct uploads of replays as well just not to YouTube. You could save replays to your mobile or PC and then upload them. Sega had a system where they could automatically save 100% of replays from a tournament and upload them to their website. Probably most VF4/EVO/FT matches on YouTube are those videos.

      VF4 was also the first time where a game company broadcasted their majors over the internet. This was way before EVO had livestreams. KSII was streamed live as a full tournament with exhibitions and product demos and announcements and this was 2003. Now almost all major arcades in Japan have streaming services. Look at how SEGA handled the Sonic Anniversary party compared to how KSII was broadcast and you can see that the company is basically on life support.

      VF4 also required arcades to have full time internet connections which opened up tons of new games that online features. Now most arcades have their own internet hub and are built with internet wiring in mind throughout the entire facility. Before VF4 it was basically thought impractical to have internet wired machines throughout a game center. Lots of operators said that wouldn't run VF4 with the online connection but SEGA made it mandatory and then VF4 became the biggest arcade game for years anyways.

      VF4 and VF4EVO were also arcade perfect ports on PS2 despite being made on Naomi hardware. Only differences are the jagged graphics as PS2 was less powerful than the arcade hardware. Where's VF4FT:HD SEGA?

      VF5's netcode is just as bad as anything else. And peer-to-peer with rollbacks like GGPO does had been known about for a while. I don't see any innovation there. There's really zero innovation with VF5 or VF5FS at all. VF5FS is a mediocre game and a pathetic VF title. That's what happens you when fire everyone from the AM2 team and replace Yu Suzuki.

      All Tekken games just ripoff VF games. This is known by anyone who has played FGs for a while. VF does something and then Tekken does it. VF does customizations and Tekken does it later. VF does bounce combos and then Tekken does it. VF does Quest Mode and then Tekken gets Quest Mode. VF does long combos and then Tekken does it. But Tekken has Bears and Robots and a Fighting Tree and Gouki/Akuma so it's clearly superior.

      The latest Tekken is supposedly horrible. Like worst in the series bad. Probably because there wasn't a VF6 to steal everything from. Some arcades in Japan have been having small VF3 and VF4 tournaments in the last few years. If SEGA had left the card readers on VF4FT alive it would get lots of play most likely.
      Coroo, Tricky, Kruza and 3 others like this.
    17. The_Nth_Degree
      Ugggh. That video was utter bullshit. The only areas Tekken would win are story and variety of modes. Variety of modes wasn't even a fucking category in Watchmojo's video, so WTF.
      At least they acknowledged that VF devs made Tekken.

      The video is the the most rudimentary shallow ignorant superficial appraisal of both games. When they gave the combat category to Tekken I wanted to break my computer . Just because Tekken uses left and right Kick and punch buttons doesn't make it "more realistic fighting". It just makes the game easier for casuals because you can just dial a combo or do a combo by accident. Actual fighting isn't just alternating your left and right limbs, whoever thinks that is an idiot .

      What's good about Tekkens combat is the variety of options you have offensively when downed, and the castwide reversal system.
      The worst part is the video implied that only on Tekken can you create your own combos, and it leaves more room for originality . They completely glossed over that fact that you can create combos in both games, but you would fucking lose like a n00b because they aren't max damage combos .

      That said , it's nice that they think VF is even relevant enough to be in a video. That's the second Watchmojo VF video in a year. Perhaps they know something that we don't , like a Virtua Fighter 6 announcement is emminent .
      Dark Nova Void and BLACKSTAR like this.
    18. nou
      Gonna need a citation for some of the stuff you are posting @EmpNovA . "Everyone getting fired at AM2" isn't known about and would've made news.

      Yu Suzuki's last directorial work on VF was VF3. I'll pull the citation when I'm off work and not on a phone.

      Online was better implemented with VF4 as the DRM wasn't anywhere near as bad as VF5 or was it? You couldn't play FT outside of Japan for a long while just as VF5 and VF5:R? is pretty awesome regardless.

      I feel like this could thread could bring back the "the damage was never this high !!1!" and other nonsense posts when FS first dropped on consoles, lol!

      I hope this can bring back a fire.
      SDS_Overfiend1, Tricky and BLACKSTAR like this.
    19. Kruza
      EmpNovA, I agree with just about everything in your post above except this part:

      I'm curious at just how much of VF5FS you actually played when you made these statements.


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